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Indybay Feature


by Katrina Malachowski
There are a slew of reasons to start gardening; the delicious, fresh produce, the beautiful flowers, the pride you feel when your plants grow up big and strong. Gardening connects people to the earth, is known to alleviate depression and consoles city dwellers wishing for a bit of nature.
Organic is the way to go
Growing organically means more than boycotting dangerous pesticides. It’s about using nature’s resources to effectively nurture plants while leaving a minimal impact on the earth and encouraging localism. The average supermarket apple travels 1,500 miles from tree to table, and to survive that trip produce is harvested well before the peak of nutrition. Growing your own vegetables and herbs at home will deliver more vitamins and better flavor to your table, allow you a broader selection of produce, and eliminate the hazardous effects of pesticide consumption like cancer, birth defects and immune dysfunctions.

Consider Containers

Growing edibles directly in the city soil can be a challenge for strict organic gardeners. City soil is not only scarce, but it may be full of heavy metals, particularly lead from old lead-based paint, or contain traces of chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Stick to planting non-edible flowers in the dirt, and use pots for your fruits and vegetables. Use recycled containers or build your own out of scrap wood to minimize consumerism, and place them anywhere that gets sun, like your roof or fire escape. Fill your planters with organic potting soil, which can be found at most small nurseries.

Pick your Plants
Starting plants from seed can be a painstaking process, but it guarantees an organic start, as certified organic seeds are easier to come by than seedlings. Try hardy local favorites like the beautiful Nasturtium, which provides edible flowers, Salvia (sage) to flavor tomato sauce and attract butterflies, or the silvery leaved artichokes that thrive in this Mediterranean climate. Ask neighbors what works well in their gardens. People love to talk about their plants, and the advice will be well tailored to your needs. Most of all, cultivate with compassion and your crops will duly reward you.


Organic seeds from small farms, great practical advice and helpful forums:
Classes on everything from composting to urban foraging, based in SF:
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