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MK Lapid: Jerusalem should have a Palestinian deputy-mayor

by Haaretz
Opposition head Yosef Lapid (Shinui) proposed on Monday a new plan to resolve tensions between Jerusalem's Palestinian population and municipal authorities in the city. According to Lapid's plan Jerusalem's mayor will remain Jewish but the deputy-mayor will be Palestinian and will be in charge over its areas that are populated by Palestinians.
Lapid presented his plan at a special Knesset plenum held to mark Jerusalem Day on the 38th anniversary of the reunification of the city's eastern and western parts. Lapid said that "more than a third of Jerusalem's population is Palestinian. Together with the ultra-Orthodox community Zionists are a minority in Jerusalem. We should not deepen these tensions. We must find solutions to allow us all to live together peacefully," he said.

Arab MKs did not attend the special meeting. MK Abdulmalik Dahamshe (United Arab List) said "Jerusalem Day is fictitious. Jerusalem is not united but occupied and this occupation must end."
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