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Indybay Feature

SF 5pm Candlelight Vigil to mark 2 weeks since Tsunami, part of Global Vigil for

Monday, January 10, 2005
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Event Type:
Location Details:
San Francisco - U.N. Plaza, Market Street 5 pm - 7 pm

Global Vigil for the Global Village

January 9th, 10th and 26th 2K5

Neighbourhoods and in cities around the world, candlelight vigils will be held to pause and reflect on the two week anniversary of the Tsunami Disaster: for complete information.

Locally, San Francisco - U.N. Plaza, Market Street 5 pm - 7 pm

The Earthquake and Tsunami hit The World on
Sunday December 26th, Boxing Day 2K4.

Little was then known about what happened that day.
We did not mourn immediately.

One week later it was New Year's Eve and New Year's Day.

Celebrations proceeded confusingly mixed with moments of silence.

We did not mourn nor reflect respectfully.

We need to pause.

We need to reflect, grieve, ponder, heal.

We need to connect and reconnect.

With our neighbours next door and neighbours next border.


Because The World needs to catch its breadth.

I need to catch my breadth.

I'm a Toronto based Canadian artist who is away from home.

The Global Vigil is the only way I knew to help others heal,

A dear artist friend of mine, who is of Swiss-Canadian origin, spoke of it this way:

"This Global Vigil isn't about death tolls, and the mainstream's
fascination with which country's giving the most money etc."

This is
about taking some time to stop and think, reflect and connect - break from
the media madness and have your own thoughts and your own real feelings.
Hopefully that makes a bit of sense."

Why Now?

Christmas then New Years then fundraising then blame and shame.
This disaster has hit, or will hit, home for everyone, everywhere.

Why Globally at the same time?

" the light fades..."

Sunday evening to Monday evening trandsends timezones, distances.

It will mark a complete day of reflection.

Everyone, globally, is only one degree of separation from someone who has perished,
is still missing, or awaits news of loved ones, friends and family.

Sunday Evening January 9th will be the two week anniversary of the EarthQuake and Tsunami Catastrophe.

Organize or attend a Vigil in your neighbourhood on Sunday Evening.
Gather a half hour before sundown, light candles until dusk.
Remember them. With friends, neighbours, family.

"100,000 people have died from the Tsunami and thousands more are
suffering from lack of shelter, disease and dehydration. It's hard
to comprehend that amount of suffering. Everywhere I look, everyone
is pitching in, raising money, organizing benefits and forwarding
e-mails with info on how to make donations."

Monday afternoon January 10th
Attend a Vigil with co-workers, colleagues, classmates.
Gather after work or school a half hour before sunset, stay as long as you can.

"Many benefits are being held but
no vigil - no real reflection and opportunity to connect with our community.
on Monday the 10th come to U.N. Plaza on Market Street from 5 pm onwards, light a candle and reflect on the past two week with classmates and colleagues.. "
For complete information.

Added to the calendar on Sat, Jan 8, 2005 8:20PM
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$185.00 donated
in the past month

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