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International Tribunal on Iraq

by Amal Sawadi
The final session of the World Tribunal on Iraq took place in Istanbul June 23-27.The WTI was an effort modeled on the International Bertrand Russell War Crimes Tribunal, which investigated the Vietnam War in 1967. The WTI has been holding sessions around the globe for the past two years, gathering testimonies to serve as a record of the Iraq war.
WTI defines itself as a "horizontal network of local groups and individuals worldwide that work together in a non- hierarchical system. The project...investigates issues related to the war on Iraq, such as the legality of the war, the role of the United Nations, war crimes and the role of the media."
According to organizer Melek Taylan, “By this tribunal we are also aiming to leave a record to history of what actually happened and how it happened in Iraq... Since the international community is incapable of judging the reasons and the actors responsible for the killings of innocent people in Iraq, the people of the world will take the initiative on its behalf.”
In Istanbul, witnesses from Iraq gave gripping presentations on the war to a packed room of more than 600 people. On the next page, we are reprinting the testimony from Amal Sawadi concerning detentions and prison conditions. Most of the testimonies and the final declaration of the Jury of Conscience are available at
Maybe there are people with a conscience who can provide answers as to why Iraqi people have been insulted and killed. Why have scientists been killed? Why have children been killed? Why are women underdoing torture in Iraq? When will the American forces stop interfering with people’s lives? What do these invadors want?

I believe that - as you all see, as the whole world sees now - that the Iraqi invasion is the result of a big international conspiracy. The UK, the USA and their allies are in a conspiracy and they are distorting the truth. They are lying to the international public and to peace lovers. Unfortunately, the media helped support this event. In many capitals of the world, there have been many protests that have not been widely reported in the media.

There is onoing torture in Iraqi prisons by the U.S. and U.K. forces. They have killers who are slowly killing people. They are using these killers in the prisons. What we are about to expose about these tortures is our documented truth.

First of all, they are imprisoned without any legal justification. Sometimes they use Iraqi police for capturing people - they come to the house and enter in the middle of the night, at 2 a.m. or 3am, when everybody is asleep. They use explosives to break down the doors, then the soldiers enter the house and they point their guns at everybody in the house.

The Americans tie people’s hands up and then they put the women on one side, the children on another and the men at another corner. They search women in front of their fathers. They don’t ask their permission although they know that Iraqi women are sensitive about these issues. They don’t even let women put on their veils. Sometimes, Americans arrest all the family and other times they leave the women and children outside and only arrest the men.

Sacks are placed on the heads of the people who are to be taken away while their hands remain tied. When it’s a woman, they tie the hands and the feet. Then they put everybody in a vehicle, piling people up without any respect. When they leave the house, the doors are left open to help thieves rob the place.

Then the investigation starts. Actually, what they are investigating is ambiguous. There are no lawyers allowed for the detainees and no information is given about the reason or the evidence surrounding the detentions. In the process, Iraqi women are being raped. One woman was bleeding for three months and the raping continued. There was no health service. The media does not mention these facts or the fact that all of Iraq has become a prison.

They are dividing Iraqi people, provoking groups to act against each other. Even a ten-year old child could be arrested. They are being imprisoned for supporting their fathers who are resisting the occupation. They are doing so on the basis of some ridiculous evidence.

Of course, these kind of problems existed during Saddam’s time but, unfortunately, now things are much worse. Presently, all the detainees are being held together. There is no separation between men and women and children. People guilty of crimes are being freed but political prisoners remain behind bars. The clergy is being arrested in Iraq and we Iraqis have a great respect for our Imam. Our religious people are resisting and in return they are receiving harsh treatment. They are being humiliated. The occupation forces are showing a great disrespect towards Islam. They are urinating on our clergy and burying them with only their heads above ground, then stepping on their heads.

No journalists are allowed to enter the prisons. Nobody is allowed to visit. I called the Red Cross who did manage to enter but I don’t know what happened after that. One woman was liberated and then imprisoned once again. Her name is Houda Hafiz and I have no idea what has happened to her now.

This is the situation of Iraq today. Thank you very much for listening to what I have to say.
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by The Bush Demonaic WMD Choir
Bush: "Sorry to Oil the Carpet Bombings, Napalm, Death Squads, and Torture Chambers but Oil comes first."
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