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May 29th Benefit for Political Prisoners in Guadalajara

by CAPS (caps [at]
Upcoming benefit for prisoners from last year's actions in Guadalajara, Mexico
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As part of an International Day of Solidarity with political prisoners in Guadalajara, Mexico, California Anarchist Prisoner Solidarity (CAPS) presents a benefit video screening. All proceeds go to aid with prisoner support in Guadalajara.

When: Sunday, May 29th, 2005
7:00 pm $3-$5 (no one turned away)
Where: Station 40
3030 B, 16th St (@Mission), SF

Videos include:
"Tortas Ahogadas." - A video about resistance and repression in Guadalajara during the 3rd Latin American, Caribbean, and European Summit on May 28, 2004. 4 people are still in jail following those events.

"Green with a Vengence" - An informative Australian-made video about the case of Jeffrey "Free" Luers, an eco-defense prisoner who is currently serving an outrageous 23 year sentence in Oregon for the burning of 3 SUV’s.

"Attica is all of Us" - A brand new video about the 1971 uprising at Attica prison in New York State. That event, which culminated in the slaughter of several dozen inmates by U.S. troops, is an early illustration of the abuse and torture that is common place in prisons here and abroad.

"Charisse shumate: Fighting for our lives" – The story of a woman prisoner who catalyzed other incarcerated women to unite and stand up against the California Department of Corrections.

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On May 28, 2005, hundreds marched through the streets of Guadalajara, Mexico, on the one year anniversary of the repression at the summit of Latin America, the Caribbean, and the European Union (ALCUE).

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