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Indybay Feature

March 19th 2005: International day of protest

by AmigaPhil
March 19th 2005, the world will says: ENOUGH!

19 March 2005: ENOUGH! No More Lies, No More War Crimes!

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by weary
the poster looks like something for a violent war/action trashy film. I think it would be better to put a image that shows the reality of war, like a dead body. Seriously, don't be afraid to put that on outreach material like a poster or flyer. It is the truth about war. The people need to know the truth. They need to see an image like a dead body, and get mad or upset. This is how we get people to come out and protest. This is the first step to stopping the war.
I am not making accusations, but I have been involved with numerous moblizations on different issues and i have noticed a disturbing trend in posters, flyers and other outreach material. There always seems to be something of utter most ernst wrong. Either the outreach material has important date or location left out, or the image is completely absurd or to the contrary of the vision of the moblization or sending conflicting or cofusing message out, etc. Once again I am not making any accusations to the producer of this material, but I am starting to get the feeling that one of main targets of inflitrators and disrupturs is the posters and flyers. They are the main source of outreach to the community and if a disruptor can mess with them in some way, they can affect the turn out to a protest or event. So, I am being a little controversial, but if you are a infiltraitor........................
by AmigaPhil
Higher resolution and more on: Bush, War, Crimes : Images, Messages<br>
by yeah
Right on!!
by PW
PW will be there with bells on!

You all need to quit reading Noam Chomsky and get a clue. The only lies that need to stop are your own.
by Peace Builder
PW, I don't know to who you aim your message, but I guess you disagree with the 19 March demo (?) Can you explain what you think is wrong with that ?
Not everybody is a Chomsky reader, but most if not all peace activists can denounce the wrong doings regardless of the "side" they are committed. The US war of agression against Iraq is one of the FACTS that will be worldwide protested on March 19th. Except maybe the PW's one, I don't think you will see any posters that will deny/refute/minimize eg. the aggressive behavior of China against Tibet. But I bet that when a protest against the occupation of Tibet will happen (maybe you are about to organize one ?), many protestors from the March 19 demo will be there too (and not with a "Troops out of Iraq now" placard).
We worst we could do is to deny something to keep us comfortably numb. That's not compatible with the values peace activists are defending.
What "others" are doing wrong does not make "us" free to do any bad. If we want to promote Peace, Justice, Democracy, we have to be credible.
We have to play fair and honest. THAT will make us grow better.

Look outside.

by go to hell
i think you anti war retards should DIE AND BURN IN HELL
by Bill
These is the typical coward rhetoric spewed by these 'protest warriors' and their ilk----they can't produce a substantive argument--unless they steal from AM radio-nut-propaganda--so they reduce themeselves to child-like verbal abuse. Just angry little children with limited insight/critical thinking abilities. Not to mention an obvious lack of empathy for their fellow human beings. Very sad when anyone on either side of the argument can't come up with anything but 'Fuck You'.
by radical
"If you have not noticed, our signs are actually quite witty and make a serious point through sarcasm."

Sarcasm is known as the lowest form of humor for a reason: Anyone--even drooling protest warrior brick-heads--can engage in it.

"When a peace protester wearing a shirt that says 'Tolerance' screams at me for twenty minutes I can help but laughing at the irony."

What you can't help but do is make up stories. You've never been verbally attacked by a protester with a 'Tolerance' shirt. That's just a canned line you jack-asses find so amusing and self-affirming.

Speaking of "tolerance," name a right-wing site that is open to anti-capitalists as this forum is open to right-wingers. The Freepers don't allow posts that deviate from their party-line to stay up for more than a few hours.

by Wilbur Carp (wilburcarp [at]
If protesting the war is a way to get Americans to learn the truth about 9/11 then it is a good thing.
The World Trade Towers were detonated. It was not because of Jet Fuel. If that was the case, what about the nearly forgotten WTT # 7.
The towers colapsing was only a reason to start the wars on the middle east for Oil and war profiteers. Cheney is a good example. Former CEO of Halliburton.
It all started with the stolen election of 2000 and again in 2004. Type PNAC into any browser and catch up on the agenda that Cheney and Wolfowitz started back in 1997.
The bUSH cabinet is so corrupt, it makes Jeffrey Skilling look like the tooth fairy.
Yes Protest like your life depends on it. Do it for the right reasons.
Support our Troops, BRING THEM HOME.
The war was started based on LIES.
by Rudolf the Red
In fact, that is all I get from the left in my role as PW Leader. That's fine. I have a bullhorn. I can say it louder. Can't wait to see all the loony left on Saturday!
PW, hoping to see you there too. I always have to laugh so hard when I see you, and you get all nervous when I start photographing you. What are you doing there? Pro-government protests really sound like either fascism or communism, so what again were you guys?

Dude, it is hardly heroic to counter protest an anti-war demo. Last time you guys had no more than 10-20 or so, when we had 10-100,000s. And you had to be protected for your safety by a can of pigs? Or did you guys just stand behind the police line because you were afraid of a crowd of people listening to rallies while on the grass in front of Civic Centre?
by bleeding apathy
yea free republic never edits people its because they are true patriots, just like the great leader aldolph hitler
by PW
if Indybay had left my post you would have seen that I addressed the issue of censorship by Free Republic. I actually took them to task for it. But hey - Indybay apparently only lets oddball republicans post on their site. A resonable person like me gets censored. They can't let a Protest Warrior actually engage in sensible discourse.

by If you want to see, open your eyes
The REAL Iraq War (Warning: Explicit images of Violence)

Images From The War in Iraq

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