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Indybay Feature

Linda Blair's Fight for Pitbulls!

by Shawn's Linda Blair Fanclub / Shawn Wilson (Linda_Blair_Lover_Forever [at]
"I support Linda Blair, all the way!!!"
"I support Linda Blair's, fight for Pitbulls and every other animal!"

Something you should always keep in mind. It's not the breed that's the problem! It's when these beautiful, animals are placed in the wrong hands!
Pitbulls are truly, a wonderful breed! One of God's, many awesome creations! They are incredibly loyal to their masters and have many abundant qualities!

The problem arrises, when owners are irresponsible. This applies not only to Pitbulls but all animals!

God, placed the animals in our care and it is our responsibility to do so, according to his will!

Some of the bad hype you hear in the media is a result of: cross breeding, breeding and training the dogs for fighting, or illegal activities, and injecting them with steroidial syrums.

The majority of the negaitive stories are however, simply a result of irresponsible, neglectful, and careless owners! "Bottom Line!"

These magneficent animals and responsible owners should never have to suffer!

The irresponsible owners and thugs should!!!

God bless you, Linda Blair!!!
I'm with you in this fight and am backing you all the way!!!

Shawn Wilson

Shawn's Linda Blair Fanclub
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