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Cody's Thurs: 'Denial and Deception' - 'Former' CIA Agents Advancing the 9/11 Cover-up

by repost
Out of the stampede of recently-former CIA agents publishing books and writing articles to explain away the 'intelligence failures' that supposedly led to 9/11 comes Melissa Boyle Mahle, speaking at Cody's Books on Thursday the 24th.
'Denial and Deception' - Melissa Boyle Mahle and Other 'Former' CIA Agents Advancing the 9/11 Cover-up of Incompetence

While browsing books at Cody's books in Berkeley the other evening, I was surprised to notice that a former CIA agent named Melissa Boyle Mahle, was scheduled to be a featured book review speaker the next week. I picked up the book and thought it was strange that there was not a single review on the back dust cover. Looking on Amazon just now, I saw that there were only 2 reviews. And not surprisingly, the description on the back cover reads like a bad spy novel. Some areas are even blacked-over reactions - areas the CIA supposedly censored. Wow!

Here's the important part of the description of the book on Amazon:

"Mahle provides a vivid personal and historical narrative on how the CIA became an anorexic organization, lost in the post-Cold War world. Afraid to take risks that might offend Washington politicos and European allies, gutted of the clandestine operators who knew how to run secret wars, exhausted from reform whiplash, and demoralized by demonization and poor performance, the CIA simply became unable and unwilling "to get down and dirty to do the hard part to fight a real war on terrorism."

Lost? Afraid to take risks that might offend Washington politicos? Exhausted from reform whiplash? Maybe these are real concerns, I don't know - does the CIA not get any black ops money? You know, the trillions of dollars dissapearing from our tax money with no paper trail at all? Is the agency simply reeling under such a cash flow? Whatever the case, from the cover-up work of these so-called former agents, it seems obvious what's going on here.

I opened the book up and started to read and was disgusted almost immediately. Mahle leaps into 9/11 at the start, describing her own experience as a CIA agent, but focuses on aspects like her tears at seeing all the flags come out later that day and how it was all just another INTELLIGENCE FAILURE, the name of the chapter, incidentally. Perhaps she really believes it was a 'failure,' as hard as that is to imagine. But the recent stampede of CIA agents exiting the agency since 9/11 with their publisher's contract in hand appears to me to be a part of an agenda. Why? Because you have to wonder how is it that the average person you meet or know already understands that 9/11 was never an intelligence failure, but these people supposedly don't know that. Most of us know that 9/11 was meant to happen, it was made to happen, and it was pulled off only with the help of a fascist corporate media and hard-core cover-up commission, so that a small group of already extremely wealthy and powerful inividuals could become ever more powerful in its wake. And all the while, do people like Melissa Boyle Mahle really think - in their patriotic state of blissful ignorance - that this wasn't an inside job? Doubtful.

You can browse the first few slick pages on Amazon here:

But perhaps the example of another recently-former CIA agent, Robert Baer, could help illuminate the context. Baer reportedly emerged in the media spotlight in the months after 9/11 and was described as a 'former CIA official involved in counter-terrorism.' Chaim Kupferberg, author of an article titled, "CIA's Robert Baer Spins Official Legend of 9-11," describes Baer's start this way:

"After publishing his widely acclaimed book, 'See No Evil,' Baer established himself as the mainstream media's "go-to" guy when making the case for pre-9/11 complacency and opportunistic blindness."

Kupferberg delves into the notable inconsistencies in Baer's reported activities before and after 9/11, particularly those related to Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and Daniel Pearl. And ultimately, he also wonders what's going on when a former CIA agent is suddenly offering up the 'real deal' on 9/11:

"Isn't Baer, after all, just a retired CIA guy far out of the loop, trolling the media circuit as an "independent" critic? Or is he, rather, a key operative among an insular (though by no means rogue) counter-terror clique involved in the formation and presentation of the Official 9/11 Legend and its off-shoots?"

Part of the agenda, I note, is to come off as critical of the 9/11 report - both Baer and Mahle go on record taking the report down. Here's how Baer decribes the report in an interview:

ROBERT BAER: I think it's fairly bland. Most of the information in this report has already been leaked to the press in one form or another. There's no particularly important revelations. And it's also a report that avoids controversy.

Indeed, this description could probably describe his own role in maintaining the illusion that 'intelligence failure' was the cause of 9/11. He was also recently used by the Nation magazine (for an excellent background on the Nation, see: to write a piece attacking David Ray Griffin (author of The New Pearl Harbor and The 9/11 Commission Report: Ommission and Distortions). Not surprisingly, Baer opens his article with this line:

"Conspiracy theories are hard to kill."

Indeed, killing an understanding that the official story on 9/11 is a lie, is hard to do when the evidence is flowing all over the internet - worldwide - and was captured in images in front of our own eyes. Aside from the tons of other evidence (such as the speed of the collapse of the towers, the massive sizes of the dust clouds, etc.) today, all we need to do is look at two fires that burned for over 15 hours each in skyscrapers in Spain and Venezuela in the past year without causing total destruction, and ask why fires that burned for only 1 hour could bring both WTC towers down. A good summary with excellent pictures is here, at the bottom of the page:

And the only way to keep the lie alive - that it was all just a big mistake! - the CIA needs to trot out supposed former agents to share their secret inside inderstanding. Luckily, we have authors like David Ray Griffin, who brings together the work of many researchers to ask the questions they don't want us to ask. Baer's response to Griffin is likely the exact same response that Mahle would give to anyone who asked too many questions:

"For a start, Griffin simply cannot accept that our national security system totally failed all on its own on September."

On its own. Indeed.

Another description of Baer's and the Nation's attack on Griffin is here:

"On September 13, The Nation magazine published 'Executive Secrecy: Conspiracy or Failure?' by CIA agent Robert Baer. Baer ridicules "conspiracy theories" that 9/11/01 was an inside job, suggesting that this "monstrous proposition" and Griffin's choice to "recycle some of the wilder conspiracy theories" is driven by the evasions and lies of the Bush administration."

That's the limited hangout component of the work of recently-former agents - pass along a few morsels, like trashing the 9/11 Commission Report, or criticizing Bush lies, but never let anyone get near the real truth underneath. By handing out morsels, people are derailed from looking any deeper. In her book 'Denial and Deception,' Mahle seems to paint herself as concerned about 'agency morale' and other nobel endeavors, almost like a protagonist in a spy novel. But don't take the bait. Ask her the hard questions yourself. She'll be in person at Cody's on Thursday the 24th, and at the Commonwealth Club on the 23rd (sold out already).

And if you can't think of any hard questions, you could ask her some of the questions the 9/11 Family Steering Committee would have asked:

Here's a good one:

11. There were an extraordinarily large number of stock puts on American and United airlines stock and others which were subsequently impacted by the terrorist attack.

“It is well documented that the CIA has long monitored such trades – in real time – as potential warnings of terrorist attacks and other economic moves contrary to U.S. interests.

•Was the CIA monitoring the financial markets in the weeks preceding September 11th? If so, via what system and/or software were the markets monitored?
•Was such activity viewed as a warning of an impending attack?
•Did the CIA, in coordination with other agencies, both domestic and abroad, investigate the purchasers of those stock puts?
•Please provide the names of those individuals, investment groups and others who purchased the stock puts in question and the reasons they gave for anticipating a drop in the stocks of companies which coincidentally happened to have been severely impacted on September 11th.

Or you could just ask how it was that Osama was able to stand down the US military on 9/11,

Below are a few of the many important sites covering 9/11 truth:

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by Carol Brouillet (cbrouillet [at]
Thanks for the excellent article!!!!

Last October when we were protesting 9-11 Commissioner Tim Roemer, at the World Affairs Council, and he came out of the building smiled and shook my hand; it suddenly dawned on me that "I was not going to be gunned down in cold blood in the streets." The real battle between the perpetrators of 9-11 and the vast majority of the world's population is an information war, that will be waged on television screens, movie screens, on the radio, through books, magazines, art, lectures.. defining reality.

We know the 9-11 Cover-Up Commission was a complete farce and that Richard Clarke's agenda is to support the myth of Al Qaeda and a limited hang-out which would bring down a few, but leave the bulk of the power structure intact. This will be contradicted by massive propaganda by the major networks and film studios who will present a "heroic 9-11 Commission" and athe "Richard Clarke- hero" mini-series and film...

I was surprized to hear of Cody's featuring this CIA operative, and hope folks will be there to raise questions- and please pass out some handbills for our upcoming events- which are our attempt to challenge the official narrative and get the basic truths out to the public and into the press-

For years, we have been trying to break the basic facts about 9-11 into the mainstream news. Marches, rallies, film screenings, educational events, the International inquiries into 9-11, radio programs, television programs, books, magazines, art, Deception Dollars, street theatre have all contributed to a raising of consciousness. Even the New York Times, the L.A. Times, and Congress are now forced to acknowledge that the Administration lied about what it knew, when. The White House is in panic mode, issuing new terrorist warnings, and hiring experts in terrorism, death squads, and repression to head up our Intelligence Agencies and Homeland Insecurity.
March 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, in and around San Francisco, we will be premiering "The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw- The Great Conspiracy" produced by Barrie Zwicker, the first mainstream journalist to deeply question the official story, and director of the Toronto International Inquiry into 9-11. The screenings will be followed by dialogues with Barrie Zwicker; author of 9-11 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA, Webster G. Tarpley; Director of Project Censored, Peter Phillips; Investigative Reporter, musician, Michael Kane, the press and the public. I'm working hard to encourage the few "independent press outlets" to break the story and be applauded for championing truth and justice. Who in the press will come to which event remains to be seen.
Simply the process of organizing has helped me to see how much our movement has progressed. Our co-sponsors include- Veterans for Peace- Chapter 69, American Legion Post 315, Project Censored, KPFA, Pacifica Radio, Kepler's Books, Black Oak Books, Cody's Bookstore, City Lights Bookstore, Valencia Street Bookstore, Modern Times Books, The Raging Grannies,,, The events will be benefits for the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance. The book stores have asked us which 9-11 books they ought to carry. The Pacifica website has a special category for 9-11 truth events on its calendar.
The Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance is now a project of Agape Foundation; we have sent two delegates to represent us this weekend in St. Louis at the United for Peace and Justice national conference to support proposals which merge the 9-11 Truth Movement with the Peace and Justice Movement.
I hope that you will be heartened by this information and will pass it on. ( If you live in the Bay Area, we would appreciate help with passing out handbills, putting up posters, pressuring the press).
The art for the handbills for the event is posted at .
Additional Bay Area 9-11 organizational and public events are posted at
Last year our "Behind Every Terrorist- There is a Bush" comedy event was tremendously enjoyed and appreciated. A great comedian, Swami Beyondananda, has volunteered to offer a bit of comic relief, during the film breaks, to help people grasp the heavy message we are carrying. There is nothing quite so empowering, as humor, to help large numbers of people to overcome their fears and take action.
These should be fun, historic events. We realize that even if we make headlines on the local papers; we still will have a journey ahead to hold those responsible for 9-11 accountable. Please come if you can!!!!
The basic details for reposting-

Contact- Carol Brouillet 650-857-0927
The Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance

Upcoming Premieres of the Canadian documentary- The 9-11 News Special You Never Saw- The Great Conspiracy -

March 9th at the Guild Theatre, 949 El Camino Real in Menlo Park,
March 10th at the Grand Lake Theatre, 3200 Grand Ave. in Oakland, 510-452-3556
March 11th at the Herbst Theatre, 401 Van Ness Ave. in San Francisco,
March 12th at the Odd Fellows Hall, 545 Pacific Ave. in Santa Rosa , 707-664-2500

All screenings begin at 7:30 PM to be followed by dialogues with producer, Barrie Zwicker; author of “9-11 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA,” Webster G. Tarpley; Director of Project Censored, Peter Phillips; and Michael Kane, musician, investigative reporter, the press, and the public.
Barrie Zwicker was the first mainstream television journalist to deeply examine the official 9-11 story; he was director of the Toronto International Citizens’ Inquiry into 9-11. In the documentary, Zwicker analyzes the use of fear to unnerve the public and deconstructs the so-called “war on terror.” He examines in depth the failure of the military on 9/11 and George Bush’s highly inappropriate behavior on that day. He finds the 9/11 Commission Report to be a cover-up operation. Throughout the film, he analyzes the role of mainstream media in keeping the public misinformed.
All tickets $10 available @the door and at the local bookstores which are our co-sponsors, also available through 415-392-4400, at the Grand Lake Theatre, and the Santa Rosa screening through Project Censored.

The events are benefits for the Northern California 9-11 Truth Alliance 866-268-2320

Co-Sponsors include- Veterans for Peace- Chapter 69, American Legion Post 315,,,, Project Censored, KPFA, Pacifica Radio, Kepler's Books, Black Oak Books, Cody's Bookstore, City Lights Bookstore, Valencia Street Bookstore, Modern Times Books, The Raging Grannies
by Tim McNiven (Timothy514 [at]
For over 3 years I have been trying to get the information I have about a US Military Study to Improve US Air Travel Security I took part into the media.
In 1976 I took part in a US Congressional Commissioned Military Study to Improve US Air Travel Security while stationed on Strassberg Kasern in Idar-Oberstein,W.Germany assigned to C-Battery 2/81st FA, US Army. The purpose of the Study was to Identify Security Lapses and submit Corrective Actions to the US Congress; on September 11,2001 the Security Lapses that were used to carry out the Attacks were the same ones that were submitted to the US Congress for Correcting "25 Years" before.
In June 2002 I took a polygraph exam in concerns to my taking part in this Study, it was given by a Mr.Weller who is a Retired Canadian Army Officer who was trained by the US Army as a Military Polygraph Examiner and the Exam I was given is the same one the US Government uses; I met the US Government's Standard for telling the Truth and Passed.
The results are posted on the website I put online out of frustration with the US media's censorship of this information along with letters of support from: the Honourable John McCallum, Canada's former Minister of National Defense Carolyn Parrish, MP and former Vice Chair of the International NATO Executive and most recently (George Bush Doll Stomper on "this Hour has 22 Minutes" CBC TV) ; and others to get this into the media. There is a letter from George Bush's Church from a Janet Horman who wanted paper copies sent so she could get them to Sen.Graham-D for the first US Government 9-11-01 Investigation and other information about the Study (like the names of the other participants) it is located at:
I have posted the Affidavit I gave for the Ellen Mariani RICO Lawsuit that was filed against George Bush and his Administration along with a copy of the Lawsuit text which my US Military Study Information is Count III. I would like to point out that Federal Judge Eduardo C. Robreno, US Attorney General John Ashcroft and the US Attorney General's Office investigated and found to be True my statement in the first paragraph where I identify myself as a US Department of Defense Agent which is the reason why I didnot get Arrested for Impersonating a US Federal Agent.
The 9-11-01 Truth Movement has trouble with this since it disproves their "George Bush and the Republicans did it" Agenda because this Study's information proves that the Democrats are Equally Responcible for Delibertly Allowing the 9-11-01 Attacks to take place. In the Spring of 2002 Cynthia McKinney came on National TV and put on a Democratic Political Party Theatcrical Performace complete with "Tears" calling for US Government "Prior Knowledge" of the 9-11-01 Attacks; within days she was faxed the 1976 US Military Study Information. Since receiving this information she and her Democrats have been doing everything they can to censor this information to include taking over the 9-11-01 Truth Movement with their "Political Party Money". (see Cynthia McKinney Kinko Fax Reciepts posted on my website)
In the late fall of 2002 I contacted the September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows with the information about the US Military Study, they referred my to a Kyle Hence who they told me was doing investigation into the Attacks. I sent him my information and he wrote back asking me if I would like to be in his Press Confrence that he had tenitively set-up for March 2003 because he said my information was important.
I waited for his next email and it never came; instead months later he has his press conference but doesnot have me present my information. Then he becomes a Cynthia McKinney supporter because she brought with her Democrat Money; so Kyle Hence sold out the 9-11-01 Truth Movement from the very begining and has refused to reply to my requests about why he choose to censor my information from the 9-11-01 Truth Movement when US Attorney General John Ashcroft accepted it as being 100% True because he had Government Sorces confirm this for him. Once again Kyle Hence why have you censorred the US Attorney General Office's confirmed as True information about the 1976 US Military Study that I took part in? I bet he doesn't answer again.
So not only has the mainstream media censorred the Truth about the 9-11-01 Attacks, the Democrats that have taken over the 9-11-01 Truth Movement with their money like Jimmy Walters who had the oppertunity to bring this "Smoking Gun Evidence" to the American People in his newspaper ads choose to "Censor" it also. Thanks Jimmy!
Befor any Truth can be told about the 9-11-01 Attacks all Political Party Members like Cynthia McKinney who was one of the US Congressional Elelcted Officicals that were Responcible for Improving US Air Travel Security since 1976 but didnot; are ranout of the 9-11-01 Truth Movement because until that time the 9-11-01 Truth Movement will remain nothing more than a Democrtaic Political Party Propaganda Cover-Up Program of Their Equal Responcibility for Allowing the 9-11-01 Attacks to take place.
Please review my website information and contact Kyle Hence, Cynthia McKinney and the rest of the Democrats that have infiltrated the 9-11-01 Truth Movement and ask them why they have censorred the information about the 1976 US Military Study that "They" the Democrats conducted to Improve US Air Travel Security and then Didn't.
"After all, 25 Years is; a Quarter of a Century" and if Cynthia McKinney and the Democrats - George Bush and the Republicans didnot Act upon Their #1 Governmental Priority "National Security" in that amount of Time "It is Not" an International Legal Reason for any Military Actions let alone a 100 Year US Congressional Declarred World War.
And the only Question that Democrats and Republicans have to answer for you every day for the rest of Their Lives is; Explain 25 Years: Why did you delibertly "Not" Improve US Air Travel Security for "25 Years" and Divert the US Treasury Funds that had been "Earmarked" for Implementing the Security Upgrades amd Improvements from Your Own Study to do just that; Improve US Air Travel Security in 1976 by the American Tax Payer to Yourselves in Pay Raises/Salary Adjustments, Monica Lewinski type Sex Act Performing Interns, Hilary and Chelsea Clinton type Personal Around the World Vaction Travel and every other Manner of Financial Benefit to Themselves.
Sincerely, Tim McNiven
by Fred
I don't trust former CIA agents who are still at large and able to travel in the US very much. If they have interesting things to say and are saying them, they have to relocate.  If they have seemingly interesting things to say, someone's letting them talk.
by John Doraemi
Puking on David Corn's Head

Hey David Corn -- you make a lot of noise whilst prancing and preening, this time at

But here's a lesson in basic logic.

Disputing a dubious claim that "pods" were attached to the plane that hit a WTC tower is not the same thing as disproving that some in the U.S. government were complicit in the attacks. No, it's not the same thing at all.

I bet this sort of thing is not lost on the great majority either. It's not lost on the half of New Yorkers who know that BushCo. operatives knew of the plans in advance and "consciously failed to act." (Zogby, 8-04) Nor is it lost on the two thirds of New York State residents who want these investigations reopened -- for real this time.

It sure wasn't lost on me when George W. appointed Henry Kissinger, war criminal extraodinaire, to lead the cover up -- oops -- I mean "investigation."

No, David Corn, you reprehensible shill. You know better. Yet, you still maintain the farce. There has to be a special circle in hell for the enablers of atrocity, for those in the media who through shameless public cocksucking allow the lies to stand.

Corn makes much jest that he has been called a "CIA operative," which may certainly be the case. He alludes to a non-existent "CIA check" as if that were the only kind of compensation we should consider. Mr. Corn evidently hasn't heard of "Project Mockingbird," where CIA actively recruited U.S. journalists for disinformation purposes.

David, access is also a form of compensation. Without it, you'd have nothing to write about in The Nation Magazine, which receives funding from questionable sources such as the CIA's Ford Foundation.

Back to basic logic:

Corn obscures. He doesn't address the real and damning links, the known connections from the alleged 9-11 "hijackers" that stretch back to the White House. Corn fixates on easy targets and brings out the big guns for a smear job about Mike Vreeland (who?), rather than actual 9-11 operatives such as "money man" Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad, former head of Pakistani intelligence (the man who had $100,000 wired to Mohammad Atta before the attacks).

Where's the beef, Dave?

Corn's latest holy grail is a shoddy exercise in obfuscation published in Hearst's Popular Mechanics. For some background, Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini were once paid journalists for William Randolph Hearst's publications. This crappy article is put down adequately in this rebuttal: Popular Mechanics Attacks Its "9/11 LIES" Straw Man, by Jim Hoffman.

The Popular Mechanics (PM) piece does what Corn (and the Republican right) are good at: focus on tangential details, and ignore the real substance of the critic's charges. There are so many theories out there, some no-doubt put there by CIA as disinformation to discredit critics, that of course some of them can be disproven. What PM hopes to accomplish with this piece is to cite 16 "theories" and then to pretend that what they have addressed is the entire scope of 9-11 skepticism. This is clearly not the case.

Bombs in buildings?

Had you ever seen the World Trade Center towers with your own eyes? I certainly hope you had. They were magnificent.

They were 110 stories tall.

And they fell exactly into their footpriints. Both of them. Exactly.

Firefighters on the scene speak of hearing and seeing a succession of demolition charges going off in rapid succession. This is documented on the web and on the In Plane Site video. Other eyewitnesses reported likewise.

The owner of World Trade Center tower #7 admitted on television that he ordered the building brought down, in the industry jargon: "They made that decision to pull, and we watched the collapse." Audio from PBS can be heard here. Well, guess what. It takes more than one day's preparation to set up a skyscraper for a perfectly controlled demolition. As WTC-7 was "pulled" on the afternoon of 9-11, there wasn't enough time to arrange such a wiring after 8:46am that morning.

David Corn doesn't concern himself with these damning reveleations. Of course not. His role is not to find the truth, but to fight the fires with successive fall back positions. That is what he does. By pointing to Popular Mechanics and claiming that all issues are settled, David Corn is a part of Frank Wisner's "Mighty Wurlitzer" simply restating the falsehoods that pass unquestioned in big $ media.

David Corn says:

"One conspiracy theory holds that the World Trade Towers could not have been brought down by two airliners and that explosives were set off within the buildings after the planes hit. This sounds silly. If you were able to covertly rig all those buildings with bombs, why would you not skip the airliners and simply blow up the World Trade Center and find a way to pin that type of attack on Al Qaeda?"

Well David, here's why:

1) The Pentagon needed to be struck (a military target) as well, so that this was automatically an "act of war." You can't exactly claim "lax security" at the most secure installation in the country. You could hardly claim "lax security" at the WTC towers either, when the president's brother ran the company that handled security there (Marvin Bush).

2) The "suicide hijacking" Project Bojinka scenario was in the works because it is a credible threat. It's genuinely plausible, and terrifying. It also links directly to men of middle eastern descent, and to the places they want to wage wars to control energy reserves.

3) There was a chance that the WTC buildings could be knocked over flattening half of lower Manhattan. This is the seat of financial power in the United States. Wall Street had to be protected at all costs. This necessitated wiring the buildings for a "controlled demolition." This controlled demolition is exactly what occurred.

4) TV and "spectacular" disasters. The plane crashing footage has been replayed tens, hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of times in order to entrance viewers and solidify the "new Pearl Harbor" motif, which is its purpose.

5) It's completely implausible that "Al Qaeda" could have had opportunity to wire supporting columns up and down the twin towers.

For these and other reasons, Corn's smiplistic defense should be reexamined.

Jet fuel melts structural steel?

David Corn says:

"In any event, PM, citing several studies, notes that "the WTC's structural integrity was destroyed by intense fire as well as the severe damage inflicted by the planes."

Well, Dave, jet fuel doesn't melt structural steel. If fuel melted steel, then the combustion engine would be an impossibility.

What happened to the South Tower, after only 1 hour of your alleged "intense fire" was that the fire was in danger of being extinguished. That was the moment they made the decision to bring it down with explosive charges. The fuel had mostly exploded outside of the south tower in a spectacular fireball upon impact. Because the plane hit at an angle, the bulk of the fuel was ejected from the tower, in front of the world's press. The alleged "intense fire" never reached a temperature anywhere near the melting point for steel. Radio communications from firefighters (murdered) on the scene reported that the fires were under control.

David, before 9-11-01, no steel frame skyscraper anywhere on earth had ever collapsed as a result of fire. There were steel frame skeletons visible in Hiroshima and Nagasaki after atomic bomb detonations. Yet on 9-11, even the building that had not been struck at all (WTC-7) seemed to fall within its footprint in a matter of ten seconds. And you're not investigating. Shame on you.

Here's David Corn, imperial shill, lying his ass off:

"Several conspiracists in books and videos have claimed that the holes at the Pentagon—including the 75-foot entry hole--were too small to have been created by a plane with a 125-foot wingspan."

If this doesn't get one a job at the Pentagon's "Office of Strategic Communications" or at least with Faux News, well what does one have to do?

Hey David Corn: the "entry hole" wasn't 75 feet. Ooops. It was 12 to 16 feet for at least the amount of time it took Marine Corporal Jason Ingersoll to photograph it. The collapse of 75 feet of the facade came later. You are lying. You know the allegations made, yet you blatantly misrepresent them.

I guess it's okay, because:

"I know someone who works in an office near the Pentagon with a woman who saw Flight 77 heading toward the Pentagon. That's good enough for me."

Yeah, they spray paint the flight numbers on the sides of jets -- I forgot -- in bright red, so that passersby can identify them when they're barrelling in at 400 knotts. That's good enough for you, so I guess that's good enough for me.

Only, why aren't they releasing the actual security camera video that shows a plane impacting the Pentagon building? No frame shows any Boeing 757. And why was the videotape at the gas station across the street confiscated by FBI within 5 minutes of impact? Never to be seen again?

On second thought, that's not good enough for me. And neither are your unsubstantiated opinions, Corn.

David Corn, testicles gleaming, concludes by telling us what the "real" issues are:

"The CIA, the FBI, the FAA and NORAD botched their jobs. Fo example, the CIA had a bead on two of the 9/11 hijackers-to-be and failed to notify the FBI in a timely manner. And in its first nine months, the Bush White House, despite the efforts of counterterrorism aide Richard Clarke, put off addressing the threat posed by Al Qaeda."

Oh, the heroism of Richard Clarke, trying his best to educate the bumblers. What a fucking god-awful crock of shit.

David, your spin doesn't match with the facts. The U.S. government created Al Qaeda. The U.S. government also created the Taliban through its proxy force, the Pakistani Inter Services Intelligence (ISI). Al Qaeda was, and is, a tool of U.S. foreign policy. Successive U.S. regimes going back to Carter have aided, abetted and trained the Al Qaeda network. This aid has continued, as far as we can document, right up to August of 2001 in the Balkans.

What's more, the evidence has not even supported that the 9-11 attacks were committed by "Al Qaeda" at all! The "mastermind" Mohammad Atta, was not even a devout Muslim. He ate pork, drank alcohol, and was a narcotics trafficker in Venice Florida, as documented in Daniel Hopsicker's Welcome to Terrorland. So, if the very "ringleader" is not motivated by radical Islamic beliefs and the motives attributed to "Al Qaeda", then what's going on here?

What about the lawsuits by Sibel Edmonds, by David Schippers, by Ellen Mariani? I guess they don't fit the paradigm either, huh? I guess having FBI agents back off of terrorism cases under threat of prosecution doesn't mesh with the "botched their jobs" spin. It looks a little too -- how do you say -- intentional.

Another 52 "warnings" prior to 9-11 were just admitted to. Even as Condoleeza Rice tells us with a straight face that Team BushCo. had "No idea."

Committed to history, in the report of the "National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States", (the "9-11 Commission Report"), we find the names and photographs of the "19 hijackers." But, oops. Big oops. Up to six of the men were still "alive and well", and had nothing whatsoever to do with the attacks. This information came out in BBC and UK Telegraph, and a lot of other news sources, less than two weeks after the attacks, more than 3 years ago.

The "Commission" published their names and photographs anyway, knowing full well that they could not have hijacked any doomed airliners by reason that they are still alive and breathing. Not a word of this reaches mainstream U.S. corporate media audiences.

David Corn would have us believe the Bush administration's narrative, that there was a "failure of intelligence," and "incompetence," and that unnamed, unspecified unidentifiables "botched their jobs."

Well, qui bono? Who benefitted from September 11th?

The pre-emptive empire certainly has. Coincidentally, so has David Corn.


John Doraemi publishes Crimes of the State at:
This is great write-up except for the part about the Pentagon.

1. the link goes to a picture that gives no particular evidence

2. the theory of 'no plane' has been debunked recently by researchers who have carefully examined the eyewitness testimony and each of the physical evidence points in detail. A relevant review is here:

and here:
by Karl Rove
Good response to David Corn ...

a couple problems with sources, though

the "in plane site" video is widely discredited as full of hoaxes, it is not a credible source for anything, even if they copied a couple things (from other sources) that may be true. The short clip of firefighters discussing probable demolition was copied from another film. Planesite is a straw man type argument designed to be easily discredited -- its front cover includes a photo used by 9/11 skeptics to debunk the bullshit claim of a "pod" under Flight 175, a bad joke "hidden in plain sight." Similarly, the Popular Mechanics article includes two photos from that debunk the bullshit "pod" claim -- proof that the PM article was written by people who know exactly what they're doing.

Also, when you look closely at the "no plane at Pentagon" claims they fall apart as a hoax just as ridiculous as the "pod" nonsense. The only difference is that more people fell for this one (virtually no one fell for the "pod" claim).
The Pentagon attack:
The "no plane" theories discredit 9/11 skepticism and distract from proven evidence of complicity
a fake debate between no plane and no complicity

When you have a sensitive topic here, when so much political power is involved, there’s going to be a series of false reports, disinformation put forth to obscure the real story, red herrings to throw off the dogs. It happened in the JFK assassination, and it’s happening now.
My quick analysis on how this is happening right now would be to point out two red herrings: The Pentagon Theory and the accusations of anti-Semitism. Paul Thompson of the 9/11 Timeline was on the Morning Sedition show and host Mark Marin dismissed the entire 9/11 Truth website by saying, “Oh, it’s one of those sites that say no plane hit the Pentagon.” We’re being judged by our weakest link. And it is pretty weak.
You had rush hour traffic on I-395 that saw the plane hit, you have 100 eyewitnesses compiled in the pamphlet published by Penny Schoner. Where the hell did this theory come from? Thierry Meyssan’s book “The Horrible Fraud” was the original source. Meyssan wrote his book from Paris, he didn’t travel over here. The book is highly imaginative, and in the middle of a trauma, people are searching for answers. A lot of people in the 9/11 truth movement glommed onto this one and I think it’s hurt our credibility over all. You have to wonder if that was by design. For instance, all the right-wing magazines (e.g. National Review) have had a field day.
I’ve also seen media voices dismiss the entire topic of 9/11 questioning by sweeping it all into some kind of anti-Semitic whacko camp.
Monday, December 06, 2004
'Reality Is a Construction...': Sander Hicks and the 9/11 Truth Movement
By Mickey Z.

No Plane at the Pentagon -- the original hoax (and the most successful one)

This has been the most popular hoax, and has been promoted the longest of all of these stories (since a few months after 9/11).

At least a few hundred people saw the plane from numerous vantage points and there are photos of plane debris in the wreckage if you look at ALL of the evidence. "No Pentagon plane" discredits 9/11 skeptics in the Washington, DC area, since a lot of people saw the plane, and presumably they all told their families, friends, co-workers, etc. about their experience. There are a number of websites trying to make the issue of official complicity dependent on the "no plane" myth (some state there was complicity, others oppose the idea), but this is a red herring tactic. It should be a big clue that the corporate media efforts to discredit 9/11 skeptics all focus on this claim (the absence of Flight 77).

None of the "no Boeing" theorists have explained why the perpetrators would have risked certain exposure by a bystander capturing video of something that wasn't a Boeing 757? Video footage from nearby surveillance cameras was immediately seized by the FBI. Workers at a nearby hotel did get to see their film (prior to its impoundment) and did not report seeing anything other than a plane hitting the Pentagon. Keeping the film footage secret allows extreme speculation to flourish, which serves the interests of the plotters.

These "no plane" claims distract from evidence of complicity that is "hidden in plain sight" -- the Pentagon was struck in the nearly empty, recently reconstructed and strengthened sector. The alleged hijacker flunked out of flight school and even an expert pilot would not have chosen to fly the plane in a 270 degree spiral to hit the side of the least populated part of the Pentagon. Why would al-Qaida perform this bizarre flight maneuver to reduce damage the building. Who would have chosen to fly in a spiral around the building to hit the one place that would minimize casualties while maximizing the "shock and awe" of the event? Was the plane guided by remote control technology (which is commercially available)?

Why did the Trillion Dollar Air Force not defend its own headquarters, even after the second plane crash into the World Trade Center? The fighter planes that were scrambled from the Norfolk Virginia area after the WTC was hit, before the Pentagon strike, flew east over the Atlantic Ocean instead of northwest toward DC -- an "error" that has not been explained but could be related to "wargames" that apparently inserted fake blips into radar screens. Perhaps a future, authentic, independent investigation with subpoena power will examine the role of the war game exercises in confusing the military response to the hijackings.

A growing list of 9/11 "truth" websites that don't buy the "no plane" claims
The Pentagon No-757-Crash Theory: Booby Trap for 9/11 Skeptics
perhaps the best list of eyewitness accounts VERY detailed analyses of how the "no plane" claims are fake, compiled by a writer who formerly believed they were real. 757 maneuvers eyewitnesses no debris crash debris small impact hole missing wings turbofans 101 standing columns punchout obstacles
another 9/11 skeptic stops buying the "no plane at Pentagon" claims
Jimmy Walter ( A sugar daddy with poison pills
Sander Hicks and the 9/11 Truth Movement
The Pentagon Attack and American Airlines Flight 77 by John Judge
Not All Conspiracies are made Equal by John Judge
BURNING QUESTIONS What Really Happened at the Pentagon on 9/11?
(yet another 9/11 skeptic who now realizes "no planes" isn't true)
In the information society, bad information drives out good information. The proliferation of misinformation causes the dilution of good, factual information. Valuable information on actual cover-ups, for instance, is discredited when other alleged, but non-factual and misleading, conspiracy theories are given undue currency. In short, bad conspiracy theories discredit all assertions of conspiracy, making for fertile ground in which actual conspiracies thrive.

Sites that don't think there was official complicity Photos of Boeing debris in the rubble "Hunt the Boeing" Answers
by Aaron Aarons
This text doesn't wrap within any window that will fit on a 1024-pixel-wide screen. I know that the indybay techies, and probably the editors, know how to fix it.

Please fix it folks, so it can be read without a lot of extra work.

BTW, the techies should fix the bug that lets this happen.
by Kyle F. Hence (kylehence [at]
For the record, on the record -- in response to the smear of Tim McNiven:

Neither I nor 9/11 CitizensWatch have ever even taken a penny from Cynthia McKinney or the Democrat Party. In fact the bulk of our funding comes from non-party aligned Americans.

I have seen McNiven's documentation including the results of his lie-detector test. At one point I tried to contact one of the fellow soldiers who McNiven says should be able to confirm but no luck. I have no business to promote one man's claims based on a lie detector test alone. Something this serious needs hard documentation.

I am fully aware that as Sibel Edmonds has suggested there are guilty parties from both Parties relative to the events of, and surrounding 9/11.
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