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From the Open-Publishing Newswire
Indybay Feature

IV CITY COLLEGE - In Defense of Education: Kiwi

by Tiny & Bill (wcarpent [at]
City College of San Francisco Students WALK out of classes in protest of tuition hikes, demanding Education NOT Incarceration.
"He is not just cutting our school's budget he is cutting our children's schools' budgets." Tracy Faulkner from the Students Parents United and director of CCSF Family Resource Center brought the issue of how his cuts are across the board not just affecting 'us' but all of our poor children, trying to learn, trying to survive and trying to come up and out of poverty.

"WE shall overcome from being dumb...some... Day," spit Javier Ruiz, fellow poet and poverty scholar from Colored Ink was one of the last speakers at the rally, which included the scholarship, words and music of students, teachers and administrators of all communities and cultures. He did his We Shall Overcome poem in honor of all the "dumb" liars and politicians trying to ruin our lives or he so eloquently put it, "we have a man in the white house who is a cokehead and a straight up liar."

For more art and journalism on issues of poverty and racism written by the folk who experience it first-hand go on-line to

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