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POP Caravan to Cuba Update:

by Faye Kennedy (de repost) (fayek [at]
News from Texas—Today, finally at 4:00pm (PST): The Pastors for Peace Friend shipment Caravan to Cuba were released, but the struggle is not over. Kathryn Hall and at least two buses are now in Hidalgo, TX, 6 buses and 2 trucks were not released.

July 21 at 6:35pm

Update report on the Pastors for Peace Friend shipment Caravan to Cuba.

(Sorry for any cross posting and for my fasting typing)

News from Texas—Today, finally at 4:00pm (PST): The Pastors for Peace Friend shipment Caravan to Cuba were released, but the struggle is not over. Kathryn Hall and at least two buses are now in Hidalgo, TX, 6 buses and 2 trucks were not released.

The US Commerce Department is stating they will “search every bus, all personal belongings and medical supplies. “The caravan members are standing firm-- that they will not allow the US government to stop them or search the buses or their personal belongings.”

Currently the local police in Hidalgo, TX are providing caravan members with tents and lights. The caravan members will make a camp and prepare for tonight.

We still need your immediate support now! Please call, e-mail, or fax policy makers: The new Message” demand that the Caravan be allowed to cross the border with all of its humanitarian cargo.

For current updates-Please check the Freedom Bound Center’s website for updates:


Senator Dianne Feinstein:

Phone: (202) 224-3841
Fax: (202) 228-3954
call (415) 393-0707
Fax (415) 393-0710 TY/TDD: (202) 224-2501

Senator Barbara

Washington D.C.
(202) 224-3553

501 I Street, Suite 7-600
Sacramento, CA 95814
(916) 448-2787
(916) 448-2563 fax

Doris Matsui, Congresswoman

Phone: (202) 225-7163
Fax: (202) 225-0566
Phone: (916) 498-5600
Fax: (916) 444-6117

Congresswoman Barbara Lee

Phone: (510) 763-0370

Fax: (510) 763-6538 Phone: (202) 225-2661

Fax: (202) 225-9817

Scheduling Fax: (202) 226-1104

Congresswoman Maxine Waters
323-757-8900 phone
323-757-9506 fax

202-225-2201 phone
202-225-7854 fax

Also call:

Call Scott Kamen, Congressional Aide of Affairs at the Department of Commerce, at 202-482-0097 and demand that the Caravan be allowed to cross the border with all of its humanitarian cargo.

Call your Congressperson and ask them to call Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez at 202-482-2000, Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez cgutierrez [at]

If you don’t know how to reach your Congressperson, go to and enter your zip code. That will take you to the Congresspersons home web page where you can find phone and email information.

Background information.

Today, at 1:30pm (EST) the Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba is being held up at the US-Mexico border by US Commerce Department officials. US Commerce Department officials were threatening to search every vehicle and every item of humanitarian aid. Locally, the word spread quickly by phone, fax, websites, and e-mails urging local community activists to contact California’s congressional delegation and the U S Commerce Department requesting the immediate release of the caravan buses and not to harm the 130 US citizens traveling with the caravan.

For more information please contact IFCO/Pastors for Peace at (212)-926-5757 or email them @ cucaravan [at] or check out their web site @

Faye Kennedy, Planner
(916) 484-5025
Fax (916) 381-8775
E-mail: fayek [at]
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