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Indybay Feature

US forces pound Falluja

by ALJ
US forces have stepped up pressure on Iraqi fighters in Falluja, using AC-130 aircraft and tanks to pound eastern and northwestern areas of the town.

Witnesses said AC-130s – cargo aircraft equipped with cannon and machineguns – were in action for at least half an hour late on Wednesday while tanks shelled the town on the ground.
The bombardment was said to be the heaviest on the town for several weeks.

The US military is poised for an offensive on Falluja, some 50km west of Baghdad, to flush out armed men resisting its forces.

Earlier attack

Earlier in the day, attacks by US warplanes sent up plumes of black smoke from the eastern edge of Falluja.

A woman was seriously wounded and a teenage girl lost her right leg in the strikes, hospital official Issam Muhammad said.

The US-backed Iraqi interim government has threatened to wrest control of Falluja from the Iraqi fighters before elections scheduled for January.

Residents of the town say the daily bombardments cause heavy civilian casualties and increase resentment against the United States.
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