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Indybay Feature

Progressive Political Endorsement Grid

by Mike Rhodes (MikeRhodes [at]
Progressive Political Endorsement Grid from the Fresno based Community Alliance magazine
The Community Alliance magazine has developed a Political Endorsement Grid. This grid includes the recommendations of a number of progressive groups for local candidates, state propositions, and other races. The recommendations are from groups like the Central Valley Progressive PAC, the United Farm Workers union, the Green Party, the Democratic Party, Planned Parenthood and many others. It is helpful to see which candidates, measures, and propositions these groups support. The Community Alliance Political Endorsement Grid can be seen at:

The grid is also in the November issue of the Community Alliance magazine, which is now being distributed.

Mike Rhodes
Community Alliance magazine
P.O. Box 5077
Fresno Ca 93755
(559) 978-4502
AllianceEditor [at]
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by Paul Burton
Thanks for posting the info but in what way is the Democratic Party a "progressive group?" That's odd, I thought their candidate for President was a leader of the corporate leaning Democratic Leadership Council, which helped push NAFTA, the Effective Death Penalty Act, Welfare 'Reform' and other anti-worker and anti-poor people policies under Slick Willy Clinton. Hardly 'progressive.'

Despite a few decent liberal members, the Democrat Party has shown its true colors this year with its disgraceful attacks on Ralph Nader.

Another 'progressive' voter guide can be found on the Peace and Freedom Party's Website:, and info about our presidential candidate, Leonard Peltier can be read at

The Peace and Freedom Party doesn't shy away from going beyond phony progressivism and advocating socialism, needed now more than ever.

by c'mon
That's weak. Badnarik is on more state ballots than Nader, and has higher ratings in the polls than Nader.

Dont give me this "LIbertarians-are-Conservatives" crap either - Badnarik was arrested right alongside Cobb, the Green candidate. He sat in the same police van, for the same reason - trying to cross that police line. Tell me he's not a progressive?

Yet you dont even mention the Libertarian Party, while you do mention the sell-out bastard Democrats?!

Wake up. Apparently Progress is currently leaving many Progressives behind. Talking about progressive alternatives and then leaving out the #1 most viable one this election, is disingenious. You might as well go work for The System.
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