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Indybay Feature

San Francisco Science-Kabbalah Crossroad Event

by Yana Balasny (dima [at]

As representative of the Bnei Baruch Association, founded by Kabbalist Michael Laitman, Ph.D., author of twenty-two books on Kabbalah, I would like to invite you to two extraordinary events taking place on March 21st and March 22nd, 2005 at the San Francisco Jewish Community Center.
We would be honored if you find it possible to attend.
The first event, on the evening of March 22nd, 2005 at the beautiful Kanbar Hall, will be a captivating and entertaining encounter of great minds as we bring together three of the scientists, currently appearing in the hit documentary feature film, What the Bleep Do We Know?!, Following a viewing of excerpts from the film, physicists Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D, William Tiller, Ph.D. Jeffrey Satinover, M.D. along with theologian, Míċeal Ledwith, Ph.D., meet with kabbalist, Michael Laitman, PhD., for a lively roundtable exchange on the crossroads of modern science and Kabbalah, the ancient science of the how and why of reality. The evening includes a 40 minute opportunity for questions and answers as well a public book signing by these authors. Catered reception follows the event
Kanbar Hall is located at 3200 California Street (“California at Presidio”), San Francisco, CA 94118.
Our second event, on the evening of March 21st, 2005, 7:30 p.m. through 9:30 p.m. the American West Learning Center (AWLC) is proud to co-sponsor an event entitled “The Music of Kabbalah” hosted by Lawrence Raphael, rabbi of Congregation Sherith Israel.
Composer, Nir Ben Zion will perform his original composition for jazz organ based on the hidden, authentic and powerful spiritual melodies of the Ashlagian tradition. Dr. Laitman will present a brief overview of the music of Kabbalah including selected examples of authentic Kabbalistic melodies in their original style performed by Rita Glassman, Cantor of Sherith Israel
The highlight of the evening is a lecture by world renowned kabbalist, Dr.Laitman, presenting an introduction to the long hidden principals of genuine Kabbalah.
A public reception follows the event.
Congregation Sherith Israel is located at 2266 California Street (at Webster), San Francisco, CA 94115
R.S.V.P. at (415) 469-9394, E-mail: sfkabbalah [at]


Yana Balyasny, Representative
American West Learning Center

As representative of the Bnei Baruch Association, founded by Kabbalist Michael Laitman, Ph.D., author of twenty-two books on Kabbalah, I would like to invite you to two extraordinary events taking place on March 21st and March 22nd, 2005 at the San Francisco Jewish Community Center.
We would be honored if you find it possible to attend.
The first event, on the evening of March 22nd, 2005 at the beautiful Kanbar Hall, will be a captivating and entertaining encounter of great minds as we bring together three of the scientists, currently appearing in the hit documentary feature film, What the Bleep Do We Know?!, Following a viewing of excerpts from the film, physicists Fred Alan Wolf, Ph.D, William Tiller, Ph.D. Jeffrey Satinover, M.D. along with theologian, Míċeal Ledwith, Ph.D., meet with kabbalist, Michael Laitman, PhD., for a lively roundtable exchange on the crossroads of modern science and Kabbalah, the ancient science of the how and why of reality. The evening includes a 40 minute opportunity for questions and answers as well a public book signing by these authors. Catered reception follows the event
Kanbar Hall is located at 3200 California Street (“California at Presidio”), San Francisco, CA 94118.
Our second event, on the evening of March 21st, 2005, 7:30 p.m. through 9:30 p.m. the American West Learning Center (AWLC) is proud to co-sponsor an event entitled “The Music of Kabbalah” hosted by Lawrence Raphael, rabbi of Congregation Sherith Israel.
Composer, Nir Ben Zion will perform his original composition for jazz organ based on the hidden, authentic and powerful spiritual melodies of the Ashlagian tradition. Dr. Laitman will present a brief overview of the music of Kabbalah including selected examples of authentic Kabbalistic melodies in their original style performed by Rita Glassman, Cantor of Sherith Israel
The highlight of the evening is a lecture by world renowned kabbalist, Dr.Laitman, presenting an introduction to the long hidden principals of genuine Kabbalah.
A public reception follows the event.
Congregation Sherith Israel is located at 2266 California Street (at Webster), San Francisco, CA 94115
R.S.V.P. at (415) 469-9394, E-mail: sfkabbalah [at]


Yana Balyasny, Representative
American West Learning Center
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