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Indybay Feature

California Kwanzaa Agriculture Expo

by Michael Harris (blackagriculture [at]
California State Capitol is the site of the
California Kwanzaa Agriculture Expo 2004
Policy Forums
Our "California Grown" holiday season is in full glow.

The principles of the Nguzo Saba as set forth by our holiday creator, Dr. Maulana Karenga, continue to reflect universal order.

The living social practice of Kwanzaa is celebrated internationally by a people returning to a natural way of life.

"Agricultue is the foundation of culture" remains our theme and this year we focus on plight of the California Black Farmer.

United States Agriculture Department, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Mr. Vernon Parker is our keynote speaker. He will highlight encouraging new programs and touch on the ongoing legal battles of past disparaging treatment against Black Farmers.

Several Black Farmers will speak directly on there personal experience with the Califorina USDA and the ongoing battles to receive equal opportunity in Farm Programs.

California State Executive Director, John G. Smythe continues to ignore ongoing racial discrimination both with Black USDA employees and Black Farmers.

We celebrate Kwanzaa as a time to thank our creator for the gifts that have been given to us.

On International Human Rights Day 2004 we continue to be mindful of a day, not long ago when many wanted to export all Black people out of the State of California.

The right to vote, testify against a white person, homestead land and attend public school cannot be taken for granted.

In a world of cultural terrorism, we must renew our efforts to view "Agriculture as the foundation of Culture."

Our lives depend upon on embracing our "California Grown" Kwanzaa Holiday.

Michael Harris
BFAA California
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