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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

SF events 12.31

by USoutofSF in 2005
more events:
important events:
fun events:

The Declaration of Independence

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one
people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with
another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and
equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle
them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they
should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created
equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted
among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the
governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive
of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish
it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such
principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall
seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence,
indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be
changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience
hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are
sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which
they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations,
pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them
under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to
throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future
security. --Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies;
and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their
former Systems of Government.

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens for Legitimate Government

EU to ban vitamin sales over-the-counter.
Now is the time to contact your government representatives and let
them know you do not agree with this, whether you are in Europe or in
the US- because we are next...
EU Rules Threatening To Sweep Away Vitamin Pills. Observer - UK>

Most acid food - See chart - NutraSweet Go to
Scroll down to the first chart. Regards, Betty
Cancers thrive in an acidic environment -- not an alkaline one. What's
more, cancer isn't the only degenerative disease to share this
characteristic. "Modern civilization has made more changes to the pH of
the diet of homo sapiens in the last forty years than it has in the
previous forty thousand. . . And it's all acidic. .

C.I.A. Torture Flights Authorized by Executive Order

The Rise of the Amerikan Nazis (parts 1,2 & 3)
III parts: Manuel Valenzuela's article "The Rise of the Amerikan Nazis"

LAPD officers field-test a hand-held computer using facial recognition to identify suspects. Critics raise issues of privacy and reliability. Essential Maneuvers To Forestall Armageddon

Make Your Voice Heard. Enroll in http://www.ProgressiveSecretary.Org

Expected Earthquake Activity for the Next 3-5 Days Are YOU Prepared?

Lawsuits target military prisons:
Lawsuits Target Military Prisons
Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo spur civil rights fears
By Karen DeMasters, December 29, 2004
Graphic descriptions of abuse in U.S. military prisons -- and questions
about civil rights, national security and presidential privilege -- have
prompted a growing number of lawsuits against the government.

 What Can We Do About Terrorism?

Explosive BBC doc exposes decades-old neocon deceits
Hyping Terror For Fun, Profit - And Power
by Thom Hartmann

What if there really was no need for much - or even most - of the Cold War?
What if, in fact, the Cold War had been kept alive for two decades based on
phony WMD threats? What if, similarly, the War On Terror was largely a
scam, and the administration was hyping it to seem larger-than-life?
What if our "enemy" represented a real but relatively small threat posed
by rogue and criminal groups well outside the mainstream of Islam? What
if that hype was done largely to enhance the power, electability, and
stature of George W. Bush and Tony Blair? And what if the world was to
discover the most shocking dimensions of these twin deceits - that the
same men promulgated them in the 1970s and today? It happened. The
myth-shattering event took place in England the first three weeks of
October, when the BBC aired a three-hour documentary written and
produced by Adam Curtis, titled "The Power of Nightmares

If the emails and phone calls many of us in the US received from friends
in the UK - and debate in the pages of publications like The Guardian,12780,1327904,00.html are
any indicator, this was a seismic event, one that may have even provoked
a hasty meeting between Blair and Bush a few weeks later. According to
this carefully researched and well-vetted BBC documentary, Richard
Nixon, following in the steps of his mentor and former boss Dwight D.
Eisenhower, believed it was possible to end the Cold War and eliminate
fear from the national psyche. The nation need no longer be afraid of
communism or the Soviet Union.

Nixon worked out a truce with the Soviets, meeting their demands for
safety as well as the US needs for security, and then announced to
Americans that they need no longer be afraid. In 1972, President Richard
Nixon returned from the Soviet Union with a treaty worked out by
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the beginning of a process Kissinger
called "détente."

On June 1, 1972, Nixon gave a speech in which he said, "Last Friday, in
Moscow, we witnessed the beginning of the end of that era which began in
1945. With this step, we have enhanced the security of both nations. We
have begun to reduce the level of fear, by reducing the causes of
fear-for our two peoples, and for all peoples in the world." But Nixon
left amid scandal and Ford came in, and Ford's Secretary of Defense
(Donald Rumsfeld) and Chief of Staff (Dick Cheney) believed it was
intolerable that Americans might no longer be bound by fear. Without
fear, how could Americans be manipulated? Rumsfeld and Cheney began a
concerted effort - first secretly and then openly - to undermine Nixon's
treaty for peace and to rebuild the state of fear and, thus, reinstate
the Cold War. And these two men - 1974 Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
and Ford Chief of Staff Dick Cheney - did this by claiming that the
Soviets had secret weapons of mass destruction that the president didn't
know about, that the CIA didn't know about, that nobody but them knew
about. And, they said, because of those weapons, the US must redirect
billions of dollars away from domestic programs and instead give the
money to defense contractors for whom these two men would one day work.

"The Soviet Union has been busy," Defense Secretary Rumsfeld explained
to America in 1976. "They've been busy in terms of their level of
effort; they've been busy in terms of the actual weapons they 've been
producing; they've been busy in terms of expanding production rates;
they've been busy in terms of expanding their institutional capability
to produce additional weapons at additional rates; they've been busy in
terms of expanding their capability to increasingly improve the
sophistication of those weapons. Year after year after year, they've
been demonstrating that they have steadiness of purpose. They're
purposeful about what they're doing." The CIA strongly disagreed,
calling Rumsfeld's position a "complete fiction" and pointing out that
the Soviet Union was disintegrating from within, could barely afford to
feed their own people, and would collapse within a decade or two if
simply left alone. But Rumsfeld and Cheney wanted Americans to believe
there was something nefarious going on, something we should be very
afraid of. To this end, they convinced President Ford to appoint a
commission including their old friend Paul Wolfowitz to prove that the
Soviets were up to no good.

According to Curtis' BBC documentary, Wolfowitz's group, known as "Team
B," came to the conclusion that the Soviets had developed several
terrifying new weapons of mass destruction, featuring a nuclear-armed
submarine fleet that used a sonar system that didn't depend on sound and
was, thus, undetectable with our current technology. The BBC's
documentarians asked Dr. Anne Cahn of the U.S. Arms Control and
Disarmament Agency during that time, her thoughts on Rumsfeld's,
Cheney's, and Wolfowitz's 1976 story of the secret Soviet WMDs. Here's a
clip from a transcript of that BBC documentary:

" Dr ANNE CAHN, Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1977-80: They
couldn't say that the Soviets had acoustic means of picking up
American submarines, because they couldn't find it. So they said, well
maybe they have a non-acoustic means of making our submarine fleet
vulnerable. But there was no evidence that they had a non-acoustic
system. They're saying, 'we can't find evidence that they're doing it
the way that everyone thinks they're doing it, so they must be doing
it a different way. We don't know what that different way is, but they
must be doing it.'

"INTERVIEWER (off-camera): Even though there was no evidence.

"CAHN: Even though there was no evidence.

"INTERVIEWER: So they're saying there, that the fact that the weapon
doesn't exist.

"CAHN: Doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. It just means that we
haven't found it."

The moderator of the BBC documentary then notes:

" What Team B accused the CIA of missing was a hidden and sinister
reality in the Soviet Union. Not only were there many secret weapons
the CIA hadn't found, but they were wrong about many of those they
could observe, such as the Soviet air defenses. The CIA were convinced
that these were in a state of collapse, reflecting the growing
economic chaos in the Soviet Union. Team B said that this was actually
a cunning deception by the Soviet régime. The air-defense system
worked perfectly. But the only evidence they produced to prove this
was the official Soviet training manual, which proudly asserted that
their air-defense system was fully integrated and functioned
flawlessly. The CIA accused Team B of moving into a fantasy world."

Nonetheless, as Melvin Goodman, head of the CIA's Office of Soviet
Affairs, 1976-87, noted in the BBC documentary,

" Rumsfeld won that very intense, intense political battle that was
waged in Washington in 1975 and 1976. Now, as part of that battle,
Rumsfeld and others, people such as Paul Wolfowitz, wanted to get into
the CIA. And their mission was to create a much more severe view of
the Soviet Union, Soviet intentions, Soviet views about fighting and
winning a nuclear war."

Although Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld's assertions of powerful new Soviet WMDs
were unproven - they said the lack of proof proved that undetectable
weapons existed - they nonetheless used their charges to push for
dramatic escalations in military spending to selected defense
contractors, a process that continued through the Reagan administration.

But, trillions of dollars and years later, it was proven that they had
been wrong all along, and the CIA had been right. Rumsfeld, Cheney, and
Wolfowitz lied to America in the 1970s about Soviet WMDs.

Not only do we now know that the Soviets didn't have any new and
impressive WMDs, but we also now know that they were, in fact, decaying
from within, ripe for collapse any time, regardless of what the US did -
just as the CIA (and anybody who visited Soviet states - as I had -
during that time could easily predict). The Soviet economic and
political system wasn't working, and their military was disintegrating.
As arms-control expert Cahn noted in the documentary of those 1970s
claims by Wolfowitz, Cheney, and Rumsfeld:

"I would say that all of it was fantasy. I mean, they looked at radars
out in Krasnoyarsk and said, 'This is a laser beam weapon,' when in
fact it was nothing of the sort. ... And if you go through most of
Team B's specific allegations about weapons systems, and you just
examine them one by one, they were all wrong."

"INTERVIEWER: All of them?

"CAHN: All of them.

"INTERVIEWER: Nothing true?

"CAHN: I don't believe anything in [Wolfowitz's 1977] Team B was
really true."

But the neocons said it was true, and organized a group -
The Committee on the Present Danger - to promote
their worldview. The Committee produced documentaries, publications, and
provided guests for national talk shows and news reports. They worked
hard to whip up fear and encourage increases in defense spending,
particularly for sophisticated weapons systems offered by the defense
contractors for whom neocons would later become lobbyists.

And they succeeded in recreating an atmosphere of fear in the United
States, and making themselves and their defense contractor friends
richer than most of the kingdoms of the world.

The Cold War was good for business, and good for the political power of
its advocates, from Rumsfeld to Reagan.

Similarly, according to this documentary, the War On Terror is the same
sort of scam, run for many of the same reasons, by the same people. And
by hyping it - and then invading Iraq - we may well be bringing into
reality terrors and forces that previously existed only on the margins
and with very little power to harm us.

Curtis' documentary suggests that the War On Terror is just as much a
fiction as were the super-WMDs this same group of neocons said the
Soviets had in the 70s. He suggests we've done more to create terror
than to fight it. That the risk was really quite minimal (at least until
we invaded Iraq), and the terrorists are - like most terrorist groups -
simply people on the fringes, rather easily dispatched by their own
people. He even points out that Al Qaeda itself was a brand we invented,
later adopted by bin Laden because we'd put so many millions into
creating worldwide name recognition for it.

Watching "The Terror of Nightmares" is like taking the Red Pill in the
movie The Matrix.

It's the story of idealism gone wrong, of ideologies promoted in the US
by Leo Strauss and his followers (principally Wolfowitz, Feith, and
Pearle), and in the Muslim world by bin Laden's mentor, Ayman Zawahiri.
Both sought to create a utopian world through world domination; both
believe that the ends justify the means; both are convinced that "the
people" must be frightened into embracing religion and nationalism for
the greater good of morality and a stable state. Each needs the other in
order to hold power.

Whatever your plans are for tonight or tomorrow, clip three hours out of
them and take the Red Pill. Get a pair of headphones (the audio is
faint), plug them into your computer, and visit an unofficial archive of
the Curtis' BBC documentary at the Information Clearing House website (The first
hour of the program, in a more viewable format, is also available here

For those who prefer to read things online, an unofficial but complete
transcript is on this Belgian site

Eco-bankruptcy published by the U.S.
National Academy of Sciences in 2002. The result of work by
scientist Mathis Wackernagel and a team from Redefining Progress,
a coalition of labor and environmental advocates, this determined
that "humanity's collective demands first surpassed the Earth's
regenerative capacity around 1980." The paper also estimated
that "our demands in 1999 exceeded that capacity by 20 percent."
An extreme solution that Mayans found on how to distribute natural
resources in towns based on population growth was to abandon
cities and create new cities in different areas. That was a temporal
solution to depletion of the food pyramid and soil erosion.
They knew the final solution and it was related to the Mayan
because every katun was intimately connected with the population
growth. I found interesting that Mayan studies do not take in
consideration these principles, however they were able to put a
theoretical deadline in 2012. I think that's why they stopped the
Mayan calendar around that date.
Here's the link to the modern analysis:

The Future of Starbucks by UncleTom (requires bandwith)

Oppose Nomination of Mr Torture: Alberto Gonzales / Attorney General Hearings begin Jan 5

President Bush’s nomination of White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales to be the next Attorney General would elevate the architect of the Administration’s torture policy to the position of the chief law enforcement officer in the land. His confirmation hearing begins on January 5. Please help us oppose this travesty of justice – tell your representatives: “tough questions are not enough.” Send a message to the Bush Administration and the world that the American people do not condone torture.

Mr. Gonzales is the author of the infamous “torture memo” that called the Geneva Conventions “obsolete” and “quaint,” and he has argued for virtually limitless presidential power to evade or circumvent laws and treaties on the theory that the Commander-in-Chief is not accountable to the Judiciary as it relates to the “war against terrorism.” The memos Gonzales authored and commissioned paved the way to the abuse and torture of detainees at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib, many of whom are represented by the Center for Constitutional Rights. At CCR, we have seen the terrible effect of the evasion of the rule of law on human beings first hand. There is no question but that there is a causal link between the memoranda and other directives devised by Mr. Gonzales and the horrible infractions committed by officers in the field.

GHOULS! U.S. Army accused of Harvesting Organs of Iraqis

US Military harvesting prisoner organs

(Canada is doing this because they have a national healthcare insurance system in place and
there is an incentive to save money due to heart disease and strokes. In the US, transfatty
acids are a profit center to the health care system. Thank 'god' for 'free enterprise'. Or in
other words, god is dead and so are most of you, if you eat most fast foods in the US. --SW)

I new that they were debating this but didn't remember hearing that it had been passed by such a margin. Cheers, doug

Did you know that Canada has banned H/PH?

This means that the United States will probably follow suit but who knows when. In the
meantime, the FDA will soon require that food processors merely "reveal" the level of H/PH in

Why You Should Dump Comcast
Comcast came in third place in a national poll to determine who did the most harm to workers and their families this year.
The rest of the losers are listed here:
More on Comcast's low-road tactics are also here:

China Emerging as U.S. Rival for Canada's Oil
not a joke, its about the Matrix Pizza in 2010
It's funny until you realize that
it's not that unlikely.... This is scary.
Pizza in 2010--need your sound turned on....
Aspartame/Rumsfeld/Taiwan Google Alert for: aspartame Donald Rumsfeld pivotal in FDA
approval of aspartame, despite
News Target - Taichung,Taiwan
Aspartame was passed despite FDA scientists' disapproval by a significant
force in politics: Donald Rumsfeld. When we started the ...
Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a
stroke by asking three simple questions:
*Ask the individual to smile.
*Ask him or her to raise both arms.
*Ask the person to speak a simple sentence.
If he or she has trouble with any of these tasks, call 9-1-1
immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher
History of Christmas in Winter Solstice roots.
Climatologists get real over global warming.

A new blog site, RealClimate, is the brainchild of a group of respected
climate scientists who are determined to tackle what they see as poor
media coverage of their field.

Nature <>
[Subscription Required]
[related story]
go to DMV to get a new CDL + ID card. Driver's License.

You're going in for a new licence, cause you lost yours.

While you're there you might as well get a new ID card too
Default Set to Bush on Voting Machines in Certain States
News Update from Citizens for Legitimate Government
December 21, 2004 
Arsenic in Water Increases Risk for Lung Cancer
(Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Residents of Taiwan who consumed water with high levels of arsenic have a higher risk of lung cancer. Cigarette smokers in this group have an even greater risk.
This is the recent finding of researchers from the National Taiwan University. Arsenic is a naturally occurring element in soil, and residents of the southwestern and northeastern coasts of Taiwan had been drinking well water contaminated with large amounts of arsenic before a public tap water system was installed.
Researchers followed more than 10,500 people from these two areas of the coast to examine the relationship between the doses of arsenic and the risk for lung cancer, as well as how smoking affects this risk.
During the eight-year follow-up, 139 cases of lung cancer were diagnosed. Residents with the highest levels of arsenic exposure had a 3.29-times increased risk for lung cancer, even after adjusting for age, sex and smoking status. Among residents with the same amounts of arsenic exposure, those who smoked the most had a four-fold risk of lung cancer compared to the nonsmoking residents.
Researchers conclude about 32 percent to 55 percent of the lung cancer cases were attributable to the combined effect of cigarette smoking and ingested arsenic, depending on the levels of both.
The authors say the results indicate a synergistic effect of ingested arsenic and smoking on lung cancer. They call for public health interventions including smoking cessation programs and reduction in arsenic concentration of drinking water.
SOURCE: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 2004;292:2984-2990
Time Magazines – Murderer of the Year
The award for causing the most death and destruction – torture - grief and misery – widows and orphans - unemployment, poverty, bankruptcy and loss of health care, and committing the most war crimes goes to… George W. Bush
And he’s done in all in the name of corporate profits and personal greed.
Now if we can just find a magazine that’s print’s the truth…
Note Hitler also was Man of the year 1938 …
Stop Wal-Mart From Building At The Ancient Temple Site
of Teotihuacan!

Wal-Mart Inc. plans to build a huge 7-1/2 acre
Supercenter a 1/2 mile from the great the pyramids of
Teotihuacan near Mexico City. The ancient temples at
Teotihuacan include the awesome Pyramid of the Sun, the
Pyramid of the Moon and others in a city that dates back
2,000 + years. Teotihuacan was the sixth largest city in
the world during its period of greatest prosperity,
where as many as half-million people once lived as a
community. Allowing this construction to take place
alongside one of the world's most remarkable ancient
treasures, would be to destroy Mexico's deepest roots in
exchange for short-term interests like lower prices and
investor bottom lines. The Wal-Mart construction site is
currently visible from atop the Pyramid of the Sun that
has defined the skyline for over 2,000 years.

Teotihuacan means "Place where the Gods touch the Earth"
not "Place where materialism and exploitation touch the
Earth." WalMart is the number one retailer in the world
with 4900 stores in 10 countries. The majority of their
products are made in China - the world's NUMBER ONE
VIOLATOR OF HUMAN RIGHTS! This is a perfect reflection
of the degradation happening to the Earth at large -
global, corporate interests operating with no regard for
what is ancient, sacred or meaningful.

"Any appreciation of ancient Meso-America's
architectural splendour must begin with Teotihuac?n, the
City of the Gods. Its two gigantic pyramid temples,
dating from about the time of Christ, are the largest
and oldest in the Americas and were models for all the
rest." - John Julius Norwich, ed. Great Architecture of
The World.

700 Civilian Bodies Recovered From Fallujah; 504 Women And Children

# Fri Dec 31 NYE 5:30pm
Justin Herman Plaza Market @ Embarcadero
Bring bike, helmet, light, costume, music...

# Fri, Dec 31, 2004      6:00 pm - 1:00 am 
960 The Quake Hosts the First-Ever Anti-Inauguration New Year’s Eve Ball!
The Intercontinental Mark Hopkins One Nob Hill SF
960 The Quake, the only San Francisco radio station committed to being the alternative to conservative talk radio, is proud to present The First-ever Anti-Inauguration New Year’s Eve Ball, hosted by on-air personality Ed Schultz!
Join The Quake, Air America and Ed Schultz on New Year’s Eve for a night of dining, dancing and liberal commentary, without a conservative in sight! Party-goers will enjoy a gourmet four-course meal, live entertainment from The New Sekret Service and a countdown champagne toast. Plus, to help ease the post-election stress we will be giving away a trip for two to Hawaii!
This is your one night to pretend Bush didn’t win! To purchase tickets or for more information, please visit or call Kristen M. Smith at 415-975-5555.

# New Years Eve@ Cell Space-Brother,Adam Ohana,Laird ect...!!!
Ancient Future New Years Eve 2004-2005 Friday Dec 31st 9pm - light
Raindance, 13 Moon Tribe, Mystic Family Circus & Cell Space
invite you to the Ancient Future will become a time portal allowing us to remember a time
before the invention of the clock. We will be inviting beings from the past
present or future to be here now and revel in thundering BASS and timeless
Start the evening with Tai Chi led by Patrick King (Yoga Tai Chi) 9pm
Beats kick in 9:30
rhythmic navigational sorcery with
Brother (13 Moon Tribe, Space Ship Gaia)
Laird (Get yer Freak on)
Adam Ohana (Get Freaky)
Solar (Pacific Sound,Sunset)
Little John (Raindance,13 Moon Tribe)
Moon Doggy (Yoga Tai Chi)
Alia (13 Moon Tribe)
Timonkey (Santa Cruz laptop Mafia)
Dance performance by Hipnautica accompanied by members
of members of Goddess of Funk and Suco (Santa Cruz Drumming ensembles)
Vocal inspiration by Suga
make your own time travelers hat with Jo Jo La Plume
Visuals and massage area by Sherri (Mystic Family Circus)
organic treats by Convergence
$15 before midnight $20 after
Cell Space 2050 Bryant @ 18th St San Francisco
Friday Dec 31st 9pm - light
Cigarettes in Rear section only, mostly under the metalshop fan duct.
This and one onetaste event will be light happy fun beings.

# Opel NYE Fri Dec 31 9p-5:30a Paradise Lounge 1501 Folsom @ 11th St. cigs upstairs sometimes
$35 DJS: Ellen Ferrato Drag'nfly  Jondi & Spesh Reza ~aka Dirtyhertz
Hoj  Syd Gris  Smoove Shanti Alibi Goldilox Shizzla Anthony Garlic Sunder

# OtherWorld - Friends & Family NYE Market @ Grand, Okaland. beware cigarettes
Fri Dec 31 5 rooms of music 18+ 510-287-5917

# NO EXIT - SPAZ New Year's Event Fri Dec 31 8:00 PM
Spaz New Years... Come one come all... Berkeley West
1-800-GUN-NUMB that night for directions and etc... Have fun
more below

# Fri Dec 31st Alcyone @ Anon Salon's "Sea of Dreams 05", Park Plaza
Hotel, LA. (To Be Confirmed!) Anon Salon hosting 2 fantastic, legendary
NYE events simultaneously; one at the Regency in SF and the other in LA!

Frid Dec 31 8:30pm - 4:30am In the vol-luminous
Your Costumed Participation is VERY Encouraged.

HOTLINE: 415-864-1238

Explore five dimensions of radiant sur-realities!

PRISM PALACE/ An AbunDance of Musical Refractions
* WISDOM w/ RADIOACTIVE (Conscious Hip-Hop)
* HAMSA LILA (Mid-Eastern Groove)
* KAN'NAL (Gypsy Tribal Rock)
* VAU De VIRE SOCIETY (Naughty Aerial Circus)
* LUNAGROOVE (Soul-Live-Tronica)
* KID BEYOND (Beatbox Vocalchemy)
* XENO (Therotica Dance)
* RANDOM RAB (XaleX/El Circo)

EMERALD ESCAPADE/ Cool Flamin' House
* GARTH (Wicked)
* JEN? (Wicked)
* LATE NIGHT SNEAKY (Live 'Lectro Jive)
* GOLDILOX (Brass Tax)
* MYSTIC FAMILY CIRCUS (Percussive Stiltifyings)
* DR. FRIENDLY (Interactive Cartoon Wall)
* DAX (Wet Vid-ualz)

TUTTI BOOTY SHIFT/ Deep Breaks and Mind-Bends
* LAIRD (Get YER Freak On!)
* ADAM OHANA (Get Freaky)
* ADNAN (Lush)
* DOV (Muti Music)
* ZACK DARLING (Decadance)
* SMOOVE (Space Cowboys)

THE SCARLET SECRET/ Illuminated Cabaret
* ROSIN COVEN (Pagan Lounge Ensemble)
* BREAKFAST w/ Eenor (Carnival Funk Trio w/ Friends)
* XOX BURLESQUE (Sultry Sizzlin' Divas)
* MAESTRO FOLEOLEO (Pipe Organ Magic)
* LIMINAL & The Clown Fash-un Show Off!

FUZZY DOOR/ Oui the World Casbah
* NEPTUNE (SpiritTech)

PLUS Bouquets of Surrealistica, Art & Installation Magic!
PLUS a bi-directional hi-res webcast to our sister event
Come dressed as your dream.
Share your dream with others!
ADVANCE TICKETS: $75.00 (before 12/10/04)
@ (21 & OVER)
Or in person (starting 11.19.04) at Street Light Records.Com
* SAN FRANCISCO - 3979 24th Street (near Noe)/ 1.888.682.3550
* SAN JOSE - 980 South Bascom Avenue/ 1.888.330.7776
* SANTA CRUZ - 939 South Pacific Avenue/ 1.888.648.9201
or @ Famous For Our Look
* MILL VALLEY - 96 Throckmorton/ 415.388.2550
(Two Entrances, Lots of Parking (Parking Info on
the website) & Public Transport)
Stay tuned for info on Special Hotel Deals!
No cigarette problems here. Wouldn't notice anyway. Space is so huge.

# NYE Party Alert: Police force Love's Vibration UNDERGROUND!

Come join us this New Year's Eve as we let our bodies DANCE!  Our hearts SING!  Our beauty SHINE!   Our spirits SOAR!  And our Love Vibrations intermingle, coalesce, and EXPLODE!!!
Come join us at SF's deepest, dopest, openest, lovinest, chillinest, thrillinest, juiciest, groovinest, superdeliciousyummyest NYE Celebration!
AND BEST OF ALL ..... YOU!!!!!
Tickets are $25 until Christmas, $35 afterwards. 
For more information and to buy tickets, go to
We also invite you to come join the fabulous crew of inspired visionaries who are putting together this evening's festivities.  Our next meeting is Tues Dec 21, 7:30 at 1074 Folsom.  Volunteers get discount tickets for $15, as well as the deep satisfaction of helping to create an amazing evening for so many people!
No cigarette problem here as these are healthy happy loving creatures WITH an outdoor space.

# No Exit Fri Dec 31 2004 10pm-? $10
S.P.A.Z., 5lowershop, and Subversive Soundz
present: <<<NO EXIT>>> (yes it may be your last)
Friday, December 31st
$10. All Ages. Doors open at 9pm. Starts 10pm. ALL NIGHT LONG!
Infoline: 1-800-GUN-NUMB
3 Floors of mind bending body destorying music!
Indoor: S.P.A.Z. <the wall of bass will be in full effect>
Outdoor: 5lowershop <under the stars and heated with fire>
Chill Room: Subversive Soundz <to relax your mind and body>
Evil Techno - Wicked Electro - Dark Drum&Bass - Jungle - Breakcore -
Downtempo - Hardcore - 80's
Visuals by: Belial, Leticia, Jerry Abrams
<<liquid analog disturbances for your BRAIN that will make you dream!>>
Audio Disturbance BY:
Lisa Fox < dark and disturbing techno you DONT want to hear>
White Rabbit < evil, punding drumsandbass with that deathrock flair>
DJ Special Moments (aka megabitch)<bringing you wicked electro>
Tomkat <chillin yer mind and body>
Ken Quiggly <dark techno & elektro, ohh soo good>
Cinnamon Twist <music, performance art to tease your minds>
Savage Rhythm <you can guess>
Niteshade <beats that dont stop>
Athena <bringing on the 80's you want>
Morse Kode
RMS <goth, darkwave, chill, and great hair too>
5lowershop crew <hardcore at its best>
Mercycat <music to meow by>
Beverages *wink*
free water and fruit
Infoline: 1-800-GUN-NUMB
Secret West Berkeley Location. Call on the day of event for directions.
Advisory: This email may contain cartoon violence or innuendo.
Not sure how ventilation is here for cigarettes.

Friday, December 31, 10pm-8am
http:// Gallery, 934 Brannan @ 8thSt., SF
18+ to enter, 21 to drink
**Flyer, art and music samples at
PUNKADELIK (Lyon, France) - elektrik paintings and decor
DR. PARADISE - 3D video pioneer
LIGHT RHYTHM - atmospheric visual sculpture
DREAMTIME DESIGNS - flouro paintings
VOID (Chemical Crew, Israel) live and DJ set
TOXIC (Timecode, Parvati Records, Israel) live and DJ set
LIAM SHY (Tantra/Nu)
KJ (Tantra)
OBU (Bombay Power)
     Victor Torres - ancient woodwinds, oboe, sax
     Sidiki Diallo - drums
     Sean Mikuriya - Guitar, electronica
     Mike Clemens - gongs, percussion
   And Special Guest:
     Ven. Geshe Thupten Phelgye - sacred Tibetan chanting and instruments
     Irina Mikhailova - vocals, percussion and electronica
     Jeff Stot - Oud, Taampura, Saz (middle eastern string instruments)
     Suzi Q. - percussions
SATURNIA (Phoenix Family)
AFUT (Upinyah)
MANX (Inertia labs)
Tickets are $35 presale, $40 at the door, $20 door after 3am.
Presales available at: Distractions (1552 Haight, SF), Ceiba (1364 Haight, SF) and Skills (2566A Telegraph, Berkeley) also online at 415-820-3201 HAPPY NEW YEAR
No cigarette problems at this space. Indoor / outdoor.

# Debaucherama Fri, Dec 31 9 p.m. - 4-ish a.m.
$50 advance, $75 day of event


Is it a fetish club? A New Year's party? A cabaret of kink? A den if
iniquity? A place to explore your limits? If you answered "All of the
above," then you're on the right track.

Debaucherama was simply the most notorious, decadent, and depraved New
Year's party of 2003/2004 and in 2004/2005 we *will* surpass it. The
infamous contest* will return, but the play begins as soon as you
enter, instead of starting at midnight. The grand prize will be awarded
at 1 a.m. as per last time. We have three more rooms this year and a
revamped floor plan with plenty of additional delights to tempt both
the willing and the wary.

All the dirty details are posted on our website**, but in order to stay
informed*** of these updates, we encourage you to join our mailing list
. Tickets are available now at $50 but will go up to $75 on the day of
the event so don't wait!

We also recommend checking out our new Debaucherama tribe
( for conversations, questions and answers about
this event. It's quite steamy.

Finally, we've added Kitty's story**** on last year's event to whet
your appetite. You can find Kitty in our tribe. Go say hi!

We feel completely confident in saying that if you pass this one up,
when you hear about it afterward, you will regret having missed it.
It's that simple.

DEBAUCHERAMA - where anything can happen, and probably will!

Dedicated to decadence, Random & Unkle Paul


Venue: To-be-announced location SOMA San Francisco
Additional Info: 415.626.4561

# new year's eve '05
... 9:30PM - 3AM
friday december31@ the canvas gallery
discounted advance tickets ... buy now!
dj hofwegen
soul, funk + hip-hop mixes
dj hakan
world beats + salsa, samba, flamenco mixes, mediterranean beats + turkish pop
tribal belly dance by frederique of belly groove
projected visuals (faces of taXim - 4 years strong)
new full bar including raki + efes !
drink specials on Van Gogh Vodka cocktails & Laurent-Perrier Champagne
special nye menu with yummy snacks!
pizzas + meze plates available all night, coffee, tea, esspresso after 2AM
champagne toast at midnight
party with your friends in your own private booth!
limited private gallery spaces come w/10 prepaid tickets, full VIP treatment - private booth cocktail service a bottle of champagne, a camera to take the memories with you, party favors and a reserved parking spot, for details contact taXim
get your discounted limited advance tickets or reserve your private booth
1200 9th avenue @ lincoln
easy and plenty parking off 9th ave in the park
doors @ 9:30pm
$16.- advance / $20.- at the door
21+ w/proper id
for program details and updates go to our website

# Pancake Playhouse & Entropy invite you to their Budget Black Tie Ball-New Years EVE party

Friday, December 31 2004 - Saturday, January 1 2005
10:00 PM
Want to dress up swanky and haven't yet figured out what to do for New years 2004? Don't want to spend more than $10 at the door? Then you are cordially invited to our Budget Black Tie Ball!!
Friday December 31st 10pm-4am
3 rooms of sound!
2 room art show
1 swanky bar
Free mimosa toast at midnight
and the best pancakes this side of Gerlach served up at 2am!

featuring our HIGH CLASS Entropy DJS spinning everything from trance to funk to breaks to softrock:
Austin Gregory, Cor, Chef-ALX, Garbacho, Sambo Yoda

location: Bush St. at Van Ness
$10 'dressed up'/$15 if you are a funhater
more info at

Happy New Year!

# 12/31 at 8pm-2am in SF: New Year's Eve with Aphrodesia: My New Year's Revolution
El Rio- 3158 Mission St, 2 blocks south of Cesar Chavez Anti-War
spoken word, veggie hors d'oevres, and more
Proceeds benefit Direct Action to Stop the War's efforts to create authentic democracy and combat empire at the local and global leve
DASW- Direct Action to Stop War
actagainstwar dot org sometimes this site crashes your computer. $20-50 benefit sliding scale

### 2005 on Gregorian calendar, which is designed to confuse,
taking us away from natural, sensible 13 moon x 28 day lunar calendar
or the other solar, or solar / lunar calendars that civilized cultures use.

### Jan 1 2005

# Saturday, January 1st, 2005
Join us for Breakfast of Champions!
6AM Saturday morning, until you cry "Uncle!"
535 Florida Street, btwn 18th & Mariposa
Email: NewYearsBus [at] to arrange pick-up!

# BoC will be held at 535 Florida (btwn Mariposa & 18th)
AKA Club Whisper (but feel free to be loud) AKA the
same place it's been for the last 4 yrs. It starts at
6AM and ends when you cry "Uncle!" AKA the same time
it's started for the last 4 yrs. It's a $10 cover (or
Unimog Tax, depending on how you want to look at it)
AKA the same price it's been for the last 4 yrs.

# After the Otherworld, please join us for a morning of extreme face chomping...
New Years Morning 6am - 2pm - New Year's Revolution*
DJ's: John Tejada (Palette)
Monty Luke (Pillz 4 Girlz/Riot)
(DJ U Know Who From Florida!)
Ras Cue (Future Primitive)
TK Disko (Sex Money Freaks/Doggystyle)
Antonio (Green Gorilla)
Paul Carey (Tweekin/Original Concept)
We'll be bumping lots of Hip-Hop, House, Techno and
everything in between. Expect a surprise or two as well.
*Da Hook Up: If you would like to be on the list, please email me by 5pm today.
Underground SF(formerly The Top) 424 Haight St
$5 Bring Your ID $3 mimosa's 6am-8am, $4 after 8

#### SATURDAY - 1/1/05 - NEW YEAR'S DAY #####

**Breakfast of Champions 2005
Best wear your comfy shoes this New Years, we've got 2
rooms of music separated by a flight of stairs, so be
prepared for to do the dance-step-dance from 6AM until
you cry 'Uncle!' In addition to all your favorite
Space Cowboy DJs, expect special appearances from:
DJ Friendly (Fat - UK), Ellen Ferrato (Sugar), DJ
ShOOey (Deep End), Ryel K (Pink Mammoth), Shissler
(Lotus), Murphstar (Seismic), Ben Chun (False Profit)
and others TBA!

Line up for the breaks room (upstairs):
Donna Matrix, Ben Chun, Kapt'n Kirk, Friendly, Smoove,
Murphstar, The Geometrist, Mancub

Line up for the house room (upstairs):
DJ Shooey, Brad Robinson, rrrus, h8ball, Ellen
Ferrato, Polarbear, Ryel F, Shissler

Email newyearsbus [at] BEFORE the event
for free* bus pickups for groups of 5 or more.
Pickups will start around 5AM. San Francisco only.
*Please tip your driver.

6am 'til Uncle!
535 Florida St - Club Whisper
21 & up - $10

# 1/1 Pirate Cat TV Launches at 6pm + Party at 5pm
Disconnect your cable and satellite dishes from your TV, because
Pirate Cat TV Ch.13 will Launch New Years Day at 6pm, in S
Pirate Cat TV will broadcast 12 hours a day, featuring anti-Bush
programming and other films and shorts that have been "Black Listed"
or other wise wouldn't be shown in the main stream media.
Join us 5pm on New Years Day, Saturday, January 1 2005 at the Odeon
Bar; for the Pirate Cat TV Launch Party.
Be a part of San Francisco History as we Launch San Francisco's First
and Only Pirate TV Station!!!
New Years Day, January 1st 2005 live at the Odeon Bar in San Francisco.
$5 donation to get in 21+
Bring a camcorder if you have one.

# Sat Jan 1 2005 10:00 PM EXTRA ACTION Marching Band
at the independant with EENOR, the xox burlesque, loop!station,
and fakir tobias 415-820-3200x165

Greetings, Mystic Family!!
BIG, EEnormous show on Jan 1st, starting @ 9p @ the Independent
628 Divisadero @ Hayes line up; * EEnor
* XOX Burlesque (lucid, tamara, jen r., akasha, helena)
* The Extra Action Marching Band
* Loop!Station * Tobias the Mystic Man
*guest appearance by Mark Growden (Electronic Press Kit)
For more info on the above listed talent please visit their websites;

For Complementary Press Passes please call Lucid @ 510-823-5161 or Eenor @ 415 816 1834
e-mail Eenor [at]

# Sun Jan 2 Hula Hoopers of the Bay Area,
We'll be kickin' off the 2005 hoop season on January 2, at the usual
time (Sunday, 2-5pm) and in our usual winter home 2050 Bryant @ 18th
Suggested New Year's Resolution: HOOP MORE!
Suggested way to do it: WITH US!

# Hi Bay Area Intactivists,
Several of us are planning to go see "Moolaade" on Sunday, Jan. 2 at the Lumiere Theater, 1572 California St (at Polk).   We are going to the matinee that starts at 1 PM. 
This is an excellent movie about stopping FGM in Africa. 
for more info about the movie when it was playing in Chicago recently.
I would highly encourage everyone to see this movie.  It is only playing for one week beginning Dec. 31. Dan

# Electile Dysfunction got you down?

VERIFYGRA is the answer. Tested and proven effective in Ukraine --- and 
now available in the United States.

Ask John Kerry and your Senators to get on Verifygra and stand up 
against the inadequate recount in Ohio (and refuse to certify the 
election on January 6th). 

Tell them, if you can't verify it, don't certify it!

See  to prescribe VERIFYGRA with rallies and press 
conferences, faxes, phone calls and graphics.

Come to the PRO-DEMOCRACY/COUNT EVERY VOTE RALLY this Monday, January 
3rd from 12:00 Noon to 1:30 pm
at (D-CA) Senator Barbara Boxer's San Francisco Office,
1700 Montgomery St (near Chestnut & Embarcadero)

Come to the VERIFYGRA RALLY this Thursday, January 6th from 12:00 Noon 
to 1:30 pm
at Senator Barbara Boxer's (D-CA) San Francisco Office,
1700 Montgomery St (near Chestnut & Embarcadero)
If above Verifygra Ad is not viewable in this email go to

# Legal challenge to Bush's election - mtg 1/4 7 pm
Please join us on Tuesday 1/4 at 7:00 at the Herbst Theater.
401 Van Ness @ Grove / McAllister
There WILL Be a Challenge of Electors in the Congress on January 6th
that Needs YOUR Support on January 4th in San Francisco

# Mon, Jan 3, 2005      12:00 pm

Call for Boxer to Challenge the Vote Jan. 6
Senator Boxer's Office
1700 Montgomery St.
San Francisco

Press Conference and Rally at 12 noon

Join Dolores Huerta and other labor, civil rights and peace leaders as we petition Senator Boxer to stand up and challenge the Electoral College vote that comes before Congress on Jan. 6.

While Jesse Jackson leads a Jan. 3 rally in Columbus, Ohio, calling attention to the misdeeds of Secretary of State Blackwell, the voting machine companies that "fixed" the recount, and the concerted effort there to deny African Americans and students the right to vote, here in California we'll let Barbara Boxer know that we, her constituents, expect her to step out and represent us. As chronicled in Fahrenheit 9/11, it was a shameful day in America when no Senator would join with the Black Caucus representatives to challenge the results of the 2000 election. That must not happen again.

At the Monday Press Conference we will be presenting thousands of signatures on hand circulated petitions calling on Senator Boxer to do the right thing. In addition, we'll inform the media of the 25,000+ on line signatures that Contest the Vote has also gathered on Boxer petitions nationally.

Join us to impress upon Senator Boxer our conviction that this election is not over!

In addition, at 11 am a group will meet at the Embarcadero BART station and walk over to Boxer's office together, handing out Electiongate fliers to passers-by.

Sponsored by (partial list): Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club's Voting Rights Task Force; United for Peace and Justice-Bay Area; East Bay Votes; Dean Club of Silicon Valley; Reclaim the Commons; ReDefeat Bush.

For more information, call Wellstone representatives at (510) 524-2316.

# Tue, Jan 4 7-9:00 pm FREE!
AgriCulture: Roots of Resistance in the Midwest
Ecology Center 2530 San Pablo @ Dwight Way Berkeley
Join Katharine Jolda and Ingrid Evjen-Elias for a reportback of their three-week bicycle trip in the land of corn, soybeans, and Wal-Mart. Journeying through southern Nebraska and Kansas they interviewed organic farmers, old-timers, and locals about the social, economic, and environmental affects of industrialized agriculture. The stories and photos they'll share portray a region in which a fossil-fuel dependent food system is eroding both topsoil and rural communities. But they found pockets of resistance too. In Lincoln, Nebraska a group of small farmers have organized a marketing coop where they can sell their value-added products. In Marysville, Kansas a single mom-organic rancher is raising healthy cattle by keeping her land in pasture. And in Salina, Kansas researchers at the Land Institute are developing what they call Natural Systems Agriculture by breeding perennial grain varieties. You'll also hear about Sandhill Farm, a biodynamic farm and intentional community in northeastern Missouri which for thirty years has been modeling an alternative to its monoculture neighbors. If activists in the Midwest can create such local food systems, we can create them anywhere!

# Burning Man tix go on sale Jan 5 at NOON
The cheapest tix Sell out the 1st day: 10,000 tix avail @ $175. Limit: 2

# January 6th: Electoral College Votes to Be Certified and Protested
On January 6th, 2005 there will be a "Block Bush Insurrection Rally" at the U.S. Capitol. That day is when the electoral votes, which will have been sealed and sent to the President of the U.S. Senate, are to be read aloud to both Houses of Congress. The No Stolen Elections campaign says that if one member of the House and one member of the Senate object to the certification of the vote, then all members of Congress will finally discuss these issues so they are urging people to call their Congresspeople and Senators. Locally and nationwide, voters are concerned about voter suppression and disenfranchisement, especially in African-American and Hispanic communities. Folks Don't Get It: On African-American voter disenfranchisement in the 2004 election | Against the House: It's a Rigged Game

# Thu, Jan 6 7-9pm FREE!
Arctic Quest, Journey through a Threatened Wilderness
Ecology Center 2530 San Pablo Ave @ Dwight, Berkeley
Join author Chad Kister for a slideshow presentation of his journey by foot and raft through the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. The Arctic Refuge is the last undeveloped section of Alaska's Arctic coast line, and is a critical breeding ground for hundreds of thousands of caribou, many species of birds, polar bear, musk ox, snowy owl, Arctic Char, Walrus, seal, Bowhead whale, snow geese, Arctic Tern, golden eagles, and many more creatures.
This amazing land is threatened by President George Bush's call to open the coastal plain -- the biological heart of the refuge -- to oil development. If pursued, oil development would provide less than a 6 month supply of oil for the United States and would destroy the refuge.
Come find out about the work of the Arctic Refuge Defense Campaign and what you can do to help protect this unique ecosystem.

# Dear Able Seawomen, Primping Pirates,
and Labeless worshippers,

Meditations taught by a Christian Order of mystics who worship the
spirit of SOPHIA (the female spirit of wisdom)
January 13TH
K. Ruby of Wise Fool teaches:
A form of Tantric Breathwork to create health grounding and deeper
commitment to wholeness
January 20th
Ed Holmes Of the SF Mime Troupe:
Teaches elements of vaudeville: or The one Up.

WHERE: WE have a New Studio, our Studio @ Project Artaud
the location is a RED DOOR right next door to Southern Exposure
Gallery located @ 17th and Alabama

WHEN: Every Thursday Night!!!
7 to 11 pm
Please arrive on time.

Cost: $15 to $25 none turned away!!!

# Four Indybay Photographers Show Photos AT SF'S BALAZO GALLERY
Matt Fitt, Peter Maiden, Charles Slay, and Eric Wagner—will be showing their work in a joint exposition at the Balazo Gallery in San Francisco, from December 27th, 2004 to January 12th, 2005. The pictures, which these volunteer photographers posted as news to Indybay, will be displayed as objects of art.
2811 Mission @ 24th St, SF. Salinas-based band Rum and Rebellion will host a closing party on Friday, January 7th, starting at 8 p.m. Meet the faces behind the cameras and do a good turn for a great gallery; $5

# Monthly Raw, vegan organic potluck
Jan 12 Every 2nd Sunday 10am Bay Leaf Cafe, Palo Alto

# Wed, Jan 12, 2005 - Mon, Dec 12, 2005 5:30 pm
Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and Bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to September 10, 2001
World Affairs Council of Northern California
312 Sutter Street, Suite 200 SF, CA 94108
Meet the Author
> Steve Coll, Managing editor and former South Asia Bureau Chief at The
> Washington Post; author of Ghost Wars
> In Ghost Wars, Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Steve Coll Coll tells the
> secret history of the CIA's role in Afghanistan, including its covert program
> against Soviet troops from 1979 to 1989, and examines the rise of the Taliban,
> the emergence of bin Laden, and the secret efforts by CIA officers and their
> agents to capture or kill bin Laden in Afghanistan after 1998. His book
> answers the questions so many have asked since 9/11: To what extent did
> America's best intelligence analysts grasp the rising threat of Islamist
> radicalism? Who tried to stop bin Laden and why did they fail? Steve Coll
> covered Afghanistan as the South Asia Bureau Chief at the Washington Post
> between 1989 and 1992.
Check-in: 5:30 PM
> Program: 6:00 PM
Cosponsored by Global Exchange and Stacey's Independent Bookstore
Nonmembers: $15.00;
Global Exchange Members may attend at the co-sponsor rate: $7.00;
Students (w/IDs): $5 World Affair Council Members: Free.

# Jan 14 & 15 -THE BAD PORNO FEST!!! -Center for Sex & Culture at 398 11th, SF-8 pm ? $10-20
porn that's so bad, it's good! The Bad Porno Fest features a video night and the Porno Slam, an evening of hilarious interpretive readings of truly groan-provoking smut. sliding scale

# Jan 15-Erotic Enhancement: Oral & Handjob Skills-Center for Sex & Culture at 398 11th, SF-2 pm
with Tracy Bartlett Erotic Enhancement classes are more than just sex lectures

# Please go to to learn why a
January 16th "Rally Against Global Terror" in Berkeley is really a Rally
for more militarism, for a continuation of occupation, home demolitions,
Wall building, ethnic cleansing.

# Jan 20 Fraudulent inauguration of war criminal GW Bush GENERAL STRIKE
Also Massive National Protests:

# ALL OUT FOR January 20 Counter-Inaugural &
March 19/20 Global Day of Protest on 2nd Anniversary of the war
All cities across the globe. Global:
5pm Thu Jan 20 in SF:

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA JAN 20, 2005 @ 11:00 A.M.

# J20 Pretzels Everywhere!
Please forward this along! Inauguration protest
information for Portland is online at
J20 - Anti-Inauguration Call-to-Action

# J20 Pretzels Everywhere 1/5/05
author: The Bakers Dozen
In a dream I saw it raining pretzels at the pretzel parade.
I'll never forget it.
The price of pretzels plummeted all over the world.
Though none did starve, one did choke - the grand marshall of the parade.
The festivities continued unabated.

# Not One Damn Dime Day - Jan 20, 2005
Since our religious leaders will not speak out against the war in
Iraq, since our political leaders don't have the moral courage t
oppose it, Inauguration Day, Thursday, January 20th, 2005 is "Not
One Damn Dime Day" in America.

On "Not One Damn Dime Day" those who oppose what is happening in our
name in Iraq can speak up with a 24-hour national boycott of all forms
of consumer spending.

During "Not One Damn Dime Day" please don't spend money. Not one damn
dime for gasoline. Not one damn dime for necessities or for impulse
purchases. Not one damn dime for nothing for 24 hours.

On "Not One Damn Dime Day," please boycott Wal-Mart, Kmart, Target...
Please don't go to the mall or the local convenience store. Please
don't buy any fast food (or any groceries at all for that matter).

For 24 hours, please do what you can to shut the retail economy down.
The object is simple. Remind the people in power that the war in Iraq
is immoral and illegal; that they are responsible for starting it and
that it is their responsibility to stop it.

"Not One Damn Dime Day" is to remind them, too, that they work for
the people of the United States of America, not for the internationa
corporations and K Street lobbyists who represent the corporations and
funnel cash into American politics.

"Not One Damn Dime Day" is about supporting the troops.

Now 1,200 brave young Americans and (some estimate) 100,000 Iraqis
have died. The politicians owe our troops a plan - a way to come home.

There's no rally to attend. No marching to do. No left or right wing
agenda to rant about. On "Not One Damn Dime Day" you take action by
doing nothing.
You open your mouth by keeping your wallet closed.

For 24 hours, nothing gets spent, not one damn dime, to remind our
religious leaders and our politicians of their moral responsibility to
end the war in Iraq and give America back to the people.
Please share this email with as many people as possible

# FRI JAN 21, 2005, 2:30-5 PM Novato
This event is part of a larger comprehensive draft/recruitment educational series in Marin.
For ongoing activities including weekly peace vigils,
weekly organizing meetings, and committee meetings:

# Fri Jan 21 Green Beat Music Gathering 7:00 - 9:30pm $10 door
2-for-1 by making reservations 48 hours in advance
Now you can see SF's most passionate songwriters break from their glamorous
nightclub appearances, and unveil their hearts and souls in an intimate acoustic gathering. There will be a few open slots for other songwriters, so come early to sign up.
RSVP: reserveseats [at] 510 549-4300

# Interestingly enough, the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade
(turning 32 Jan. 22, 2004) occurs Sat. A group called
Walk for Life West Coast will be having a permitted
march through the embarcadero etc. that day. They are
pro-life. There has been a call for action for
counter protests that day. And so Jan. 21 has been
called a day of teach-ins and awareness of issues
related to abortion rights. Check out more on Indymedia:

# Sat Jan 22 SF 9pm-3am
Our friends and amazingly-talented musicians of Rosin Coven have invited us to create and collaborate in a theatrical presentation of stories from the infamous Edward Gorey ...Vau de Vire style!  Also in the evening's line-up is Jill Tracy...a most hauntingly-beautiful creature with a voice and piano-talant you really must experience live.  So, dress in your finest Edwardian or Gorey-esque attire and come join us.
Paradox Media & Cat Club Present: “Evil Garden” The Fifth Annual Edwardian Ball
(a elegantly sinister San Francisco tradition since the turn of the century)
Sat Jan 22nd, 2005 at the Cat Club 8th & Folsom, SF 9pm-3am
$12 in Edwardian or Gorey-esque attire, $15 in modern day garb
Live Perf * Music, Storytelling & Gorey Theatre by Rosin Coven
* Inappropriate acrobatic antics & acting out by Vau de Vire Society
* Fiendish fatale Jill Tracy
With Edwardian Disc Jockeys: * Miz Margo
* and more TBA... Décor by Puppets & Pie

# Saturday, January 22 at 1 pm, Canopy will be planting trees at the Palo Alto Golf Course (near the Bayla
Add Your Comments
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$135.00 donated
in the past month

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If you'd like to help with maintaining or developing the website, contact us.


Publish your stories and upcoming events on Indybay.

IMC Network