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by tzu
Without mentioning the motives for the red alert, subcomandante Marcos from the EZLN delimits all individuals and organizations in support to the Maya insurgents from Chiapas from "any" of its future actions....
Decreta EZLN "alerta roja"

Sin mencionar los motivos de la alerta, el subcomandante dijo que el EZLN deslinda a todas las personas y organizaciones que han apoyado al grupo de "cualesquiera" de sus acciones futuras

Sin mencionar algún motivo, el EZLN también exhortó a los miembros de la sociedad civil e internacional que participan en proyectos en comunidades de influencia zapatista a abandonar el ``territorio rebelde'' o a permanecer ``a su cuenta y riesgo''.

El comunicado firmado por el líder y vocero del grupo rebelde, el subcomandante Marcos, señaló que en el caso de los menores de edad la salida es obligatorio de la zona.

``El Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional ha decretado, en todo el territorio rebelde, una alerta roja general'', señaló.

El EZLN informó que comenzó el cierre de sus ``Caracoles'' y las ``Juntas de Buen Gobierno'' que se encuentran en cinco comunidades zapatistas.

Los ``Caracoles'' son centros políticos de reunión al aire libre para estar en contacto con la sociedad civil, mientras que las ``Juntas'' son instancias autónomas de gobierno que estaban encargadas de vigilar el cumplimiento de las leyes en las comunidades indígenas bajo el control rebelde.

El grupo también anunció la suspensión por tiempo indefinido las transmisiones de Radio Insurgente, creada a mediados de 2003.

Marcos dijo que el EZLN deslinda a todas las personas y organizaciones civiles, políticas, culturales y no gubernamentales que han apoyado al grupo ``de cualesquiera de nuestras acciones futuras''.

El EZLN apareció públicamente el 1 de enero de 1994 e inmediatamente atrajo la atención nacional e internacional sobre el mundo indígena mexicano y la solidaridad de diversos sectores.

Ningún proceso de acercamiento del gobierno con los rebeldes ha tenido éxito.


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by repost
Brothers and Sisters:

As of today, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation has declared,
throughout all rebel territory, a


Based on this, we are informing you:

First - That at this time the closure is being carried out of the
Caracoles and the Good Government Offices which are located in the
zapatista communities of Oventik, La Realidad, Morelia and Roberto
Barrios, as well as all the headquarters of the authorities of the
different Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities.

Second - That also being carried out is the evacuation of the members of
the different Good Government Juntas and the autonomous authorities, in
order to place them in shelter. Now, and for an indefinite time period,
they will be carrying out their work in a clandestine and nomadic manner.
Both the projects as well as the autonomous government will continue
functioning, although under different circumstances than they have been up
until now.

Third - That basic community health services will continue functioning in
the different Caracoles. Civilians will be in charge of these services,
and the CCRI-CG of the EZLN is distancing them from any of our future
actions, and we are demanding that they be treated as civilians and with
respect for their life, liberty and goods by government forces.

Fourth - That there has been a call-up of all members of our EZLN who have
been engaged in social work in the zapatista communities and those of our
regular troops who have been in their barracks. In a similar fashion, all
broadcasts by Radio Insurgente, “The Voice of Those Without Voice”, in
FM and in short wave, have been suspended for an indefinite period of

Fifth - That, simultaneous with the publication of this communiqué,
national and international civil societies who are working in peace camps
and in community projects are being urged to leave rebel territory. Or, if
they decide freely of their own volition, they remain on their own and at
their own risk, gathered in the caracoles. In the case of minors, their
departure is obligatory.

Sixth - That the EZLN announces the closing of the Zapatista Information
Centre (CIZ), not without first thanking the civil societies who have
participated in it, from the time of its creation until today. The CCRI-CG
of the EZLN formally releases these persons from any responsibility for
the future actions of the EZLN.

Seventh - That the EZLN releases from responsibility for any of our future
actions all persons and civil, political, cultural, citizens and non-
governmental organizations, solidarity committees and support groups who
have been close to us since 1994. We thank all of those who have,
sincerely and honestly, throughout these almost 12 years, supported the
civil and peaceful struggle of the zapatista indigenous for the
constitutional recognition of indigenous rights and culture.


>From the Mountains of the Mexican Southeast. By the Clandestine
Revolutionary Indigenous Committee – General Command of the Zapatista Army
of National Liberation.

Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos

Mexico, in the sixth month of the year 2005.
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$40.00 donated
in the past month

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