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Abbas takes truce case to Hamas

by BBC (reposted)
Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas has held a first round of talks with the militant group Hamas, in an effort to get it to declare a ceasefire.
Mr Abbas is under intense pressure from Israel to find a way to stop militants launching attacks on Israeli targets in and around the Gaza Strip.

Hours after Mr Abbas arrived in Gaza for the talks, a suicide bomber killed an Israeli and injuring seven others.

However Hamas called the meeting positive. More talks are planned.

Israel has urged Mr Abbas to act immediately to halt the violence.

The Israelis froze ties with Mr Abbas after a militant attack at the Karni crossing in Gaza killed six people last week.

According to Israeli TV, the latest bomber blew himself when he was taken aside to be searched by soldiers near the Gush Katif settlement.

An Israeli security agent was killed in the blast, for which Hamas claimed responsibility.

'More time needed'

Soon after the attack, Mr Abbas went into discussions with the Hamas leadership.

They broke up close to midnight, and no details of what was discussed have emerged.

However, a Hamas spokesman described the meeting as very positive, and said the group had listened to Mr Abbas with an open mind.

More negotiations are planned.

Mr Abbas has said that it is time for the Palestinians to try to negotiate an end to the Israeli occupation of their land.

In statements, Palestinian militant groups have signalled they are prepared to consider a ceasefire, but only on condition that it is not unilateral and that Israel ends its raids in the area.

In a meeting with a top US representative in Jerusalem on Tuesday, Mr Abbas said he needs more time to negotiate a ceasefire, a Palestinian official told the Associated Press news agency.

Earlier on Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon visited army chiefs at the Erez checkpoint in Gaza.

He called on Mr Abbas, who was elected Palestinian Authority President earlier this month and also goes by the name of Abu Mazen, to take action against the militants.

"Abu Mazen doesn't need a settling-in period," Mr Sharon said. "It's not as if he doesn't know what is happening in the field."
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