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Indybay Feature

S.F. Supervisors Vote to Support Developers' Plans at Lake Merced!

by Parkmerced Resident/Friend of the Earth
San Francisco Supervisors yesterday voted 8-3 against ordering an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Bella Vista Development planned for an 7.7 acre designated open space park land on Brotherhood Way near Lake Merced. The anti-environment, pro-development vote was led by District 7 Supervisor Sean Elsbernd, front man for yuppie S.F. Mayor Gavin Newsom.
Lake Merced neighborhood groups are digging in for a long and protacted war against developers and their City Hall hacks who have their sights set on destroying designated open space parklands at and near the lake.On a vote of 8-3 last Tuesday, August 16th, SF Supervisors sent a message to San Franciscans that all protected open space areas in The City are fair game for development including scenic Brotherhood Way that leads to the lake.The Bella Vista Project is a 182-townhouse, market-rate development being peddled by the owners of Parkmerced, aka Olympic View Realty and Carmel Partners, LLC. Supervisors Daly, Mirkirimi, and Sandoval cast the only dissenting and principled votes against the grotesque PUD that will destroy the character of the protected city park lands as well as ignite a wave of destructive development around the lake. Parkmerced residents fear the project will begin a trend towards gentrification in one of The City's last remaining working class neighborhoods. Community groups, environmentalists and supporters of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) intend to continue the fight! Stay tuned.
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by Socialist
To all of you voters in District 9, your good Democrat Tom Ammiano joined the pro-condominium developer vote. This is the same Tom Ammiano who claims to "feel Israel's pain" but shows no concern for the Palestinians while $4 billion annually of our tax dollars goes to this US military base instead of workingclass housing at home, supported both stadium swindles, supported the illegal cross on Mt. Davidson and the privatization of park land to promote that illegal cross, supports the entire Democratic party ticket including Feinstein, Boxer, Gore, Kerry, Gray Davis and all the other warmongers & pro-death penalty advocates, and so forth. You had many good, strong choices including 1 Green Party member and 2 socialists last November. If you voted for a Democrat, you got it and it stinks like the trash that must be tossed in the dustbin of history if humanity is to advance.

The only housing that should be approved is affordable rental housing for the workingclass, those of us who sell our labor for less than $70,000 a year, and especially for those who make less than $30,000 a year, costing no more than 1/4 the renter's net income, and if that income is zero, then the apartment must be free, and there should be one room per person in the apartment, not including the kitchen and bathroom. We have lots of condominium buildings now on Van Ness and around the Transbay Terminal at Mission and First and generally in the South of Market area, most of which are empty. The rich do not want to live here and those who do buy condos, such as at the Four Seasons hotel/condo complex on Market are buying a second home. Not only do we have a housing crisis, we have a labor crisis. If there is no affordable housing for the workingclass, there is no labor force in San Francisco.

Meanwhile, we have lots of empty apartments in the Nob Hill area, a workingclass rent-controlled tenant area, which the owners have for rent at $900 for studios and $1200 for one-bedrooms, sitting empty as these prices are too high, and since they are empty, they are a tax write-off. That should be made illegal by the Board of Supervisors so that the rents are forced down to the affordable $500 for studios and $600 for one-bedroom. These apartments could and should be taken over by the City by eminent domain to house the homeless right now. We have 15,000 homeless people in San Francisco, since the Democractic Carter administration in 1980, and the Democratic Party machine sitting at City Hall since around 1960 has done nothing.
by Socialist 2
Yes, Tom Ammiano "the Landlord" is pro-developer and pro-Israel as is most of the democratic party shit at City Hall, Sacramento, and Washington. All these Big Business hacks need to be thrown out ASAP and replaced with progressives
and socialists.

Westside workers are finally waking up to the reality that
their housing and parklands are endangered by the Real Estate/City Hall Mafia who target one of the last remaining working class neighborhoods left in America's most hyper-inflated market!

Jail the carpet-baggin' developers and their City Hall partners-in-crime and throw away the keys!

It's time for the working class of San Francisco to break ranks with these misleaders and form a party of their own, a Party of Labor!

by Socialist
Along with voting socialist instead of Democrat, the twin promoters of the death penalty and prisons with the Republicans, we must also be active abolitionists of both the death penalty and prisons. As socialists, we do not "throw away the keys" on anyone; we actively promote rehabilitation of everyone to become productive members of society as quickly as possible. So far, these developers have not legally committed a crime as the Planning Commission simply had to reject their proposal. As to the West side, most of the Sunset District especially, and a great deal of the Richmond District as well, are not workingclass at all. With the homes going for $500,000 and up, and single family dwellings are the most common housing on the West side, this is best known as a reactionary voting area for the simple reason that most of the area is the middle class lackeys of the capitalist class. The leading candidates for supervisor in that area outdo each other in their attack on rent control, the litmus test issue in local politics.
by Socialist 2
You're mistaken about the Westside not comprising a sizeable % of S.F.'s working class, especially renter strongholds like Parkmerced, Stonestown Apts, Lakewood
Apts., Inner Sunset, and parts of the Outer Sunset, including
long stretches of the Great Highway. Just because a worker
is a homeowner does not make one a member of the bourgoisie! By the way, there are plenty of working class
homeowners on the Eastside of town, like the Bayview/HP,
Bernal Hts., Mission, Excelsior. Are they members of the ruling class, too?

The thesis that capitalist developers can be rehab'd somehow
is flawed. They should be punished for destroying the communities and lives of working people. Even under socialism, jails are needed for those who can't conform
or adapt to the principles of a workers' democratic state.
Otherwise, these selfish interests will organize to subvert and
overthrow it as happened in the USSR and Eastern bloc.


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