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Come July 29: sentencing of Tony Serra / pepper spray post-trial hearing

by bach repost
>>>post-trial motions in pepper spray case July 29
>>>Judi Bari and pepper spray attorney faces sentencing on July 29
COME OUT and SUPPORT activist attorney Tony Serra and SUPPORT the pepper spray victory--July 29 in SF Federal Court

>>>post-trial motions in pepper spray case July 29
>>>Judi Bari and pepper spray attorney faces sentencing on July 29

While we WON the Pepper Spray by Q-tip case in April, giving a huge victory for the rights of protesters in the face of excessive force by police, there is an important hearing on July 29 that needs your support!

Important motions will be heard before Judge Susan Illston at 9 am in the SF Federal building (450 Golden Gate, SF), including

--a motion setting out the facts and arguments for payment of legal fees of the prevailing plaintiffs team. The County of Humboldt is opposing payment of legal fees to our amazing legal team

--a motion for an injunction barring the use of pepper spray on non-violent locked down protesters, which the jury found to be excessive force in April

--opposing arguments to law enforcement's motion asking the judge to throw out the jury's verdict in favor of the activist plaintiffs

Please come and support the legal team and plaintiffs in court. Remember to bring a photo i.d. necessary for entry into the federal bldg. The courtroom is on the 19th floor. And immediately following this hearing...

>>>VETERAN DEFENSE AND CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY TONY SERRA will be sentenced for income tax evasion in Judge Spiro's courtroom, SF Federal Courthouse

Tony was part of the radical legal team that won the Judi Bari vs. FBI case in 2002, argued the pepper spray case with the same legal team, and has been a pioneer in criminal defense in many cases, including defending Native Americans in the Bear Lincoln case in Mendocino county and the Patrick Hooty Croy case. He took a vow of poverty years ago and does most of his cases for free.

He plead guilty to non-payment of taxes for 1997-2001, and because of previous tax charges, he could get prison time, or probation and home detention. Come to this hearing and show the court that Tony has broad support from the community. He is an activist attorney in every sense of the term and has dedicated his life to political causes with little material return.
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by divine
this creep defended one of the killers of gwen arrujo (sp?).

why should we defend him?

anyway, isn't he just a rich lawyering grandstander?

I am glad that I am not the only one that remembers that this guy that everybody wants to blow cause he won one case the pepper spray case, also got the trans killers off because they were the actual victims of the situation. come on people, hold people accountable.
Serra also left Billy Nesson hanging in Martinez when Billy was scapegoated for the Port Chicago railroad track removal (in which a thousand people participated), while he tucked some loose ends in a high aying drug case in SF. The court room was full. We showed up, but Serra didn't.

In the Judi Bari/FBI case, for years he left the work to Bill Simpich et al, and only showed up when the actual trial started and the media was there.

Yeah, he's a grandstander, who pimps the movement. Don't trust him unless you paid (big) in advance. He's not politically reliable. He's in it for the money.

He's a pretty good drug lawyer, though. If they catch you with the weight, and Stepanian's not available, Serra's your man. If you can afford him, that is.
by hmmmm
ok, have to wonder on the transgender defense and why he choose to defend that individual, but he was asked to assist on the fbi trial, had nothing to do with grandstanding. it was an invitation and he did a good job at examining those lying cops.

secondly, he doesn't own property and drives a beat up car. no he's not like other high priced big shot lawyers socking gobs of money away for expensive yachts and the like, yes he does actually donate his time and efforts in some causes.

and lastly, everyone's entitled to a proper defense. so though I might not agree with the killing of the transgendered individual, there's a lot of people who comit haneous crimes, do we just ignore that they are entitled to legal defenses? no one is perfect by any means, but does that mean he should be thrown in jail for not donating to the war machine?

did you pay your taxes or at least have the back bone to fight that system? cause if those who made their comments before this poster paid taxes these past couple years, well your contributing to murdering lots of innocent civilians throughtout the world when the military drops those bombs......
by divine
so mr. or ms. holier than thou, do you merely shoplift all your needs to avoid paying sales taxes? do you refuse to handle money because it's the exploitative glue that holds the whole oppressive social relations of capitalism together? or can you avoid changing the subject when debating?

NO, i thought so.

ask any liberal or leftist lawyer in the bay area and they'll tell you that sera pulls out all the stops for hight paying drug peddlers, but often sucks very, very much when defending lil' ol' working class folk like you and me.

and he has this awful track record going AWOL on trials NOT for his big buck drug offenders.

and worst still, he's hot or cold in the court room. lawyers say he can vary from perry mason brilliant to sounding like a inarticulate grade school kid. and he used to look like shit with that lame ol' cowboy getup.

bottomline, if there's no $100,000+ retainer or TV camera, he don't give a fuck!
by J. Cardy
T.S. = Tony Serra it also means TOUGH SHIT, send the bastard to JAIL.. Bubba will like that long.dingy white hair. It will give him something to hang on to.
by more racist spam to delete
do these cowards post here?
by jc
Why ?? because we have learned it from you cowards. You can act pretty tough on here and don't have the guts to back it up. I would step outside with you anytime, chicken little !
by anonynon
He didn't get the killers off. It was a mistrial that's in retrial right now. The hung jury was because the original jury couldn't decide whether the defendents were guilty of 1st or second degree murder. Some of the players were involved in varyng degrees.

According to one of the jurors no one in the jury went for Serra's trans panic BS defense. However It his job to get his clients the most lenient sentence possible or maybe some of the anarchists here are for throwing away the key on the killers.

by deanosor (deanosor [at]
Tony Serra will surely lose his license to practice law from his guilty plea on the income tax evasion. That should be punishemnt enough for him.

I don't know (and have heard contradictory reports about) which defense Serra raised in the Araujo trial. If soemone who was present at the trial could tell us, it would be helpful.

I do know what he did at Billy Nessen's trial. Bascially the story is correct. He was a no-show that morning, and Nessen had to delay the case. Nessen since found another lawyer (Dennis Cunningham). This is important because Cunningham was the chief lawyer in the Judi Bari vs. the FBI case. He amongst others decided that he could work with Tony Serra. Serra did a good job in that case.

So the contradictions in Tony Serra's life and legal practice doesn't mean he sould send time in jail--forced retirement for this active guy will be enough punishment. And please people tell us about the Araujo trial and try to make it knowledgreable people only.
by Noah Webster
...knowledgagreeable people? Damn, Deano, you are the wordsmith! Is that your way of saying knowledgable+agreeable? Brilliant, man, brilliant. Keep it up Prof. Tuckerman!
by deanosor (deanosor [at]
It was only meant to be knowlegeable. Thanks for the savy correction, whoever you are. Tell me who you are, since you seem to know who i am.
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