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Indybay Feature

Eyes Wide Open -- Civilian + Military shoes exhibit

by repost
Eyes Wide Open -- Beyond Fear -- Towards Hope. An Exhibition on the Human Cost of the Iraq War
San Francisco Civic Center, Friday, March 25th and Saturday, March 26th. Exhibit begins 11am on Friday w/ overnight vigil through Saturday 5:30 pm. San Francisco Union Square, Sunday, March 27th 10am-5:30 pm

Touring the country with Eyes Wide Open
San Francisco, CA
March 25-27 , 2005

Eyes Wide Open, the American Friends Service Committee exhibit on the human cost of war is coming to San Francisco March 25 - 27. Eyes Wide Open, the American Friends Service Committee's widely acclaimed exhibition on the human cost of the Iraq war and commemorates all the lives lost.

The exhibit includes a pair of boots honoring each U.S. military casualty; a field of shoes and a wall of remembrance to memorialize the Iraqis killed in the conflict; and a multimedia display exploring the history, cost and consequences of the war. September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows has initiated a shoe drive to collect thousands of shoes to add to the exhibit to memorialize the Iraqis killed in the war. The civilian shoes will be constructed into a walking meditation labyrinth.


Friday, March 25:
Civic Center Plaza / City Hall

* 11:00 am – Noon
Press Conference, Steps of City Hall
Exhibit Opens, Civic Center Plaza
* 4:00–5:00 pm
Interfaith Service, Civic Center Plaza
* 5:30–9:00 pm
Reading Names of War Dead, Civic Center Plaza
* 10:00pm
Tent exhibit closes
* 10:00pm–9:00am
All-night vigil

Saturday, March 26
Civic Center Plaza

* 9:00 am
Tent exhibit opens
Muslim Imam call to prayer
* 2:00–5:00 pm
Read California names
Voices and Requiem musical performances
Statements from Military families & Veterans
* 5:30 pm
Exhibit closes

Sunday, March 27 (Easter Sunday)
Union Square *

* 10:00 am
Event Opens
* 10:00–11:00
Quaker Meeting/Silent Worship
* 12:00–4:00
Read names
Remarks by military families & veterans
* 5:30 pm
Exhibit closes

* Note change of venue

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