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Indybay Feature

Scratch Video – Revolution Remixed

Sunday, March 13, 2005
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Event Type:
David Room
Location Details:
1834 Park Blvd.
Oakland, CA 94606

Scratch Video – Revolution Remixed:
A post-modern call to battle, for our planet, for our communities, for our freedom

Join us for a screening of three radical remixes of popular Hollywood movies by local film makers. These brief, yet high impact culture jams address globalization, 9-11, war on terrorism, the industrial military complex, racism, consumer culture, business as usual, our disconnection with nature in favor of technology, and more. After the film, there will be a conversation between the film makers and the audience on the films, scratch video, and local action in Oakland.

The Red Pill (25 minutes)

THe reD PILL Is a scraTcH vIDeo, a coLLaGe oF cLIPs From HoLLYwooD FeaTure FILms. IT JuxTaPoses crITIcaL DIaLoGue sPoKen BY THe acTors THaT we Have maDe GoDs oF, wITH PowerFuL ImaGerY ProDuceD BY THe ProDucTIon sTuDIos THaT we Have maDe BILLIonaIres oF -- BuT THen reeDITs, remIxes anD reconTexTuaLIzes IT, To cHanGe THe waY You THInK aBouT THe worLD, To cHaLLenGe You To THInK oF new waYs oF cHanGInG THe worLD.

THe reD PILL Is a muLTImeDIa cuLTure Jam THaT TaKes THe Hour-anD-a-HaLF-LonG commercIaLs For consumer cuLTure, THe ProPaGanDa THaT Is soLD To us as enTerTaInmenT -- anD THen, In ProuD, GuerILLa, HIP HoP TraDITIon, reaPProPrIaTes THem anD ForGes THem InTo a weaPon oF war In THe FIGHT aGaInsT THose verY same aDverTIsInG aGencIes anD THeIr corPoraTe cLIenTs THaT wouLD BuY anD seLL our verY souLs.

The Fellowship of the Ring of Free Trade (6 minutes)

Now, for the first time ever, the hidden prophecies of J.R.R. Tolkien's classic epic, The Lord of the Rings, are decoded in this accurate re-edit of Peter Jackson's blockbuster motion picture. Unknownst to many readers, The Lord of the Rings - once thought to be merely a story of archetypal struggle between good and evil - has been found to contain astute prophetic messages about the impending crisis of capitalist modernity. The Fellowship of the Ring of Free Trade includes subtitles of the decoded dialogues in painstaking detail and the true identities that the story's characters represent within the prophecy.

The Twin Towers (15 minutes)

This sequel to The Fellowship of the Ring of Free Trade explores post-911 issues within Mordor (aka United States).

Sponsored by Post Carbon Institute, City Repair Oakland West, and st01en collective with the intention to connect with people interested in local action, scratch video, ecological building, post fossil fuel living, and other community projects in Oakland.

Contact Info: st01en collective, Post Carbon Institute, City Repair Oakland West
Added to the calendar on Tue, Mar 1, 2005 11:41PM
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