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Indybay Feature

Justice 4 Cammerin

by Luxomedia
No Justice, No Peace, No Racist Police
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by jlb
This vocal, large candlelight march, with speakers before and after, was very inspiring. We cannot let the police and the police state community get away with another clear-cut murder, especially another murder of a young man of color, a disabled man, a father and son, a man innocent before his execution. Real community control means justice where justice is due, and so far the SFPD and the political establishment are just lying, evading, denying... which means more killing. Get involved in holding our police accountable, taking responsibility for what too many of us have allowed to happen.
by a citizen
There are other ways to stop someone like Cammerin.
Like talking to him.
Enlisting the help of his peers.
Or even drugging.
Anything but five bullets will do the job.
Shooting a disabled man while his hands are up indicates chaos, lack of respect and is downright unprofessional.
Those cops are not here to kill they are here to maintain peace and order.
Shooting a man while his hands are up is just as bad as when a gang boy shoots another gang member in front of their children.

The SFPD is a troubled organization and will be stopped (by the local government) and put on the right track or we (the people) will do it for them.

To the poster:
How would you like it if your child was constantly being chased by racist cops only to be ultimatley run down and killed?
Please put yourself in the families shoes.
Cammerin did NOT deserve what he got.
by Insider
Please note that there is only a few people, maybe one, that is going around smearing Cammerin and that he/she is a FRIEND OF THE COPS involved.

They are not direct witnesses, and you have many other community witnesses saying that Cammerin was the victim here. That is why we need people to have cameras and videocameras ready in case the cops come to your hood, so you can document. You will never believe it until it happens to YOU. Then you will believe that the system is CORRUPT!
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