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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

May 20th: Protest and March for Justice for Sammy Galvan!

by D.A.A.A. Collective (modanarcho [at]
Direct Action Anti-Authoritarians is calling for support for the march, rally, and protest being organized by the family and friends of murdered Sammy Galvan. Stop all killings and harassment under the pretext of "gangs"! Until we have community control, all our streets are under occupation!
When: Friday, May 20th, Modesto, CA
Time: 10AM-2PM
Where: Rally outside of the Modesto Police Department, 10th and G Street 10-11AM. March to Graceada Park, 11AM. Rally Graceada Park, 12-2PM.

Sammy Galvan never did anything to warrant his death, he was simply cooking himself something to eat when two Modesto Police officers open fire on him, after they mistook his cooking utensils as a weapon. Police would later claim that they feared for their lives, although local witnesses say that Sammy never provoked the police. Called to his house, the officers were simply asked to remove his girlfriend from Sammy's home, after the two got into an argument. As the bullets raced through his body, later killing him, the Galvan family would never be the same.

Now, 9 months later, justice is still not being served. The investigation into the killing is still pending, and the Galvan family is calling on community support to put pressure on the Modesto Police. It hasn't been easy, after his death, Sammy was made out to be a "gang member", along with others of his family. This mirrors the actions of local law enforcement in the area. Shooting, raiding, harassing, and profiling people simply for how they look, their ethnic and racial background, and a perception on what is a "gang member". We call on all concerned people that are tired of living in fear of their own communities in the face of police repression, and who are ready to take them back in the face of police terror and their blue shields of silence and intimidation!

Justice for Sammy Galvan! Murdered to young - killed by a badge and a gun!
For past reports and calls to action on the Sammy Galvan case:

*Note, the DAAA Collective is endorsing this action, but the event itself is organized by the friends and family of Sammy Galvan.
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by student
DAAA, you've gots to change your web hosting.
by j hill
a hour of video from the sammy demo in
Modesto is running on comcast public access channel 26
in the modesto area, saturday night 10pm-12mid.
and also more indymedia type shows
sunday night 10p-12mid
on modesto public access channel 26

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