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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Anti-War Rallies Continue in Sacramento Saturday, Sept. 3

by Dan Bacher (danielbacher [at]
The need to withdraw from the occupation of Iraq becomes more urgent as we
see scenes from the devastation of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast from
Hurricane Katrina. The massive flooding and thousands of deaths in New
Orleans are direct results of the Bush regime's failure to complete repairs
of the levees surrounding the city. Rather than spend the $250 million
needed for levee repairs, the Bush regime chose to divert the money to the
war in Iraq. In addition, thousands of National Guard troops from Louisiana
and neighboring states are stationed in Iraq as the devastation in New
Orleans continues.

Meanwhile, it appears that an insurrection has broken out in New Orleans,
with armed groups shooting at military helicopters - and resulting in the
suspension of rescue efforts.

From New Orleans to Iraq, the Bush administration continues to kill more and
more people - and spread more and more havoc - each day.

To show your opposition to the war in Iraq and your support for a true
American hero, Cindy Sheehan, please come to the demonstration at Arden Way
and Heritage Lane in Sacramento from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm on Saturday,
September 3.

Here's the announcement about the rally from Bill Lackemacher of Sacramento
for Democracy. I hope to see you there!
Hello all:

Last Saturday's rally to support Cindy Sheehan and the anti-Iraq war
movement grew larger once again!! As you may know, Cindy has left Crawford
and has started a bus tour ( ) throughout
the country on her way to Washington, D.C. for the big anti-war rally Sept.
24 - 26. As the Bring Them Home Now Tour moves forward, so will our

This Saturday, Sept. 3rd, we will join Sacramento Peace Action's 1st Sat.
vigil at Arden Way & Heritage Lane (in front of Arden Mall ) from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM. This is the last
weekend for the State Fair and combined with the weekend mall traffic, we
should get much more visibility. This is a big intersection, so we really
need to turn out in large numbers once again. Also, this earlier time slot
may get us some coverage on the evening news in addition to the late news.

Karen Bernal will be back from Crawford and will attend this rally with
fresh stories about her 3 weeks in the Texas heat with Cindy. She will let
us know how this has truly been a life-changing experience.

We have Bush and the Radical Right on the run. Their numbers are
plummeting. Let's keep the momentum going by spreading the truth about this
immoral war!!

Please forward this email to your family and friends.

Bring your signs and banners!

See you Saturday!!

Bill Lackemacher
sac4democracy [at]

Ps: Next Wed, Sept. 7th, Sacramento for Democracy will have their monthly
meeting. This month we will be working with Leave My Child Alone ( ) to inform Sacramentan's that they can
OPT OUT of their school's military recruitment lists and the Pentagon's
illegal database. More info is here:
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by sacto truth seeker
I have a concern regarding the statement that implies we need the national guard. Why is the national guard presence "bad" in Iraq, but "good" in the US? The same question goes for the idea that US troops are "bad" in Iraq, but UN troops would be "good." Any military (type) organization with troops that have weapons and use force to maintain law and order is not my idea of something positive...
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