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AMFA Members Reject Contract

by Just a Worker
Finally! Some workers willing to say no to cutbacks the partnership policies of the trade union officials!

United mechanics reject concessions

Local 9 of the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association

San Francisco, Ca. Jan. 28:

Today, the United Airlines mechanics and related employees, represented by the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association (AMFA), voted not to accept the terms of the Letter of Agreement to reduce wages, work rules, and benefits. They also overwhelmingly authorized their National Director the right to call for a strike.

The AMFA-United Airlines Strike Committee, consisting of AMFA's Local Presidents, issued the following statement regarding the memberships vote results:

If the bankruptcy court uses the 1113(c) process to impose terms or changes to our collective bargaining agreement, to which the membership did not agree, the membership will use its right to strike or withhold its services.

"The die is cast and the membership has made it crystal clear to us that they are not willing to work under the terms as presented to them for their vote." said Joseph Prisco, President of AMFA Local 9 in San Francisco. "In AMFA, we truly believe in membership control, and the will of the collective membership is always the final arbitrator. This leadership will take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that the true will and intent of the membership is manifested. The fact that the UAL mechanics and related have voted to reject the company's terms is a loud announcement that we will not be funding corporate incompetence any time in the near future." CONTACT:

Joseph Prisco 650-416-2002 (office) or 650-826-1405 (cell) email:

president [at]

Richard Turk, 650-416-2006 (office) or 650-826-0378 (cell) email:

communications [at]

The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association is a craft oriented, independent aviation union. It represents only airline technicians and related employees in the craft or class in accordance with the National Mediation Board Rules and their dictates. AMFA is committed to elevating the professional standing of technicians and to achieving progressive improvements in the wages, benefits, and working conditions of the skilled craftsmen and women it represents.

AMFA was created in 1962 and now represents over 18,500 technicians nationwide at 8 of the large domestic airlines including Alaska Airlines, ATA, Independence Air, Horizon Airlines, Mesaba Airlines, Northwest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, and United Airlines
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by Thom
Go ahead and strike. If you do, your airline (and your job) will be gone. Jet Blue, anyone?
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