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Palestinians plight main cause of U.S. anger in Islamic world

An Asian scholar's latest book has generated widespread debates on why Muslims hate America.

Kishore Mahbubani states that U.S. policy towards the Middle East has unwittingly made Osama bin Laden somewhat of a popular figure in the region.

Singapore's former two-term chief diplomat to the UN warns that the level of anger in the Islamic world will become even stronger if the U.S. does not act swiftly to enhance its image amongst Muslims.
“I think the moment to rectify the situation is now,” he told a forum in Washington last week about his new book, “Beyond the Age of Innocence: Rebuilding Trust between America and the World.”

In the thought-provoking book, Mahbubani, now a Singapore university dean, describes positive U.S. contributions to global society and how the superpower abruptly walked away from the world when the Cold War ended.

He also conveys his own anguish over deepening distrust and resentment of the United States.

Even in East Asia, where its rise as an economic power was made aided by U.S. political, military and financial support, “the tone of conversation about America, sadly speaking, has turned negative,” he said.

“In my conversations, when I travel around the world, I discover there are two sets of conversations -- there is one set of conversation when you have Americans in the room and everybody will say the right, nice things and how wonderful America is.

“And then the Americans will leave the room and the real conversation begins. And inevitably, the comment comes up: “Who do these people think they are?’”

Mahbuban recounts that when he asks Muslim friends what is "the number one issue" for resenting the U.S., the Palestinians plights was cited as the main reason.

“My fear -- and this by the way is a very real fear -- is that 10 years from now, 20 years from now, if we get things wrong, then the level of anger in the Islamic world may be much heavier, much stronger than it is now,” warned Mahbubani.

“The purpose of my book is to tell Americans that these are the voices I hear when they speak about you in private.”
by Becky Johnson (becky_johnson222 [at]
So the plight of the Palestinians is the MAIN CAUSE of anti-American sentiment in the Arab world?

US corporations propping up Arab oil Sheiks while their own population starves is not the cause?

The United States pre-emptively striking, conquering, and occupying a foreign power is NOT the cause of hatred against the USA in the Arab world?

I guess Saddam wasn't that popular!

Since the Palestinians have turned down every one of 13 separate attempts to set up an independent state of Palestine since 1937, their suffering can hardly be blamed on the USA, or Israel, or anyone except their own leaders.

Bill Clinton bent over backwards to appease Arafat, but instead he launched his murderous intifada.

Osama bin Laden claimed his main reason for attacking the USA on 9/11 was the presence of US troops on Arabian soil.

But I guess if you are a Palestinian PR agent, you can turn any event into a pro-Palestinian occasion.

The truth of the matter was sacrificed a long time ago.
by Sefarad
"Bill Clinton bent over backwards to appease Arafat, but instead he launched his murderous intifada. "

It was not only Clinton. The EU has been supporting the PLO.
So let us make one true just and fair the reason for the hate and the conflict to end.....

A free Palestinian State in the Whole of the West Bank and Gaza only 22% of what is Today Israel, West Bank and Gaza.

There fore an end to the Conflict and we no Longer need to hear...
Palestinians plight main cause of U.S. anger in Islamic world
by Monday, Mar. 07, 2005 at 12:04 PM

A carved up State is not the same as a Viable Palestinian State.....

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