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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

enough is enough

Saturday, April 30, 2005
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Event Type:
Panel Discussion
Lucas Nevarez
Location Details:
4705 3rd st (between oakdale and newcomb

This is the same event that was submitted about 2 weeks agoalot has changed so please disregard the last submition. here is the updated version of the event. thanks please call if any questions.....

A forum on standing up for civil rights in theBayview:
Barbara Becnel (advocate for Stan TookieWilliams)
Sandra-Juanita Cooper (Campaign to End the DeathPenalty/Bayview Chapter)Minister Christopher Mohammed (Nation ofIslam/SF)
Mesha monge Ð IRIZARRY (Idriss StelleyFoundation)
Charlene Smythe (Green Party/Bayview resident)
Mary Bull (Green Earth Alliance)

PG&E is spitting out toxins that give our children asthma, police harass and even gun down innocent people and get a slap on the wrist (if that), Governor Schwarzenegger is planning on spending over $200 million to refurbish San Quentin’s death row while cutting school budgets across the state, and California plans on executing five time Nobel peace prize nominee, Stan Williams, (an innocent man on death row) who has done more to effectively lead kids away from gangs and violence than any single person in California. Enough is Enough! More than ever, we need to build a new civil rights movement. Entertainment by:COLOREDINK & LOCO BLOCO Sponsored by Campaign to End the Death Penalty, Idriss Stelley Foundation, D.O.K.T.A. Cooper's Community Networking Project SATURDAY April 30th, 7:00 PM Bayview Opera House4705 3rd Street, SF (Between Oakdale andNewcomb)Donation of $5-10 no one turned away for lack of fundsPlease call 650-271-2854 or email for more info
Added to the calendar on Thu, Apr 14, 2005 1:22PM
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