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Breaking News: Homeless Camp in Brasil Raided, Two Killed, NYC IMC Volunteer Arrested

Update: According to a comment posted to the Global Indymedia feature from CMI Brasil, "The two IMC volunters ... were taken to the Federal Police where their equipement was taken by the police. They have a lawyer there with them and they seemed to be ok."

We are recieving reports from Indymedia Brasil that Brasilian military police raided a homeless camp last night, killing at least two members of the Homeless Movement. More than 800 people were arrested, including NYC Indymedia reporter Brad Will.

This is a breaking story. For updates visit the Indymedia global and Brasil [pt] websites.

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by Proteo (proteo [at]
The Goias state government is among teh most reactionary here in Brazil, since the state, like its neighbour Para (where activist nun Dorothy Stran has been shot dead by hitmen) is in the hands of a few landowners and social crisis mounts as the desperate landless peasants and jobless worker fill the urban areas looking for shelter and food. However, this action ("Operation Triumph", the cops named it!), openly bragged by local authorities on TV as a 'victory' against 'bums' and 'agitators', became a declaration of war against the social movements. As Lula's government, in yet another betrayal of the working classes, refused to rebuke this true massacre (more people, inclunding children, were reported dead but had their bodies hidden by the police), the media boycott on what really happened at Sonho Real ('True Dream') squat is simply shameful. We brazilians need urgent international solidarity by e-mails to the brazilian federal government Human Rights Special Secretariate ( demanding that the federal police investigates the crimes committed by Governor Perilo's state troopers against defenseless people who, desperate, squatted a disputed urban area just to get clubbed and shot to death. Criminalization of the treatment of social issues in Brazil is becoming worse, and we neeed help!
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