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Indybay Feature

A.N.S.W.E.R. 'Adopts' a Local 2 Hotel—San Francisco

Thursdays, October 28 to ???, 4:30–6:30 p.m.
Crowne Plaza Hotel
480 Sutter between Powell & Stockton
(in Union Square, a short walk from the Powell St. BART station)
A.N.S.W.E.R. 'Adopts' a Local 2 Hotel—San Francisco

Thursdays, October 28 to ???, 4:30–6:30 p.m.
Crowne Plaza Hotel
480 Sutter between Powell & Stockton
(in Union Square, a short walk from the Powell St. BART station)

Weekly Picket Until Lock-Out Ends
Community Support Urged for Hotel Workers

Four thousand of San Francisco's hotel workers are in an intense struggle to save their health care coverage and pensions. After a 4-week lock-out, the big transnational hotel chains are going all-out to break the back of one of the strongest unions in the country. Despite warnings from the SF Board of Supervisors and even Mayor Gavin Newsom, the hotel chains aren't budging. The workers represented by UNITE HERE Local 2 have kept 24-hour picket lines outside of 14 of San Francisco's high-end hotels.

Labor and community support is needed to show solidarity with these workers and help keep the picket lines going. This labor battle represents the broader struggle to save affordable health benefits for all workers. The fierce fight that the hotel workers are waging to save their health care and other benefits will have a significant effect on the future of all working people in a period when more and more employers are trying to pass off rising health care costs to their workers.

ANSWER has "adopted" the Crowne Plaza Hotel picket line on Thursdays from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Please join us to show our suppport of the Local 2 workers.

You can pick up an ANSWER sign that says: "Health Care is a Right!" and "Support the Hotel Workers" at the office at 2489 Mission St., Rm. 24, San Francisco.
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by Aaron Aarons
I've been on the picket lines at a few of the hotels and have observed that the pickets do not march directly in front of the entrances, but only to the sides!

Even the pro-boss laws in this country don't prohibit picketing in front of building entrances. In fact, I walked back and forth with picket signs (alone or with others) at a few of the entrances and was not hassled, except when a few of the business-suit-wearing security people at one of the hotels started hassling me and then called the cops on me. But the cop just said I had to keep moving, which I had been doing anyway except when the security scum engaged me in "conversation".

Why are the union leaders being more restrictive on the pickets than even the cops are?

by aaron
You don't have to be a radical to see the idiocy in the union's legal-bureaucratic approach. The union bureaucracy always complains about the apathy of the "rank-and-file," but it's no wonder that workers become "apathetic" when they're in effect told that it's really righteous (and effective!) to walk circles in front of a slab of concrete.

by Lets work for resolution
The hotels have come forward with multiple proposals to improve the health plan. Health care is no longer the central issue in this dispute. In my opinion, the Union is being unreasonable by demanding a 2 year contract. The hotels showed good faith with their health plan offer, now it is time for the union to show good faith and budge a little on the contract. Negotiation means both sides end up compromising.
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