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Indybay Feature

III CITY COLLEGE - In Defense of Education: Javier

by Tiny & Bill (wcarpent [at]
City College of San Francisco Students WALK out of classes in protest of tuition hikes, demanding Education NOT Incarceration: April 20, 2005
"He is loverboy for WALMART" Shouted Ed Murray, President of the American Federation of Teachers at the rally that followed a huge march of more than 700 students, teachers and administrators who walked out of their classes at noon and marched through the campus. "He won't tax the rich, because he is one of them, but the good news is, he is a coward and if he gets pressure from the people – he will back down." Ed reminded me of the huge rally outside of Schwarzenegger's most recent rich people "fundraiser" at the Ritz Carlton Hotel by thousands of working people and educators across the state protesting his rape of California's pension plan which was so effective that he did in fact shelve his nasty pension plan, For now, anyway, But stay alert, cause last year he proposed to gut and then rescinded those cuts to the In home Support Services Program, one of the few ways that disabled folks and elders can get help. He did in fact shelve those cuts after a huge outcry (I was one of the outcriers) and now he is starting that up again, proposing to drop the almost living wage salary of ten dollars an hour that ihhs workers receive statewide to the minimum wage!
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