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Indybay Feature

Dog Arnold

by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
Photos from the "Dog Arnold" demonstration in Fresno.
Here is the Peace and Social Justice calendar listing for the Dog Arnold event:

Friday, June 24
12 Noon
DogArnold Alert!

WHEN: This Friday, June 24, Noon
WHERE: Southwest Corner of Palm & Shaw, Fresno
WHO: You and all your friends
WHY: To fight back against Arnold's War on Working Families

Here is the plan for the Governor's visit to Fresno. He is suppose to speak to the meeting of the mayors at the convention center. Since no one can confirm the time of the speech the welcoming party is not going to cover that event. However, it is confirmed and well advertised that he will be on the KMJ Ray Appleton Show starting at 1:00 p.m. The plan is to turn everyone out to the southwest corner of Palm and Shaw at noon on Friday. People are bringing their picket signs, bull horns, and chant sheets. We are wearing our union shirts and signs.
§KMJ “Hate Radio” 580
by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
This “Dog Arnold” protest was held outside the KMJ studios on June 24, 2005. The governator was talking on the Ray Appleton show.
California Nurses Association representative Don Nielsen talks to the media
§Stop Arnold, Stop the Madness
by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
All photos by Mike Rhodes
§The Free Republic supports Arnold
by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
One Free Republic member showed up to support the governator
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by Rich
Isn't that the same shirt he wore at the last anti-Arnold protest?

He should wear sunblock on his forehead, or a hat.

Nice to see he has such a big following.

by Rich
Isn't that the same shirt he wore at the last anti-Arnold protest?

He should wear sunblock on his forehead, or a hat.

Nice to see he has such a big following.

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