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Bohemian Grove Coming Up

by David Grace
Interview about the 2005 Bohemian Grove Convergence
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The secret annual gathering of the pretenders to the American throne is coming up in mid-july. Californa Green Party's Don Eichelberger sings and talks about the protests and teach-ins.

Green Convergence in Bohemia
Monte Rio, Sonoma County, California
July 15-17, 2005

Converge and Greet Them
Friday, July 15th

Saturday, July 16th
Protest the Bohemians
Monte Rio

Sunday, July 17th,
Join a Green Convergence
Monte Rio Outdoor Amphitheater
"What We Can Do About It"

415 567 4577

Starts with song "Redwood Walls"
Ends with "American Dream, World's Nightmare"
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by Dave
Once again, you will have a protest. Once again, you won't get near it. Once again, you will have no effect on the gathering. Once again, you will waste limited Sonoma County resources on your ridiculous nonsense. Once again, it will have no effect on anything.
by anti-imperialist
Dave, why so passionate? Are you a member? Do you partake in any ceremonies? Do you also worship less-than-savory deities?

Time for a true Revolution it seems...
by Yogendra Sanjog
If it is peaceful, then I think it is a great idea and that you are all very brave. I am just learning of this Bohemian Grove place, but it sure does seem peculiar! Why isn't it in the news?

Be sure to post updates and tell us what happened over at:

Free speach is great.
by BushIzzzHitler
Well I'm glad that there is some entertainment available to the Bohemian Club's members before they even get to their camps. My grandfather is a long standing member of the club and is currently at the Grove. He is playing in his Jinx band and entertainging other members. My brother and I are both on a long waiting list to join the club. Last time I checked I din't have to worship Moloch or sacrifice a virgin or 2 to elligible for membership. Sponsorship by senior members is required however. I have been up for some of the B.C's Spring Jinx events and I have been there for a couple of weekends as a guest for a few years. Mostly all I see is a bunch of largely older guys drinking a lot and relaxing for a few days at a time.

Camp decorum requires that none talk about their careers and businesses but this isn't militantly adhered to since you pour a few drinks in folks and they have a tendency to gab.

I think that most of y'all that rail against the camp are just desperate for SOMETHING to protest about. Have you considered how much some of these cats might be donating to charities and non-profs locally and natioanally? I can assure you that there men of all political stripes throughout the camps. To typify this as a Republiclub is a gross mischaracterization but then again this is the Stalinist left who's criticizing the most so....
by Mr Mr

If the protesters were invited they would not want to leave.
by Jose
No way I would join.

Who cares if they satisfy their guilty conscious with a few trinkets to charity?
by me
I am by no means a stalinist, I am a right-winged, conservative christian and I find the bohemian grove troubling mainly because of its ritual aspect. You can play down the grove as much as you want, but the video evidence speaks for itself (alex jones' hidden camera).

1. The ceremony witnessed on film does not appear christian in nature.
2. Atheists or persons that don't believe in a spiritual realm usually do not conduct ritualistic ceremonies to large stone idols.
3. Cultic practices, aka satansit rituals can be categorized as none of the above. Obviously, the ceremony at the bohemian grove is none of the above, in fact, I would go as far as saying it is satanic.
Doing a quick google search, I came across a catholic encyclopedia, it states "the probable identity of Moloch with Baal." If you are unfamiliar with Baal, he is defined as the first lieutenant of satan who commands an army of demons.
Now, you might not believe in the supernatural or spiritual beings, but I do....and judging by the video evidence it appears the world's ruling elite does too! The only difference is I refuse to pay homage to satanic beings, whereas, conversely the ruling elite does so willingly.
I guess the main difference between me and the other folks on this site, regarding this topic, is that they believe something can be done about the condition of things. I do not, the bible is clear about the anti-christ sitting atop a world government, or a one-world order. All one can do is wait it out, just pray that your ride off this rock is coming sooner than later.
by Protest in Mecca
"2. Atheists or persons that don't believe in a spiritual realm usually do not conduct ritualistic ceremonies to large stone idols."

They're Moslems!!!
Every year moslems march around a meteorite then throw rocks at the "devil".
I'm going to Mecca to protest this weird death cult. they dress funny, and when they get upset, they blow things up and kill innocent people.
It's OK if you want to join the cult, it's a free country
by David Grace
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Gate Gathering
by David Grace
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Song from the N Coast Raging Grannies "Cycle of Abuse"
by David Grace
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Song from N Coast Raging Grannies "Nuclear Meglomania"
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