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Indybay Feature

Corporate pork farming's impact on family farmers

by karen dawn
DawnWatch: NPR's Day to Day looks at corporate pork farming impact on family farmers 7/14/05
On Thursday, July 14, the NPR show "Day to Day" looked at the impact of corporate pig farming on family farmers. The segment told us that just seven years ago small farms made up a third of the pork industry and now they account for just one percent. It is a strong piece, about 4 minutes long, which you can listen to on line at:
Unfortunately it doe not address the impact of factory farming on the pigs. Those who are not familiar with the cruelty issues should check out, particularly the photo gallery.

Please thank Day to Day for covering the issue, so that the producers learn that these issues are of interest to their audience, but please take a line or two in your email to mention the suffering of the animals.

NPR takes feedback at:
Click on "NPR program" then select "Day to Day" from the pulldown menu.

I send thanks to Meredith MacCracken for making sure we knew about the piece.

(DawnWatch is an animal advocacy media watch that looks at animal issues in the media and facilitates one-click responses to the relevant media outlets. You can learn more about it, and sign up for alerts at If you forward or reprint DawnWatch alerts, please do so unedited -- leave DawnWatch in the title and include this tag line.)
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