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Meet the "New" Bush, it's the same "Old Bush"(world's #1 terrorist, per German a

by DLi
2 weeks ago, corporate U.S. media filled the airwaves with glowing accounts of a "new" Bush foreign policy, especially in regards to Europe. But wiser heads in "old" Europe weren't buying. They knew the "charm offensive" was merely window dressing, and that it's the same "old" Bush Regime which is the Occupying Power in the White House.
The confirmation came in the nomination of John "loose nuts-N-Bolt"on as the U.S. 'ambassador' to the UN. Talk about putting the fox in charge of the henhouse! The Bushed Regime might as well put Ken Lay in charge of investigating the Enron debacle!

Truth of the matter is, outside of the confines of the secretive underground White House bunker, most of the World regards the Bush regime with as much disdain as they would toward a malodorous Toxic dump. And appointing the "torture attorney" in Alberto G as the regime's top legal enforcer, as well as retaining Pentagon Warlord(the Don who never met a carpet-bomber he didn't like)only proved that the Bushwhacked Neo-con Cabal has no intention of self reform.

So the corporate bin-Laden media's highly touted "New" Bush is in reality the same "old" Bush, whose perverted "doctrine" is still committed to pre-emptive strikes on anyone who won't kowtow to the Oil Cabal's unilateralist whims. As the old saying goes, a leopard cannot change his spots. Similarly, the "world's #1 terrorist" remains true to his Evil Empire's traditional Robber Baron instincts.
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