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Indybay Feature

Death of a Park in San Francisco-the Muwekma Ohlone Sanctuary on Islais Creek

by david (zabudam [at]
1 streaming quicktime @ 11 megs/ via link
2 photo links @ 0 megs
Here are links to video and photo documentation of the death of the Muwekma Ohlone Park here on Islais Creek in San Francisco, that resulted from both Port of San Francisco and SF Muni.

The video, is the first is a series of investigative documentaries on corruption and development in the Southern and Central waterfront districts in SF to be broadcast on Street Level and Link TV:

These photo albums document both the volunteer habitat and plant rescue days as well as the day the Port of San Francisco bulldozed the Park to extinction, after 13 years of community work,grants, and thousands of local youth attending:

please let me know your thoughts when you have some time

thank you, david and locals
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If you really want to know the history of the San Francisco Indians, go look at the Handbook of North American Indians, Volumne 8 "California" published by the Smithsonian Press. In there you will find a chapter titled "Costanoan" which covers the Indians of the region that is now SF, the East Bay, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and Monterey counties. It has a long bibliography. This is one place to start if you want to learn about these people and their culture.
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