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Report: Leaders of Hamas, Islamic Jihad leave Damascus

by Al Bawaba
Syria has ordered the leaders of two Palestinian groups to leave the country, the Telegraph reported Sunday. Khaled Meshaal, the exiled leader of Hamas, and Ramadan Shallah, the head of the Islamic Jihad, which was behind a recent suicide bombing in Tel Aviv, have been "forced" to move from Syria to other Arab countries.
"They have gone, and they have told me that they have gone," Khaled Fahum, the veteran head of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation in Damascus, told the British paper.

Meshaal had left for Qatar, while Shallah was being sheltered by Hizbullah in Lebanon, he said. "The government has closed their offices, cut off their phones and shut down their email," said Fahum. "I know this from both sides."

Israel has presented foreign diplomats with a transcript of an intercepted call allegedly made by Shallah to an Islamic Jihad cell on the West Bank authorising the Tel Aviv attack, which killed five Israelis, The Telegraph added.
Islamic Jihad, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, and Al Qaeda should get the hell out of Lebanon.

While Indybay readers are still wallowing in anti-Israel propaganda, world history is happening in Lebanon without a single posting here.

The Lebanese people, overwhelmingly opposed the Syrian occupation that has been going on 30 years.

Its been 15 years since the violent civil war ended, but 14,000 Syrian troops still occupy Lebanon. While indybay readers are subjected to diatribe after diatribe about Israel's "occupation" of lands that could just as well belong to Israel as to any other national people, while ignoring the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, smacks of anti-semiticism- of which one manifestation is a double-standard.

Right now the Lebanese people are bravely violating laws which prohibit public assembly, criticism of the government, and demonstrations. The Syrian puppet government has resigned under the enormous pressure of a people moved to take to the streets.

Yesterday, the Syrian president announced he is pulling the Syrian troops to the Syrian border.

Why isnt this big news at indymedia?

Or does it have a faint whiff of pro-israel news, hence its to be ignored as though it isn't happening???
by JA
"BECKY'S BRAIN!!: An Amazing 'Interview' With Becky Johnson of Santa Cruz", by JA


For more, later, see (Becky Johnson):

Examiner ad demonizes Palestinian children, shows young girl with gun

Albert Einstein Condemned Israeli Nazis

Elise Cohen of The Fellowship Of Reconciliation talks about upcoming delegations to Israel

by Sefarad

He says the truth.

So nazis want her silent.
by aaron
I'm wondering how the fatuous Becky Johnson is integrating the news that a half million or so Lebanese rallied today for the Syrians to stay.

How many Palestineans would attend a demonstration calling for a continuation of the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza?

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