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Indybay Feature

KPFA hosts Pacifica National Board

by Bill Carpenter (wcarpent [at]
Go to
to listen online. Public comment is supposed to start at 2pm today: Sunday, June 19th. Before that the agenda
calls for an executive session.

See highlights of the Wednesday, June 15th, demo at
Three-minute QT movie. 13MB.
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by Mara

Hear the PNB meeting at KPFT-X -- complete archive !

The public comments might be the most interesting ;
there are public comments on each of the 3 days.
Look especially for Robert Knight's comments Saturday & Sunday (in the last 1/2 each day, I believe. Also of particular interest might be Chandra Hauptman reading WBAI comments, Maria Gilardin, Jeff Blankfort, Riva Enteen, Stan Woods, Gerald Sanders, Richard Phelps, Frank LeFever, others.
LaVarn Williams should be thrown off both Pacifica's national board and the KPFA Local Station Board for advocating that paid union jobs at KPFA be replaced by unpaid staff, and that paid staff should be reduced by "attrition". Such anti-worker sentiment has no place at KPFA or Pacifica. Other Peoples Radio supporters should publicly disavow her. Union busting is disgusting anywhere, but particularly at a progressive institution like KPFA.

According to the Berkeley Daily Planet:
"LaVarn Williams, local and national board member, expressed little sympathy for the plight of Hard Knock Radio and other programs asking for more funds. “Everyone wants more staff,” she said. “Roy (Campanella) has indicated that is not the best use of resources.” She thinks paid staff is “bloated” and needs to be reduced by attrition.

“Are we here to build up staff or are we here to build up programming?” Williams asked. “We need to bring ideas from those who are not paid, rather than building up fiefdoms.” Staff and equipment should be shared among shows to equalize resource distribution, she said.

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