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Indybay Feature

12/13 SF&Oakland Protest Anti-Palestinian Celebration

by Beagle
On December 13, 2004, the pro-Israel AIPAC will be fundraising in San Francisco and Oakland, with lots of Democratic Party politicians invited to participate. Please protest this genocidal front for US imperialism by telling all the Democrats & Republicans in your phone book to stop supporting Israel, and they all do by definition. Also, attend the demonstrations.
On December 13, 2004, the pro-Israel AIPAC will be fundraising in San Francisco and Oakland, with lots of Democratic Party politicians invited to participate. Please protest this genocidal front for US imperialism by telling all the Democrats & Republicans in your phone book to stop supporting Israel, and they all do by definition. Also, attend the demonstrations.

Israel is a US military base that exists to protect the oil companies' profits in the Middle East. The US Government is using the Jewish community, aided by the richer and reactionary sector of the religious Jewish community, as a front for this anti-labor hellhole, built on the genocide of the Palestinians and the theft of Palestinian land, just as horrific as the genocide of the Native Americans and the theft of Native American land by the European settlers and their American lackeys. The major difference is that the Palestinian community is definitely part of the modern world and not a stone age culture, although in either case, there was and is no excuse for genocide, theft of the land, and destruction of homes and crops.

From the website of the Middle East Children's Alliance at

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is coming to the San Francisco and Oakland on Monday Dec 13 to promote its agenda to local governement leaders and Bay Area organizations. AIPAC is a powerful political lobby that pushes for continued US congressional funding of the Israeli military and settlement activities while promoting Israel's foreign policies in the US governent. AIPAC is also currently under investigation by the FBI for their role in an espionage case.

The United States currently supplies Israel with $5 billion in direct aid every year most of which goes to funding the illegal occupation of Palestinian territory and the attendant policies of that occupation, including home demolitions, attacks on civilains, the destruction of vital farmland and the overall confiscation of Palestinian land and resources. AIPAC's lobbying has helped finance the Israeli army which, has in four years, closed, occupied, destroyed or damaged over 1000 Palestinian schools.

Monday, December 13, 2004, 11:30 a.m. at Moscone Center South, Fourth and Howard, San Francisco.

Monday, December 13th - 5:30-7:30pm - Marriott Hotel,
1001 Broadway, Oakland.

The leaflet in PDF format is at:

Sponsored by

Middle East Children’s Alliance
International Solidarity Movement Northern California
Justice in Palestine Coalition
Jewish Voice for Peace
United for Peace and Justice, Bay Area

All Democratic and Republicans officials by definition support Israel, from Rep Barbara Lee to Rep Nancy Pelosi to San Francisco Supervisor Tom Ammiano to Tom Hayden (former California state representative) and Jane Fonda. Barbara Lee joined the whole stinking Congress in voting for a resolution praising the butcher of Palestine, Ariel Sharon.

For more on San Francisco's representative, Nancy Pelosi, see:
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by Beagle
This event is on the Indybay calendar at:

Please do not delete this event as it is now featured on this website at the top of the center column and is on the calendar. Such pro-Israel censorship is not acceptable on this website.
by Shmuel
Smash Indymedia racism and anti-Semitism!
by Critical Thinker

Beagle evidently figures he's in a position to determine what constitutes acceptable editorial conduct and he ostensibly deems pro-Palestinian censorship acceptable whereas what appears to him like pro-Israel censorship he considers unacceptable.
Please do hide this thread and his above post.
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