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US helicopter massacres 29 Iraqi civilians after battle in ad-Durah

by IM
US helicopter massacres 29 Iraqi civilians after battle in ad-Durah
November 22, 2004

At about 10:30am local time, Iraqi Resistance forces attacked US troops when they were bulldozing land and cutting down date palms and other trees on the "al-Isra'iliyah" Road in the southern Baghdad suburb of ad-Durah. The Resistance fired SPG9 and RPG7 rockets at the bulldozers destroying three of them as well as two Humvees. The Mafkarat al-Islam correspondent wrote that 11 US troops were killed in the vehicles, and four who were on foot also died. Shortly thereafter a US helicopter arrived and set about strafing homes in the area indiscriminately, killing at least 29 Iraqi civilians, and destroying eight private cars.

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