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Sharon vows Jerusalem will remain in Israeli hands

by Daily Star, Lebanon (reposted)
Clashes erupted in East Jerusalem as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon marked the 38th anniversary of Israel's capture of the entire holy city by pledging it would remain in Jewish hands for eternity. "Jerusalem is ours for eternity and will never pass into foreign hands," Sharon told a ceremony on Ammunition Hill, a one-time bastion of the Jordanian Army which was captured by Israeli paratroopers during the 1967 war.
Meanwhile, Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz said that the planned Israeli pullout of the Gaza Strip, scheduled for mid-August, was set to be coordinated with the Palestinian security services, so as to avoid attacks by militants.

"It has been decided that the disengagement will not take place under fire. We will do everything possible to coordinate the disengagement with the Palestinians."

A Palestinian security official said the Palestinians are recruiting 5,600 police to provide security during the evacuation, and that their duties will include preventing attacks on Israelis.

"The plan includes protecting any installations or houses or facilities that Israel leaves, and to prevent any action from the Palestinian factions," said Interior Ministry spokesman Tawfiq Abu Khoussa. He said the Palestinian forces are ready to coordinate their actions with Israel or act on their own.

An official who attended Mofaz's parliamentary meeting, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Mofaz has asked the Palestinians to place a large force near settlements to prevent militant attacks during the pullout.

Israel and the Palestinians have pledged to cooperate during the withdrawal, but taken few concrete steps to do so. Palestinian officials said the two sides planned to meet last night to discuss coordination.

The Palestinians said the Israelis were to hand over maps of Jewish settlements in Gaza, a move that would be a key sign of coordination. Palestinian officials have said they need the infrastructure plans in order to prepare for the post-Israel era in Gaza.

In a separate development, Egypt warned Israel not to ask too much of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, describing repeated demands for him to disarm militant groups as "unrealistic and impractical."

"Abu Mazen (Abbas) does not have a magic wand to implement the demands being made of him," President Hosni Mubarak's spokesman told reporters after a summit with King Abdullah II of Jordan.

"Demanding of Abu Mazen that he dismantle the infrastructure of Palestinian [militant] groups is unrealistic and impractical," said Suleiman Awad.

The Egyptian spokesman asked how Israel could expect the Palestinian leadership to tackle the militants head-on when its own government was adopting a soft approach with Jewish settlers opposed to its plans to withdraw from the Gaza Strip.

The Egyptian spokesman welcomed Israel's unfreezing of a promised release of Palestinian prisoners but criticized its slowness to implement a wider confidence-building package agreed with Abbas in February.

Awad also said U.S. Secretary of of State Condoleezza Rice was due to visit Egypt, Israel and the Palestinian territories later this month.

In Jerusalem, some 3,000 police were deployed to prevent possible friction on Jerusalem Day, which Israelis mark with marches and speeches.

With tensions running high, a confrontation erupted yesterday morning as several Jewish visitors toured the Al-Aqsa compound, accompanied by police.

Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said hundreds of Palestinians threw stones at the visitors and their police guards. Additional forces stormed the walled compound, throwing stun grenades to disperse the crowd, Ben-Ruby said.

In other developments, a Hamas leader said the Islamic militant group is willing to negotiate a new date for parliamentary elections with the ruling Fatah Party, provided the vote takes place before the end of the year.

Earlier this week, Abbas indefinitely postponed the election, initially set for July 17, citing technical difficulties. Hamas protested the delay, but stopped short of abandoning a Mideast truce over Abbas' decision. The West Bank leader of Hamas, Hassan Yousef, met with Sakher Habash, a Fatah representative, and the two decided to form a committee that would propose a new date.
by Frank
Of course Jerusalem will remain with Israel.

What kind of moron would expect Jews to hand Jerusalem away, especially to people who hate Israel and hate Jews?

That's like expecting Saudi Arabia to hand Mecca away over to Christians who hate Muslims or something.

>>>>Sharon vows Jerusalem will remain in Israeli hands<<<<

That is why there can be no Peace. Some People refuse to be fair and Just......
Why not compromise and have West Jerusalem for Israel and East Jerusalem for the Palestinian? before 1967 it was not in Israel....
Sharing the City would do more for Peace then continued disputes.
by Frank

Who cares about before 1967 or before anytime?

Lots of people moved around and lots of stuff changed in the mid 1900's.

It's now 2005.

Israel and the Jewish people are not handing any of Jerusalem, the holy city, away, especially to people who hate Judaism, hate Jews, and hate Israel.

Why in hell would anyone expect Israeli Jews to give control of a beloved holy city over to people who hate Israeli Jews? What kind of absurd logic is that? If that's "peace," there will never be peace.
by Thinker
Do any of thepundits on this board recall that in 1948 that Jordan not only invaded and conquered Jerusalem. Thereafter all the Jewish residents of Jerusalem were expelled andtheir property confiscated. 56 Synagogues were destroyed. Jewish cemeteries were uproted and headstones used as paving blocks and latrines. Jewish access toholy sites was blocked. After all the Jewish residents were ethnically cleansed by the Arabs, thats when East Jerusalem became "historically Arab".
>>>>Sharon vows Jerusalem will remain in Israeli hands<<<<

That is why there can be no Peace. Some People refuse to be fair and Just......
Why not compromise and have West Jerusalem for Israel and East Jerusalem for the Palestinian? before 1967 it was not in Israel....
Sharing the City would do more for Peace then continued disputes.

Israel wants Jerusalem.
The Palestinian want Jerusalem.
There are Israelis living in Jerusalem.
There are Palestinian living in Jerusalem.
So let Israel have West Jerusalem and let Palestine have East Jerusalem.
That way you can end the hate and the conflict simply by being Fair and Just.
It is not like there are no Palestinians living in Jerusalem and you are letting Palestinians move into an area where they were not living. They already live there.
Just like thery already live in the West Bank and Gaza where the future Palestinian State called for in the Road Map to Peace should be.

by strange
I always find it strange to hear peopel talk about "Arab" countries in the 40s as if they were independent countries. Most countries where either European colonies or run by European puppets. Egypt in 48 wasnt yet fully independent (it took a coup d'état in 1952 for Egypt to gain independence). Jordan did gain some independence in 1946 when the mandate ended but it wasnt until 1957 that it "ended its special defense treaty relationship with the United Kingdom" and Hashemite Prince Abdullah was chosen to rule in 1922 for purely British reasons with no local support whatsoever.

Blaming the peopel of the Middle East for the actions of European chosen and backed puppets is unreasonable.

Jerusalem should probably be divided but the original UN backed idea of it being an international city because of all the religions that have reasons to find it holy would probably be better. Debating who should control it for historical reasons is pointless; it was one of the more Jewish cities in Palestine in the 1800s but was still majoirity Muslim with many Christians and others living in it too. Kicking people out of houses they have lived in for generations always leads to more hatred so whatever solution is settled on it must include letting people stay where they are at the present time or there will only be more violence in the years to come.
>>>Kicking people out of houses they have lived in for generations always leads to more hatred so whatever solution is settled on it must include letting people stay where they are at the present time or there will only be more violence in the years to come.<<<

Absolutly correct forcing People to leave their homes against their will is ethnic cleansing and an atrocity.............

But making permanent borders for Israel and Palestine is the best way to Peace.

Palestine in the Whole of the West Bank and Gaza, only 22 % of what is today Israel, West Bank and Gaza.

Israel inside its pre 1967 (Green line) border. 78% of the area in question.

The Jews who do not like living in Palestine can move to Israel Proper if they so choose.

The Arabs who do not like living in Israel can move to the New Palestinian State called for in the Road Map to Peace if they so choose.

Fair and Just equals Peace.
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