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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

Action Camp in the Oakland Hills August 26-28

by anarchy mcanarchist (info [at]
Join us for a weekend camping out, learning more of what we all need to know. Meet new people, think about new things, embody new skills.

Come for an action-packed weekend of camping, workshops focussed on urban & rural skills, discussion and learning.
Had enough of wilderness training that will only help you if the Totality disintegrates tomorrow?

Join us for a weekend camping out, learning more of what we all need to know. Meet new people, think about new things, embody new skills.
Come for an action-packed weekend of camping, workshops focussed on urban & rural skills, discussion and learning.

The weekend: 8/26 - 8/28
The location: sunny Oakland hills
The attitude: daring.

Directions will be sent two weeks prior, to people who have reserved spots. You will need your own camping gear (we'll send a list of suggested gear with the directions).

$20 per person ($10 if you're a presenter)
$10 parking fee
carpools and shuttles (from BART) arranged upon request
No dogs allowed to camp, no drugs, weapons or alcohol at all.
To reserve your spot: send name(s), address (for directions), and $20 per person.
Make checks payable to
C.A.L. Press and send them to
P.O. Box 3449, Berkeley CA 94703.

if you'd like to lead a workshop, email us at info [at]
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by anarchy mcanarchist
Some of the workshops planned

* Direct Action Skills
* Obstacle Course
* Herb Wak
* Self Defense
* Legal Training
* Climbing
* Computer Security
* Strategy Discussions
by Anarchist for Action
this sounds great but how can we have tactics and training this close to the city. what about the percussions
are we training groups or single opps. what is the equipment charge?
by anarchy mcanarchist (info [at]
Drop us a line and we will be happy to give you more information.
by anarchymag
The CORRECT ADDRESS for CAL Press is P.O. Box 3448. 3448. 3448. 3448. 3448.
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