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Prop 62 is a SCAM

by Vote NO on 62
Someone wrote this in response to someone else taken in by the LIE that 62 is actually a story of the rich billionaires supporting a proposition (along with the Gropernator) to help the majority of voters. Give me a break.
Prop 62 is a SCAM

This is nothing but a fraud proposition and should be called we don’t want anyone to challenge the DNC proposition. What this moron fails to tell you is that we had Open Primary and it was shut down due to underhanded tactics of the Democrats. It has been recorded on several occasions that the Democrats would encourage their people to go into the primary and select the weaker candidates from other parties so that their candidate looks that much stronger come election time. Then come election time, those people who selected the “better” candidate ended up voting for the Democrat.

Second with all these independents, what prevents them from switching to a party with the candidate they support and at the end of the election switching back to independent. The answer – nada zero zilch.

If you want outsiders influencing your party's selection process then vote Yes on 62. If you believe that only members and those dedicated to your party’s beliefs should decide whom best represents your party beliefs, then Vote NO on 62.
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