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Captures of civilians continue in Chechnya

by kavkaz
Kavkazky Uzel, citing the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society, reported on December 14 that a brother and sister were being treated in Grozny's Hospital No. 9 for serious wounds they received on December 3, when a helicopter gunship fired a rocket into their home in the Vedeno district village of Tazen-Kala. Their 14-year-old younger brother was killed in the attack, the website reported.
Earlier, a group of invaders captured a disabled man – Rasul Khamzatovich Mukayev (b. in 1979) in the village of Duba-Yurt , Shaly district of Chechnya.

According to the relatives of the captured man, on 3 December at about 5 o'clock , a group of Russian chastisers (about 8-10 people) broke in Mukayev's home. The aggressors were in camouflage and masks . They spoke Russian . At the moment of attack the Mukayevs were at home – the head of the family Khamzat Mukayev, his wife Rosa and their two sons – Rasul and Rustam (b. in 1982). Having captured the elder brother, the aggressors put handcuffs on him and dragged him out of the house.

Rasul Mukayev has epilepsy and because of complicated disease, it is hard to him to move and he does not even go out of house. Nothing is known about the reason of his detention. The family knows nothing about his whereabouts.

Three bodies of unidentified men with bullet wounds have been found in the Nadterechny district. According to the Russian sites referring to the source in puppet militia, the bodies were found a day before in the area of the Village Zebir-Yurt in the territory of the “Mineralny” state farm.

The local inhabitants suppose that those three men were kidnapped and then killed by the invaders and their accomplices.

Russian human rights commissioner Vladimir Lukin said on December 10 that 1,700 criminal cases involving disappearances of people in Chechnya have been launched since the start of the year, and that 50 of the cases have gone to court, RIA Novosti reported. Kidnapping, he said, remains the republic's main problem in the human rights sphere.

Meanwhile the more than 1,000 liberal and human rights activists who gathered on December 12 for an All-Russia Civil Congress in Moscow under the slogan "Russia For Democracy, Against Dictatorship," issued a statement declaring the war in Chechnya "disgraceful." The congress's participants said in the statement that the Russian government's policies, not international terrorism, were to blame for what is happening in Chechnya, reported on December 12. They also called for peace talks with Chechen president Maskhadov, and noted the efforts in that direction by the Union of Soldiers' Mothers Committees, which plans to meet with Aslan Maskhadov's representative in Europe, Akhmed Zakaev. The participants also called for an international conference on Chechnya.

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