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Action Alert: Email Charles Curie

by SF Activist
Email Charles Curie, head of SAMHSA, to let him know that you won't go to the gas chambers so easily.
First they exterminate us from the public dialog, then the memory. Next come the camps, then extermination. This is a very clear effort by the Bush Administration to attack the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. These are the steps the Nazis undertook starting at Nuremberg.

Email Charles Curie and demand that he resign!

charles.curie [at]
by info
Include Mike Leavitt, head of HHS, in your correspondence.

Mike.Leavitt [at] HHS.GOV
by more
PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — The Oregon mental health community is enraged after the organizers of a suicide prevention program were asked to delete references to gay, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people in the event's title.

The workshop's title is now "Suicide Prevention in Vulnerable Populations," instead of "Suicide Prevention Among Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Individuals."

Organizers say they were asked to remove the words by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the federal agency which is funding the Feb. 28 workshop in Portland.

The controversy has promoted a flood of e-mails to the office of Charles Curie, the administrator of the federal agency.

"Charlie is getting e-mails calling him a Nazi," said Mark Weber, the agency's communications director. "It is disgraceful the hate that these people have sent to him."

Weber explained that an agency project manager had suggested that the phrase "sexual orientation" would be more inclusive than the words gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender.

They passed on that suggestion to the Newton, Mass.-based Suicide Prevention Resource Center, which contracts with the agency to stage conferences.

Soon after, the Portland workshop presenters said they were asked by the resource center to remove the offending words.

"This has become a political football," said Reid Vanderburgh of Portland, one of the workshop presenters and a psychologist who treats transgendered men and women.


Washington -- A federal agency's efforts to remove the words "gay," "lesbian," "bisexual" and "transgender" from the program of a federally funded conference on suicide prevention have inspired scores of experts in mental health to flood the agency with angry e-mails.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services that is funding the conference on Feb. 28 in Portland, Ore. On the program, at least until recently, is a talk titled "Suicide Prevention Among Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Individuals."

Everyone seems to agree the topic is important. Studies have found that the suicide risk among people in these groups is two to three times higher than the average risk.

So it came as a surprise to Ron Bloodworth -- a former coordinator of youth suicide prevention for Oregon and one of three specialists leading the session -- when word came down from SAMHSA project manager Brenda Bruun that the contractor running the program should omit the four words that described precisely what the session was about.

Bloodworth was told it would be acceptable to use the term "sexual orientation." But that did not make sense to him. "Everyone has a sexual orientation," he said in an interview Tuesday. "But this was about gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders."

The title rewrite was one of several requested changes. Another was to add a session on faith-based suicide prevention, said Mark Weber, a spokesman for SAMHSA, who said he believed the brouhaha was all a misunderstanding.

SAMHSA prefers the term "sexual orientation" simply because it is more "inclusive" he said. And besides, he added, it was only a suggestion.

Asked how strong a suggestion, Weber replied: "Well, they do need to consider their funding source."

Upon due consideration, Bloodworth renamed the session "Suicide Prevention in Vulnerable Populations." But he is not happy.

"We find this behavior on the part of our government intolerable," he wrote in an e-mail to colleagues, in which he called upon the government to "end this shameful marginalization of an already marginalized at-risk population."


The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) is under fire from some mental-health experts for requesting that references to gays and lesbians be removed from a SAMHSA-funded suicide-prevention conference program, the Washington Post reported Feb. 16.

SAMHSA project manager Brenda Bruun requested that a session at an upcoming Suicide Prevention Resource Center conference in Portland, Ore., be changed from "Suicide Prevention Among Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender Individuals" to something that does not directly reference the terms "gay," "lesbian," "bisexual," or "transgender."

Bruun told session organizer Ron Bloodworth that using the term "sexual orientation" would be acceptable. But Bloodworth noted, "Everyone has a sexual orientation. But this was about gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders. Unless you use an accurate term, the people you are trying to reach don't recognize themselves and don't attend."

"We find this behavior on the part of our government intolerable," Bloodworth wrote in an e-mail to colleagues.

SAMHSA spokesperson Mark Weber said that the agency prefers the term "sexual orientation" because it is more "inclusive." Weber added that the change was just a suggestion, not a mandate.

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by SF Activist
Mr. Curie,

I am a gay American who is calling for your resignation. Your policies of censoring the words "lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender" from SAMHSA funded programs is an attempt to erase us from the public memory.(1) According to news reports, there are those who are referring to you as a Nazi. This is not far from the truth. This effort on your part to wipe a segment of the American population from memory is similar to the the Nazi campaign against the Jews, starting with the Nuremberg laws. But I have news for you, we will not passively go to the gas chambers.

You are a shame to this nation and to all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans who've worked so hard to make it great. Yes, I know you are a pawn for the Bush Administration and the fundamentalists of our very own "Christian" Taliban. But you have a duty to all Americans and you have shown nothing but contempt for us.

Resign now!



by He's a Fundie
Just google his name and "christian" and you come up with a lot.


by reprint
U.S. agency tries to cut 'LGBT' from panel
Christopher Curtis, PlanetOut Network
Wednesday, February 16, 2005 / 04:40 PM

SUMMARY: A U.S. agency is under fire for trying to cut the words "gay," "lesbian," "bisexual" and "transgender" from the program of a federally funded conference on suicide prevention.

A government agency is under fire after trying to remove the words "gay," "lesbian," "bisexual" and "transgender" from the program of a federally funded conference on suicide prevention.

The program was originally titled "Suicide Prevention Among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Individuals." It is a part of a Feb. 28 conference in Portland, Ore., sponsored by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which is part of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Ron Bloodworth, one of three specialists leading the session, told the Washington Post that SAMHSA project manager Brenda Bruun wanted him to delete the four words that described exactly what the session was about.

Instead Bloodworth was told to use the term "sexual orientation," a suggestion he found ridiculous. "Everyone has a sexual orientation," he explained to the Post. "But this was about gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders."

Mark Weber, a spokesman for SAMHSA, told the newspaper his agency prefers the term "sexual orientation" because it is more "inclusive."

When Weber added it was only a suggestion, the Post reporter asked him how strong a suggestion. Weber replied: "Well, they do need to consider their funding source."

The renamed panel title is "Suicide Prevention in Vulnerable Populations."

Noting LGBT Americans face a higher suicide risk, Democratic National Committee (DNC) spokesman Brian Richardson said, "Issues of life and death should not be politicized; unfortunately, that's exactly what the Republicans in Washington are trying to do."

Beth Beck, director of health programs for the National Youth Advocacy Coalition, said she was not surprised by these developments.

"This has been on their agenda to suppress as much information as they can," she said. "It says they're more willing to let gay kids commit suicide than sponsoring prevention efforts."

Ron Schlittler, the interim executive national director at the national PFLAG (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) office, said the attempt to "render gay people invisible" would "backfire."

"This is essentially censorship. The only way to fight it is to shine the light on it as brightly as possible," Schlittler added
by Mark Weber (Mark.Weber [at] SAMHSA.HHS.GOV)
It Never Happened

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) never suggested that a workshop would be canceled because the title was “Suicide Prevention Among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Individuals.” Unfortunately, many inaccurate accounts of events leading up to a very successful regional conference on suicide prevention held in Portland, Oregon earlier this week were reported. The decision to keep the name of the workshop as it was originally proposed by the conference organizers was made by SAMHSA Administrator Mr. Charles Curie, when he first learned of the request. Mr. Curie made it clear that there is no prohibition against using the term(s) gay, lesbian, bisexual, and/or transgender. Because there is no prohibition, and since the conference organizers requested to use the workshop title “Suicide Prevention Among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Individuals,” it was used. Finally, we appreciate the many individuals who wrote or called SAMHSA to get the facts before they came to their conclusions.

Mark Weber
Director, Office of Communications
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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