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Revenge Attacks On UK Forces For Blair's Support For Bush's Falluja Assault

by sources
Rebel fighters launched a wave of attacks against British forces in revenge for the Black Watch's mission to Iraq's terrorist heartland.

Militant mastermind Abu Moussab Al-Zarqawi - the Jordanian behind the kidnapping and beheading of Ken Bigley - has ordered his fanatical followers to make all-out efforts to kill British troops.
The troops have faced attacks every night since their arrival on Friday, a clear attempt by insurgents to test the battlegroup's strength and claim a "spectacular" - the death of a British soldier.
The recent upsurge in rebel-led violence is being seen as a reaction to the Black Watch's support for the US mission to quell the insurgency in the stronghold city of Fallujah, west of Baghdad.

Black Watch troops en route to the camp from the southern city of Basra on Friday also came under bomb attack. One soldier died in a road accident when his vehicle overturned.

Eight United States marines were killed, meanwhile, and nine wounded in action yesterday in the nearby province of Anbar, where Black Watch troops are to patrol.

The violent start to the soldiers' mission to fill in for US troops who are preparing an all-out assault on Fallujah, has cast a shadow over the continuing public relations effort. Last week, books, schoolbags and tracksuits were distributed to schoolchildren near the camp on behalf of the British Army, before the troops' arrival.

Some pupils refused the gifts, including Ghassan Mazin, a fourth-year student, who said: "My father told me I will be punished if I bring home these gifts from the Jews. He said that he will hang me from the ceiling fan and then leave me without any food."


In the southern city of Basra, there was a single rocket attack on the airport where the British headquarters is based.

The MoD spokesman said no one was injured in the attack which occurred between 2am and 3am local time.

Military sources believe the biggest terrorist threat comes from Islamic extremists under the command of Abu Moussab Al Zarqawi, whose Tawhid and Jihad group was responsible for the beheading of British engineer Ken Bigley.

News of the latest bombardments came as a British soldier was found dead at a military base in Basra this morning.


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