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Indybay Feature

SF: Stop Censure of Pro-Rent Control Sup Daly

by San Francisco Tenant
Pro-rent control Supervisor Daly is threatened with censure on 11/23/04 by the pro-landlord Sups. Alioto-Pier and Elsbernd while it is the pro-landlord sups who deserve censure. This red smear routine must be stopped immediately.
Pro-rent control Supervisor Daly is threatened with censure on 11/23/04 by the pro-landlord Sups. Alioto-Pier and Elsbernd while it is the pro-landlord sups who deserve censure. This red smear routine must be stopped immediately.

For the full text of the censure resolution, see the 11/23/04 Board of Supervisor Agenda, item 50, No. 041599 at:

The pretext is Daly's occasional use of foul language and his theatrics of storming out of meetings temporarily and pointing his finger at the pro-landlord supervisors. While Daly has been and should be told by all of us who support rent control to stop these theatrics, they are not cause for censure. It is Supes Alioto-Pier and Elsbernd who should be censured for their consistently reactionary, anti-rent control votes which, if they were in the majority, would render all of us tenants, most of whom are the workingclass of San Francisco, homeless. It is Alioto-Pier and Elsbernd who need to be reminded that we workers do the work and without our labor, everything comes to a grinding halt. They should also be reminded that tenants are 66% of the residents and in a high voter turnout election, such as this November 2004 election, 50% of the voters.

Alioto-Pier has obviously been chosen by her landlord/real estate lobby friends to promote this red smear tactic as she is in a wheelchair and a woman, so we especially need phone calls from pro-rent control women and disabled people to her and Elsbrend to drop the censure. Please do not use foul language when you call; that only hurts our cause. We need the roof over our heads, not red smear censures.

We also need phone calls from pro-rent control San Franciscans to Sup Chris Daly to just vote for tenants and wait until he is outside City Hall for the foul language and the theatrics. Tell Chris our lives depend on his pro-tenant votes as without rent control, we are all homeless.

Please call or Email Sups Michela Alioto-Pier and Sean Elsbernd to express your opposition to this red smear censure tactic at:

1. Michela Alioto-Pier
Michela_Alioto-Pier [at]

2. Sean Elsbernd

Chris Daly may be reached at:
Chris_Daly [at]
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by jz
I think more than a red-smear technique that this is an attempt to silence someone who speaks for those whose voices are so often silenced and ignored. I encourage folks to call and leave messages. It just takes a minute.
by sfres
Why stop it? Daly is an asshole and a thug. Too many years as a street protester, and now he thinks that's the way politics works. Well, Chris, it doesn't. When you act like a thug or a spoiled child, censure is the result. It can't come too soon.
by Or some other bozo
While I don't agree with Chris' behavior at time, I also don't agree with your pompous grandstanding, sfres.
by at it again
direct sfres to the nearest dog park where he can bark at will. tiresome little prat...
by sfres
I couldn't care less what you think. If you don't like what I write, then don't read it. Or perhaps you just think I should be censored because you don't like what I say. Good little Stalinst!!
by Qwert
It's because of his antics, theatrics, and his foul langue outbursts that I don't take Daly seriously but I don’t think he should be censured. When he grows out of this, then I will start to take him seriously, until then, he is just a politcal loud mouth.
by Hah!
Gawd, you're paranoid. No one said a thing about censoring you. Get a grip.

Filing you in the "looney -- do not reply, it's a waste of time" bin,

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