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Indybay Feature

Weekend SF Cable Screening Of Falluja 2004

by Labo Video Project (lvpsf [at]
The new documentary video "Falluja 2004" by Toshikuni DOI will be programmed in San Francisco on Saturday July 25, 2005 at 6:30 PM on San Francisco Comcast Channel 29 on the program "Deep Politics" and on Sunday July 26, 2005 at 8:00 PM on San Francisco Channel 29 on the program "Collision Course" This is the first cable screening in the US.
Come to the first US screening of "Falluja 2004" by Japanese filmmaker Toshikuni DOI (55 minutes with English subtitles on cable tv in San Francisco on July 25 at 6:30 PM and July 26 at 8:00 PM

US Premiere Screening:

"FALLUJA 2004"

Join us for the first US cable screening of "Falluja 2004" by Toshikuni DOI (55 minutes with English subtitles).

Japanese video documentarian Toshikuni DOI was in Falluja two weeks after the US invasion. He was one of the few international journalists able to show the reality of the cost of the invasion. Falluja has become a symbol of the resistance movement against the occupation by the US forces. In April 2004, the US forces invaded Falluja with several thousand US soldiers. About 730 people were killed and 2800 were injured in the siege and attacks by the US military in one month. He interviews medical workers and teachers as well as people in the community about this horrendous assault and the cost of it for the people of Falluja.

Why did Falluja become the base of the resistance against the occupation? How did the US forces attack? Who fought against them and what injuries and damages did the people suffer will be exposed in this important film. Only 10 days after the siege of the US forces had been lifted, Toshikuni DOI went to Falluja and investigated the site. Footage was recorded in August 2003 (4 months after the siege) and in May 2004. Falluja today is off limits for all press and the US military prevent any record of what is going on and what went on.

For more information email the Labor Video Project: lvpsf [at] or call (415) 282-1908.
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Correction: Broadcast date and times are Saturday, June 25th
at 6:30 pm and Sunday, June 26th, at 8:00 pm on public access Cable Channel 29 in San Francisco. Spread the word!
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