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Ordained To Be The Ship Yard Developer

by S.F Resident (Connect the Dots)
Lets convey the largest land deal in San Francisco quickly, never mind the little people complaining. This is about Profit.
Ordained to be the Ship Yard Developer

A fourth-generation San Franciscan, Gavin Christopher Newsom was born Oct. 10, 1967, to William and Tessa Newsom.

From birth, he was connected to the city's elite.

His grandfather, William A. Newsom, was a confidant of Edmund G. "Pat" Brown, the former San Francisco district attorney and two-term governor.

His aunt was married to the brother-in-law of Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-San Francisco, the House minority leader.


Members of Gavin Newsom's wine, restaurant, bar, resort and real estate partnerships since 1991:
Isolep Enterprises (Paul and Nancy Pelosi family personal investment company)

$1 Million Gift Funds Expansion - 23rd Annual Koret Family House Benefit Set for April 17; Newsom, Pelosi Join in Honoring Koret Foundation
Business Wire, March 30, 2004
Business Editors/City Desks


The 23rd annual Koret Family House auction and dinner, Dixieland Jam, is set for Saturday, April 17, 2004 at San Francisco's Fairmont Hotel, it was announced by Co-chairs Alexis and Laurence Pelosi. The Honorable Gavin Newsom, Mayor of the City of San Francisco is Honorary Chair and special guest speaker. The party benefits Family House, Inc., which provides free housing for families of children with cancer and other serious illnesses during treatment at UCSF Medical Center.

Tad Taube, Koret Foundation President, will be honored in recognition of the foundation's 23-year commitment to Family House and for its role in making possible the recent expansion of Koret Family House to two locations.

Federal Home loan bank of san francisco
A Faith-Based Conference for Affordable Housing and Economic Development
Event Information
Making Your Vision a Reality:
A Faith-Based Conference for Affordable Housing and Economic Development

October 17-19, 2004
Renaissance Hollywood Hotel
Los Angeles, California
Keynote Speakers
U.S. Housing and Urban Development Deputy Secretary Roy Bernardi
California State Treasurer Phil Angelides

Speakers Laurence Pelosi

Morgan Stanley Real Estate

The Body Politic
Out of the slumber
By Adriel Hampton | Staff Writer
Published on Friday, January 23, 2004
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POLITICS AND scandal are up to good old San Francisco speed after a lazy holiday. Let's commence. ... Anybody who thinks Supervisor Tom Ammiano is vulnerable in his re-election bid for District 9 is in for a rude awakening. A recent David Binder poll for Ammiano shows a 59 percent of voters favoring the incumbent. "Having been around the block a few times, I know it's not a slam dunk," Ammiano said. "It is reassuring." SF SOS, the downtown civic group that recently conducted polls on the supervisors up for re-election, didn't even bother with Ammiano. Too strong. ... That SF SOS poll was also Binder's work. Conducted in the last days of December, it had a sample of 600 and a margin of error of 4 percentage points. On the school board, it found that 15 percent of voters would re-elect Mark Sanchez and 10 percent would not, while fellow progressive Eric Mar fared slightly worse with 11 percent saying they would re-elect him while 13 percent would not. What's surprising is that three quarters of the voters are undecided or unaware of the November race. ...
New Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier has been through the rough world of electoral politics a few times, so this shouldn't hurt too much: Voter-history records show she failed to vote in six of the last 12 elections; five of those six she was registered as a permanent absentee. According to those records, she moved last August to her District 2 home on Jackson Street from a home near the University of San Francisco on Ewing Terrace, just outside of residency requirements for a November bid to hold the District 2 office Mayor Gavin Newsom appointed her to this week. The energetic Alioto-Pier will have plenty of opportunities to improve her voting record while serving The City, we trust. ... "Housing, housing, housing." That's what Newsom on Monday told The Examiner his first four years will be about, including supportive housing. "Housing, housing, housing" was Supervisor Chris Daly's pledge in 2002 as he ran for re-election, so these guys really should get along. Newsom's Proposition J would be far more popular had it been paired with his proposed $150 million bond to house the penniless. Prop. J comes in March, the promise for the penniless in November. ...
Attorney Jim Sutton's been doing all the talking on the question of whether Newsom's swearing-in committee is paying off campaign win bonuses -- he says no. But the treasurer for Newsom's campaign, cousin Laurence Pelosi, is nowhere to be seen. ... Politically active real-estate broker and developer Pius Lee is involved in a protracted legal battle with City Attorney Dennis Herrera, with Lee looking to clear his name. More Monday. ... Charlie Walker and others gathered Wednesday night to plan support for the mayor's recall on grounds he's excluding African-Americans from top spots in his administration. Judith Blackwell is gone as purchaser, and so is Ron Vincent as director of Neighborhood Services. ... Newsom no longer has business interests in The City, reports his office. ...


Laurence Pelosi, Senior Vice President
Lennar Communities
San Francisco, California

Michael Alexander
David Baker
Rick Barna
Andy Barnes
Margo Bradish
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Laurence Pelosi

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The No. 2 official at the San Francisco Department of Public Works threatened workers under contract to clean city streets with loss of pay if they didn't campaign for Gavin Newsom for mayor, according to sworn testimony in a city attorney's investigation.

City attorney's investigators looking into allegations of election abuses made by the San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners, or SLUG -- a nonprofit group under contract with the city for street-cleaning services -- were told by the street cleaners that they had been directed by Deputy Public Works Director Mohammed Nuru to walk precincts for the Newsom for Mayor campaign during their workday.

They also told investigators that Nuru had told them their wages would be withheld by SLUG if they refused to carry out the duties, which entailed hanging Newsom campaign literature on doorknobs, carrying signs and checking on the election-day turnout of voters targeted by the Newsom campaign on the day of the mayoral runoff election, Dec. 9.

"Mr. Nuru told me that I would not be paid by SLUG for working December 9th unless I performed these activities," one of the SLUG street cleaners told investigators in a sworn statement made under penalty of perjury.

The Chronicle obtained copies of the statements and other records pertaining to the city attorney's investigation under the California Public Records Act.

The findings corroborate allegations of election-related coercion of SLUG street-cleaning crews reported by The Chronicle in January. The workers told of being directed by SLUG supervisors during their workday to cast absentee ballots for Newsom during early voting at City Hall; to work for the Newsom for Mayor campaign; and to attend campaign events for Newsom and for Kamala Harris, then a district attorney candidate who also won election Dec. 9.

The workers also told The Chronicle that Jonathan Gomwalk, then-executive director of SLUG, and Nuru, a former executive director of the organization, pressured them to participate by saying SLUG's city contracts -- and, by extension, their jobs -- depended on a Newsom victory.

The findings of City Attorney Dennis Herrera's investigation led city Controller Ed Harrington to move in July to sever ties with SLUG, barring it from receiving city contracts for violating local laws against using public fund for political purposes.

But the new documents obtained by The Chronicle indicate the city attorney also found evidence suggesting Nuru was aware that SLUG street cleaners he had put to work on the Newsom campaign on Dec. 9 were doing so on city time and were being paid with taxpayer dollars.

Nuru declined to be interviewed Thursday. He previously said he had volunteered to work on the Newsom campaign -- doing so on his own time -- and never coerced SLUG workers to vote or work for Newsom for mayor. He said he assumed those SLUG crew members who showed up at a Newsom campaign office to walk precincts were not being paid by the nonprofit organization for their efforts.

Newsom campaign staffers repeatedly have said they had no knowledge of any misconduct related to SLUG workers, saying they had no reason to believe their participation wasn't voluntary and wasn't performed on their own time. Likewise, the report of the city attorney's investigation contains no mention of any such knowledge by the Newsom campaign.

"The campaign has no tolerance for the use of city funds for any political purpose," campaign consultant Eric Jaye said. "If someone took it upon themselves to do otherwise, that was wrong, but it was not connected to the campaign."

A spokesman for City Attorney Herrera would not comment on the findings pertaining to Nuru, nor would he say whether Newsom or Edwin Lee, the director of the Public Works Department, had been briefed on the matter.

Lee did not return a telephone call seeking comment Thursday. A spokesman for Newsom could not be reached for comment pertaining to Nuru.

Matt Dorsey, the spokesman for Herrera, said the investigative findings have been referred to the district attorney and to the office of Secretary of State Kevin Shelley, California's chief elections official. Both the district attorney's and secretary of state's offices previously had announced they had begun inquiries after The Chronicle's reports of the alleged coercion to vote and campaign for Newsom.

SLUG, once hailed as a model for urban job training, previously had contracts with 15 city departments worth more than $2.2 million a year. It employed the street cleaners under a welfare-to-work program. In September, Roger Gordon, the nonprofit group's president, said the organization had run out of cash and would not contest its debarment from future city contracts.

According to the newly obtained investigative documents, Newsom campaign workers who ran one of his field offices in the Excelsior district knew Nuru as a go-to guy who could bring in badly needed volunteers on election day in November and for the runoff in December.

It was on those days, SLUG street cleaners told investigators, that their bosses instructed them to go to the campaign office, where Nuru met them and directed them to check the polls to see who hadn't voted yet, to walk neighborhoods to remind people to vote, and to distribute campaign literature.

One street cleaner described an encounter with Nuru during a lunch break in the office during the December election: "After the break, Mr. Nuru instructed us to go out again for more of the same work. When I did not get up from my chair, where I was talking to someone on my cellular telephone, Mr. Nuru told me, 'Get off your ass and get to work.' "

Before disclosing the investigative records, the city attorney's office redacted the names of the street cleaners and other people who were interviewed to protect their identities. A report summarizing the findings said some SLUG employees had been subjected to intimidation to keep them from cooperating.

One Newsom campaign worker interviewed by investigators said he or she assumed the volunteers Nuru brought in were current or former SLUG workers because of Nuru's association with SLUG but didn't give much thought to why such low-paid workers would give up a workday to be there. The question of their pay didn't come up.

A second Newsom campaign worker said he or she didn't give much thought to who Nuru's volunteers were at all. "You know, it's not uncommon for a community leader-type person to bring in other people to work with them," the Newsom worker said.
by h. brown (sobone [at]
This legislation does not privatize the shipyard.
-- Supervisor Sophie Maxwell, introducing legislation to privatize the shipyard

I trust Willie Brown about as far as I can throw Dick Blum’s wallet (that ain’t very far). Now, Willie Inc. is moving to extend his influence past his mandated retirement (he couldn’t beat Howdy Doody in a race now anyway). Willie wants to make Sophie Maxwell Empress of the Hunters Point Shipyard Development Authority. Forever. Da man never quits. He’s like that character in Monty Python … never mind … point is, using whatever lame-ass excuse possible, the Board should delay or shoot down every transparent move to extend his ill-used powers beyond the day his foul presence is finally removed from Room 200. On the shipyard move? Lennar is calling in old favors and funds expended to Willie Inc. to guarantee their move to develop a piece of land that may well have more nuclear contamination than Nevada test sites. Is it not irony itself that Brown is cynically using the environmental crusader Maxwell as the front for a potential end-run around intense environmental scrutiny?

Other really bad ideas

Who the hell’s idea was it to make Ed Harrington the new Clint Eastwood? They wanna give him 10 million, no questions asked, to … honest … be ultimately responsible for cleaning or maintaining the streets or something like that. Now, fortunately, I’ve done acid too, so the source of this idea was immediately clear to me. Obviously Donald Fisher dropped some LSD 100’s into the punch bowl at a party attended by George Shultz, Waldo Shorenstein, Willie Brown, Gordon (my other wife is a Volvo) Getty, and, of course, Pee-Wee Herman. It’s obvious when you think about it. Odd though. Ed has 7 of 10 years left on a contract Willie Inc. signed with him. Can, like the Lennar deal above, this be simply another end-game move by downtown to perpetuate power? Like the shipyard and other deals you’ll be seeing coming out of Room 200 stoned out of their minds, don’t look too closely at them. They’ll drive you crazy or turn you to stone.

Like Bill Clinton’s Treasure Island

I like Bill Clinton. He was a brilliant president. That does not mean that he should be allowed to make money from the misuse of an old naval station. Here I am, watching Annemarie Conroy explain why the Board should approve an “Exclusive Negotiating Agreement” with Clinton’s buddy Ron Burkle. He’s the ONLY bidder to develop some of the most valuable land per square centimeter in the world! Time to get out new bids with a new mayor, boys and girls of the Board.

Brace yourself. You are going to get deal after deal like this thrown at you as Willie’s tenure winds down. They often won’t make sense, but if you dig into them just a bit you’ll see the common thread -- extending the power of Da Mayor’s cronies as far past the date of his departure from office as possible. Remember the Mayor’s professed view of San Francisco: “It’s OK in San Francisco to lie, cheat, and steal.” He’s right there. Hell, it’s almost required. Incidentally, the developer for Treasure Island is Lennar (same as shipyard). That would mean John Stewart Company would be doing the management. Big John is the City’s #1 expert in exporting the poor from public lands. (Recall just one job: his eviction of the elderly en masse -- going back on an agreement to let half stay -- in the North Beach/Fisherman’s Wharf Public Housing development.) A roll of scoundrels with an extensive record of violating the public trust over and over again for their own gain. Just the kind of thing we expect from our elected officials. So, we’re supposed to hand them yet another public treasure?

Did you know, supes, that you are required by U.S. law to sign off that you used the base adequately to help abate your local homeless problem? Strangely obvious from the entire hearing was that the mayor and the downtown interests have so overloaded the undermanned Board that the poor bastards don’t even recognize Willie’s ex-girlfriends and present thugs when they appear before them. I’ve been ranting for three years to increase the utilization of Treasure Island for the poor. Instead, Conroy shows up with a plan to build four tourist hotels and a huge marina (neither of which will admit homeless people).

Ahhhhh, Spring in “Baghdad by the Bay.“ You’d be smiling about now, huh Herb? Look for the Board to rubber stamp Willie’s plan and pretend they just didn’t know any better.

Speaking of rice & beans

Don’t expect a new 50-plus unit high-rent apartment complex at 23rd & Harrison anytime soon. Just when it looked like this old white boy was gonna run his new gentrified structure past the Board of Supes Tuesday, he started saying crazy things and his supporters picked up on it. “These people want you to give them everything!” Things like that.

“These people,” of course, being the brown-skinned members of the audience who were asking for actual affordable housing in the project. They noted, for instance, that while the average household income in the Mission is around 35k a year, the low figure to be able to live in even a cheap unit in the new project is 55k. In short, they ain’t building it with an eye for fitting into the neighborhood. Nope, they want to drive the brown people out.

Ooooh, it was ugly. Those rich white people were all over those pleading brown people like “rice on beans,” as their brother rednecks used to say in the deep south. They finally went over the top for the Board’s two Jews and its lone black member. While District 8’s Bevan Dufty and District 3’s Aaron Peskin were measured in their controlled condemnation of the ugly views pushed by the rich white trash, District 10’s already imposing Sophie Maxwell stood to her full height and punctuated the matter in stern tones: “You haven’t helped your case!!” noted Potrero Hill’s daughter.

Look upon this incident as a harbinger of things to come. Rich white people are coming out to hunt the poor colored in the open and chase them the hell out of San Francisco. This could be verrrry interesting.

Gavin Newsom leads Klan-like mob

Backed by untold billions in bloody oil money from the Gettys and further fueled by the sweat of child labor brutalized in Donald Fisher’s Asian slave factories, the ever-arrogant Gavin Newsom stood haughtily before 200 beaming white supporters and Amos Brown just before the aforementioned Board confrontation. Encouraging the racist/anti-poor tendencies of the mob on the stairs of City Hall (admittedly, a time-honored practice) … Newsom thundered against everything I’ve always stood for. You know … poverty, inebriation, and a mostly cloudy mind. It was, like, mind-boggling. The rich, in a group actually exhibit the same kinds of characteristics as the poor. They have leaders like Newsom, who exploit their passions, and splinter groups of true believers and radicals who break free to challenge the rule of law. It was a group of the latter who followed Newsom back into the building and spouted their racist drivel during the hearing on the Harrison Street project.

Speaking of dangerous people…

“Who is John Gault?”

Actually, the character is John Janckle. Pardon the spelling if I got it wrong, but it’s probably just as well. Janckle is some kind of weird cult figure outta Sonoma County who has gathered a sizable coterie of intelligent, attractive, and eerily devoted young followers who appear at public meetings throughout the area and do their best imitation of the Manson Clan. Janckle believes (among other things) that Willie Brown controls the world.

Now, I’m not gonna deny being a paranoid, conspiracy-theorist but this ole boy puts me to shame. He has lots more women. His delusions are even more muddied. And (most fearful of all) he appears to have money. I actually met the guy.

I was running neck & neck against Gavin Newsom in the race for District #2 supervisor when Janckle stopped me on the stairs of a library or something where “Noose” and I were debating. Janckle rushed up to me, muttering profuse, mindless praise and pushing what Ginsberg called “incomprehensible leaflets” my way. It was very San Francisco. Janckle is around my age … 60’ish. He’s tall & gray and lean and wears tight levis, well worn in strategic areas, and his belt buckle was very impressive. I recall looking around for something to hit him with if it came down to him or me. The man needs a scan.

I’m not kidding here

If Willie can have an SEIU thug named Reggie follow me home from a Department of Elections CAC meeting and shadow me for days, he can have this Janckle boy looked at. Jim Jones started like this and killed a thousand San Franciscans. Hell, Charlie Manson lives in Marin! This area is rife with crackpots and their followers, and not all of them are harmless like me.

Let’s close with that. The Finance Committee starts in 10 minutes and I’m low on booze.

by SFBG (Note Lennar, Note PG&E)
IN JANUARY ALONE , three senior city employees with ties to former mayor Willie Brown have been charged with what in most cities would be called political corruption. A city attorney's report claims that a former secretary to Brown's deputy chief of staff, Steve Kawa, fixed parking tickets for herself and friends. A senior cop admitted that he voted in San Francisco although he didn't live in town. And a Department of Public Works official with close ties to Brown allegedly pressured members of a city street-cleaning crew to vote for Mayor Gavin Newsom and campaign for him on city time.

Together the allegations present a picture of rampant corruption at city hall and suggest that the Brown administration allowed, or perhaps encouraged, all sorts of illegal activity to take place. The three cases present the first major challenge to Mayor Newsom and the new district attorney, Kamala Harris: if they don't move quickly and firmly to investigate and resolve the charges, they'll be sending a clear signal that the ocean of sleaze that flowed through Brown's city hall is still at high tide.

And so far, the signs aren't too good.

Newsom's public comments on the case of Mohammed Nuru, the deputy director of public works who allegedly told the street cleaners they would lose their jobs if they didn't vote for Newsom, have been limited and cautious. He told the San Francisco Chronicle the case should be fully investigated – but he never expressed any outrage or concern that this might be more than an isolated incident.

And Newsom has said nothing of any substance about the cases of Mary Ellen O'Brien, who allegedly dismissed parking tickets for herself and friends, or Rick Bruce, the deputy police chief who apparently registered and voted in San Francisco while living in San Bruno.

Equally alarming, there has been no word whatsoever from the San Francisco District Attorney's Office on any of the cases, all of which involve potential crimes. Harris told the Bay Guardian during the campaign that she would aggressively pursue political corruption cases and that her close connections to Brown wouldn't hamper her ability to prosecute public officials who abused the public trust. But so far, the only local official who has opened investigations of O'Brien and Nuru is City Attorney Dennis Herrera, whose oversight is limited to civil and disciplinary matters. There's no evidence that anyone outside the San Francisco Police Department is investigating Bruce.

That doesn't give us much confidence in Harris's credibility. She needs to immediately and publicly open investigations into these three cases, and if there's any indication of criminal activity, she should bring charges.

Newsom should use these cases to announce that there will be zero tolerance for corruption in his administration – and begin by putting all three officials on administrative leave until the charges are resolved.

P.S. Newsom has been pushing for better oversight at the Department of Building Inspection, targeting the likes of Residential Builders Association head Joe O'Donoghue and permit expediter Walter Wong, both of whom happened to support Matt Gonzalez for mayor. We've been highly critical of DBI, and of Wong and O'Donoghue, for many years, and we're happy to see building-inspection and permit reforms. But that can't be the beginning and the end of Newsom's reform initiatives: with festering scandals at the San Francisco International Airport (the Kevin Williams firing, the Tutor-Saliba contracts, and more), at the Redevelopment Agency (with Lennar Corp.), at the Human Rights Commission (a long list), at Pacific Gas and Electric Co., and so many other city agencies and contractors, Newsom can't get away with claiming a reform agenda on the basis of cleaning up DBI.
by James Temple (It's a family affair)
The Navy and the City of San Francisco finalized an agreement Wednesday to transfer Hunters Point shipyard to the city, removing the last major barrier to the long-awaited redevelopment of the site.

The agreement clarifies key issues in the conveyance document and enables the transfer of the first parcel within a few months.

The city, in turn, will transfer the site to developer Lennar/BVHP, which in December finalized an agreement with the San Francisco Redevelopment Commission to develop the site.

The $600 million first phase will include 1,600 units of housing, with a minimum of 32 percent set aside as affordable, 300,000 square feet of commercial space, 34 acres of open space and six acres of community facilities.

"This agreement has been decades in the making and will finally result in the clean-up and transfer of Hunters Point shipyard," said Mayor Gavin Newsom in a prepared statement. "The shipyard, once developed, will be a great asset for the residents of the Bayview/Hunters Point."

The Hunters Point shipyard was closed over 30 years ago, and it's been a decade since Congress authorized the Department of Defense to begin negotiations on transferring the 500-acre base to the city. A final agreement has been described as imminent for months, but the timetable has been repeatedly set back.

A recent letter from the Navy suggesting additional problems prompted Mayor Newsom last week to take an emergency trip to Washington, D.C., along with members of his economic development team, including Director Jesse Blout.

At the request of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco, Rep. John Murtha, a Democrat of Pennsylvania who is the ranking member of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee that has oversight of naval spending, also helped shepherd the agreement through this last critical stage of the negotiations.

"This is a crucial agreement for the Bayview/Hunters Point community, which establishes critical environmental protections," Pelosi said in a prepared statement. "It is a strong step toward economic revitalization and opportunity, a safe environment, and a renewed sense of community."

by Scott Madison/Letter from CAC (Corruption Corruption)
A Private Developers deception cancels the Broadcast of a scheduled Community Benefits Workshop by KPOO 89.5 FM San Francisco Radio Station. This was a Public Noticed Meeting by the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency

This letter was written to Roy Willis and Larry Florin of Lennar Communities by Scott Madison, chairman of the Mayor’s Hunters Point Shipyard Citizens Advisory Committee on Oct. 4. It is printed here exactly as it was written.

Dear Sirs:

A matter arose at the September 29 CAC Executive Committee meeting that we believe requires an explanation. As we understand it, an employee of your contractor, Singer Associates, acting on instructions from Lennar/BVHP, caused radio station KPOO to cancel its scheduled broadcast of the September 18 Community Benefits Workshop.

The circumstances described below were confirmed for the Executive Committee by the Agency staff member involved in the matter, by the supervisor of the Singer employee who made the telephone calls to KPOO, and by a CAC member’s recorded interview with the KPOO station manager who received the calls from Singer and who spoke with Agency staff. I also personally spoke with the Agency staff member and the KPOO station manager to confirm details.

According to those individuals, the Singer employee telephoned KPOO late on the afternoon of 9/17 and told the station manager that the 9/18 meeting had been canceled. The station manager, having cleared a six-hour block of programming to broadcast the meeting, was distressed by the short notice of the cancellation and called the Agency staffer. In that conversation, the Agency staffer learned that the Singer employee had called KPOO to say that the meeting was canceled. The Agency staffer told KPOO that the meeting was not canceled, and immediately contacted Singer Associates to follow up on the matter. The Agency staffer spoke with the Singer employee who had made the call to KPOO, who denied telling KPOO that the meeting was canceled. The employee was advised to call KPOO to correct the mistake, and after some discussion, the Agency staffer believed that the situation was resolved and that the meeting would be broadcast as planned. Instead, when the Singer employee called KPOO once again, the station manager was told that the meeting would take place, but the broadcast was canceled.

This incident has a distinctly foul odor about it, and is as puzzling as it is outrageous. We urge you in the strongest possible terms to come before the CAC at its October 18 meeting to address, at minimum, the following specific questions:

l The supervisor of the Singer employee who made the calls to KPOO represented that the directive originated with Lennar/BVHP. Who in the Lennar/BVHP organization issued those instructions?

l KPOO broadcasts of CAC and other Redevelopment Agency meetings are arranged and paid for by the Agency. On what presumed authority did Lennar/BVHP rely when ordering Singer Associates to cancel the broadcast?

l What is the explanation for the Singer employee’s blatant disregard of the Agency staff member’s advice to inform KPOO that the meeting was not canceled and that the broadcast should go forward as planned?

l What purpose was served by Lennar/BVHP canceling the broadcast of the workshop?

l What steps will be taken by Lennar/BVHP to insure that there will be no future interference in the public process?

You may expect that CAC members and the public will have additional questions and comments regarding the incident. Our organization makes every effort to conduct its business in an open manner that is accessible to the public. The unwarranted assumption of authority on the part of Lennar/BVHP, the apparently intentional deception on the part of Singer Associates, and the denial of the public’s right to be a party to our proceedings casts a pall upon our process and your relationship with our committee and the community. We look forward to exploring this matter with you October 18.

Scott Madison, Chairman, Mayor’s Hunters Point Shipyard Citizens Advisory Committee

Copies of this letter were sent to Supervisor Sophie Maxwell, Redevelopment Agency Executive Director Marcia Rosen and Deputy City Attorneys Michael Cohen and Venessa Henlon.

Members of the Hunters Point Shipyard CAC are Scott Madison, chair, Dorris Vincent, vice chair, Diana Oertel, secretary, Saul Bloom, Sy-Allen Browning, Maurice Campbell, Tony Dominski, Kenneth Green, Karlene (Nita) Hines, Linda Hope, Rev. Calvin Jones, Ron Jones, Robert Legallet, Marcia LeWinter, Shirley Moore, Frank O’Neill, Alma Robinson, Willa Sims (Emeritus) and Derek Toliver. Call the CAC at (415) 822-4622.
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Listed below are the 10 latest comments of 4 posted about this article.
These comments are anonymously submitted by website visitors.
KPOO to Broacast CAC meeting 10/18 Live Da Community Friday, Oct. 15, 2004 at 10:35 AM
Who can you call? Shipyard Contact List Information Friday, Oct. 15, 2004 at 5:30 AM
Hunters Point Beset Upon by Scavengers The Community Friday, Oct. 15, 2004 at 4:45 AM
Shadesf December 2nd Redevelopment Meeting Da Community Thursday, Oct. 14, 2004 at 7:35 PM
SPUR Executive Committee
S. Osborn Erickson, Chairman
Jim Chappell, President

Lawrence Pelosi
Director of Acquisitions, Lennar Communities San Francisco, Bay Area Urban Division
Former Vice President, Webster Investment Management
Former Treasurer, Gavin Newsom Mayoral Campaign

Vice Chairs:
Emilio Cruz
Evette Davis
Anne Halsted
Jeannene Przyblyski
Terry Micheau, Treasurer
Kirby Sack, Secretary
Frankie Lee, Immediate Past Chair
Mike Wilmar, Chair, Advisory Council

SPUR Board of Directors, 2003–2004

Michael Alexander
Retired Photojournalist
Board Member, San Francisco Beautiful
Former Commissioner, GGNRA and Point Reyes National Seashore Advisory Commission
Former Chair, Sierra Club Presidio Task Force
Former Vice Chair, SF Board of Supervisors Doyle Drive Task Force

David Baker
Architect, David Baker + Partners
Fellow, American Institute of Architects
Former Principal, Sol-Arc
Member, SFMOMA Architecture and Design Accessions Committee
Lecturer, California College of the Arts, School of Architectural Studies, San Francisco

Rick Barna
Civic activist
Vice President, Wells Fargo Bank
Former Vice President, Bank of America
Member, San Francisco County Hazardous Waste Advisory Committee
Member, San Francisco Airport Advisory Committee

Andy Barnes
Real Estate Advisor, Barnes and Company
Former CEO, Stapleton Development
Former Executive Director, Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation

Margo Bradish
Partner, Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP
Member, Urban Land Institute San Francisco District Council Executive Committee
Member, ULI Urban Plan and Programs Committees
Lecturer, UC-Berkeley Haas School of Business, Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics

Claudine Cheng
Founder and President, Cybertrade Strategies Group
Chair, Treasure Island Development Commission
Trustee, St. Francis Memorial Hospital
Former Chair, Bay Area World Trade Center

Peggy Chiang
Membership Chair, Northern California Chapter, US Green Building Council
Former Director, Asian American Architects & Engineers
Former Director, Enterprise for High School Students

Julienne Christensen
Design Consultant, Surface Strategy
Founding member, Pioneer Park Project
Board member, Telegraph Hill Dwellers
Member, Friends of Washington Square
Member, Neighborhood Parks Council, District 3 Committee

Nia Crowder
Member, Community Relations for
BART-SFO Airport Extension Project
Member, Municipal Transportation Agency Citizen’s Advisory Council
Vice President, National Women’s Political Caucus San Francisco Chapter
Member, Environmental Defense Network

Emilio Cruz
Former President, San Francisco Board of Education
Vice President, URS Corporation
Former Chief of Staff, Office of the Mayor
Former Director of Public Transportation
Former Director of Economic Development
Former Chief Executive Officer, Hispanic Scholarship Foundation

Evette Davis
Principal, BergDavis Public Affairs
Adjunct Professor, School of Business, Golden Gate University
Board of Directors, RFK Democratic Club
Former journalist, Oakland Tribune, SF Business Times
Former congressional press secretary

S. Osborn Erickson
Housing and commercial developer
President, Emerald Fund
Former Director, Planned Parenthood
Former Director, Tehiyah Day School and Windrush School

Luisa Ezquerro
Consultant, San Francisco Board of Education
Former chair, Mission Model Neighborhood Corporation
Board member, Coleman Advocates for Children and Youth
Board member, Mission Neighborhood Health Center
Board member, United Educators of San Francisco
Board member, Jamestown Community Center
Former board member, Mission Economic Development Association

Alfonso Felder
Community Liaison, San Francisco Giants Ballpark Co.
Legal and Public Affairs Coordinator, San Francisco Giants
Formerly, Boston City Year Urban Service Corps

Frank Fudem
Senior Vice President, BT Commercial Real Estate
Former Director, San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
Former Director, Leadership San Francisco
Former Director, BOMA Political Action Committee

Hillary Gitelman
Director of Planning, Presidio Trust
Former Environmental Review Officer, San Francisco Planning Department
Former planner, SF Redevelopment Agency

Roger Gordon
Executive Director, Urban Solutions
Former President & CEO, NetCash Limited
Founder, Minority Law Journal

Anne Halsted
Commissioner, Bay Conservation and Development Commission
Former Commissioner, Treasure Island Development Authority
Director, San Francisco Maritime National Parks Association

Tom Hart
Executive Vice President, Shorenstein Company, L.P.
Former President, Brigham Young University Alumni Association
Board member, Paramount Theatre for the Arts in Oakland

Vincent Hoenigman
Founder, Vice-President, Director, Citymark Development LLC
Founder, Former Director, Proxicom, Inc.
Director, Larkin Street Youth Services
Director, The Orphanage
Board Member, National Parks Conservation Association

Jon Holtzman
Partner, Renne & Holtzman, Attorneys
Former Director of Labor and Policy, San Francisco Mayor’s Office
Former Chief Deputy City Attorney, City of San Francisco
Former Chief Labor and Employment Attorney, City of San Francisco
Former President of the Barrister’s Club, San Francisco Bar Association
Recipient, BASF’s Award of Merit

Caryl Ito
Commissioner, SF Airports Commission
Chairperson, 2000 San Francisco Mayor’s Summit for Women
Sales & Marketing, Lorraine Bozeman &Associates

Redmond Kernan
Development Consultant, RFK Associates
Director, GGNRA Advisory Commission
Chair, GGNRA Presidio Committee
Former Co-Chair, Neighborhood Association for Presidio Planning
Former Director, Planning Association for the Richmond

Patricia Klitgaard
Neighborhood activist

Richard Kunnath
President/Chief Executive Officer, Pankow Management Company Ltd.
President, Design Build Education and Research Foundation
Member, American Arbitration Association Northern California
Board member, National Chairman for the Design Build Institute of America

Jim Lazarus
Executive Director, San Francisco Museum and Historical Society
Former State Director, Office of Senator Dianne Feinstein
Former Mayoral Chief of Staff
Former Deputy Mayor
Former Deputy City Attorney
Former Vice President, San Francisco Chamber of Commerce

David Lee
Executive Director, Chinese American Voters Education Committee (CAVEC)
Former Director, League of Women Voters

Frankie Lee
Chairman, SOHA Engineers
Director, Asian Neighborhood Design
Former member, S.F. Port Commission

Dan MacEachron
Senior Vice President, Hines National Office Partners
Former President and Chief Executive Officer, Yarmouth Group, Inc.
Former Senior Vice President, BPT Properties in New York City
Former Vice President, First Boston

Catherine McKalip-Thompson
Sustainable Development Manager, Bechtel Systems and Infrastructure
Former Manager, Corporate Environmental Responsibility, Enron Corp.
Former Coordinator, International Task Force, President’s Council on Sustainable Development

John McNulty
Founding principal, MBH Architects
Former senior associate, Gensler
Member, American Institute of Architects
Member, NCARB

Peter Mezey
Former Commissioner, San Francisco Parking and Traffic Commission
Former President, San Francisco School Board
Retired Executive Vice President and General Counsel, U.S. Leasing

Terry Micheau
Chair, SPUR Business Membership Committee and SPUR Treasurer
Former Civil Engineer, O’Brien Kreitzberg, Inc.
Member, San Francisco Transportation Authority CAC

Sandy Mori
Development Director, Kimochi, Inc.
Founding Member, National Pacific/Asian Resource Center in Aging
Former Executive Secretary, San Francisco Health Commission
Former Appointee, Commission on the Status of Women

Dick Morten
Former Group Manager, Anderson Consulting
Member, Lake Merced Task Force
Former Vice President of Economic and Public Affairs, San Francisco Chamber of Commerce

Mark Mosher
Co-founder, Barnes Mosher Whitehurst Lauter & Partners
Former executive director, Committee on Jobs
Founder, San Francisco Works
Former chair, Jobs for Youth
Former reporter, Fortune magazine

Paul Okamoto
Architect Partner, Okamoto Saijo Architecture
Former Loeb Fellow, Harvard University Graduate School of Design
Member, Urban Ecology Board of Directors
Former Member, Greenbelt Alliance Board of Directors

Lester Olmstead-Rose
Government Relations, PG&E
Former Executive Director, Community United Against Violence (CUAV)
Former Supervisorial aide

Brian O'Neill
Superintendent, Golden Gate National Recreation Area
Board Member and Former Chairman, Bay Area Ridge Trail Council
Member, Bay Area Open Space Council

Brad Paul
Program Officer, Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
Former Director, Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development
North of Market Planning Coalition
Coalition for Jobs, Arts, & Housing

Roslyn Payne
President, Jackson Street Partners, Ltd.
Dover Corporation
California Transportation Commission’s Airspace Advisory Committee
Women’s Forum West
SFUSD Citizen Advisory Committee

Lawrence Pelosi
Director of Acquisitions, Lennar Communities San Francisco, Bay Area Urban Division
Former Vice President, Webster Investment Management
Former Treasurer, Gavin Newsom Mayoral Campaign

Jeannene Przyblyski
President, Friends of Noe Valley
Professor, San Francisco Art Institute and Mills College
Author on photography, cities and art history
Executive Director, San Francisco Bureau of Urban Secrets

Tom Radulovich
Director, BART Board of Directors
Executive Director, Transportation for a Livable City
Founding member, Housing Action Coalition
Director, San Francisco League of Conservation Voters

Roderick J. Roche
Director of Facility Management, Oakland Housing Authority
Director, Oakland Housing Initiative
Director, Keller Housing Initiative

Kirby Sack
Principal, The Paul Sack Properties
CEO, Kirby Sack Properties, Inc.
Former Director, San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
Former Chair, Northern California Community Loan Fund

Nicole Sawaya
General Manager, KALW Radio
Formerly with New California Media
Former General Manager, KPFA-FM Radio

Gene Schnair, AIA
Managing Partner, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, LLP
Former President, American Institute of Architects San Francisco Chapter
Director, AIA California Council
Member, Municipal Fiscal Advisory Committee
Director, SOM Foundation
Trustee, California Architects for Livable Communities Political Action Committee

Paul Sedway
Principal, Sedway Consulting
Pacific Heights Neighborhood Association
Director, San Francisco Architectural Heritage
President, California Planning Foundation
Director, Planning and Conservation League

Anna Shimko
Principal, Cassidy, Shimko & Dawson
Member, Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island Citizen’s Advisory Board
Member, Legislative/Legal Committee, California Business Properties Association
Member, Juvenile Probation Commission
Member, Steering Committee, Mayor’s Summit for Women.

David Snyder
Former Executive Director, Transportation for a Livable City
San Francisco Green Party County Councilor
Director, Transportation and Land Use Coalition
Director, Thunderhead Alliance

John Stewart
Affordable Housing Developer
President, The John Stewart Company
Director, Low-Income Housing Fund

Steve Taber
Partner, Attorney, Law Firm of Hanson, Bridgett, Marcus, Vlahos & Rudy
Former President, California Historical Society
Former President, Coalition for San Francisco Neighborhoods

Lydia Tan
Executive Vice President, Coo, BRIDGE Housing Corporation
Commissioner, Santa Clara County Planning Commission
Director, Northern California Community Loan Fund
Member, Housing Advisory Committee, Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group

Adrianne Tong
Deputy City Attorney, San Francisco
Board Chair, Chinese American Voters Education Committee (CAVEC)
Former Vice President, Chinese American Democratic Club
Former Vice Chair, California State Bar Juvenile Justice Committee

Jeff Tumlin
Partner, Nelson\Nygaard
Former Director, Urban Ecology, Inc.
Founding Board Member, Bay Area Transportation and Land Use Coalition
Former Chair, San Francisco Joint Open Space Committee

Steve Vettel
Attorney, Morrison and Foerster
Member, Housing Action Coalition Steering Committee
Former Chair, Legal Services Trust Fund Commission

Claudia Viek
Consultant, Claudia Viek Consulting
Former President, Renaissance Entrepreneurship Center
Former President, National Association of Women Business Owners–San Francisco Bay Area Chapter
Founding Board Member, Bay Area Community Equity Fund

Brooks Walker III
Partner, Walker Warner Architects, Inc.
Former Board Member, Aim High
Former Board Member, Swords to Plowshares

Wells Whitney
Retired Physicist
Telegraph Hill Dwellers
Former member, San Francisco Multimedia Task Force

George Williams
Former Assistant Director, San Francisco Planning Department
Formerly with the United States Agency for International Development
Primary author, San Francisco Downtown Plan

Michael Wilmar
Partner, Sheppard, Mullin, Richter and Hampton
Former Executive Director, San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission

Peter Winkelstein
Consulting Principal, Simon, Martin-Vegue, Winkelstein & Moris
Director, Planning Association for the Richmond

Howard Wong
Former Architect, San Francisco DPW Bureau of Architecture
Director, Chinese Historical Society of America
Director, San Francisco Architectural Heritage
President, International Federation of Professional & Technical Engineers, Local 21

Paul Zeger
President, Pacific Marketing Associates, Inc.
Board of Directors, Camp Towonga
Board of Directors, Saints and Sinners
Board of Directors, Pacific Marketing
Former Director, SFJCC

by S.F Resident (Connect the Dots)
Paul Pelosi, Jr., Vice President San Francisco Commission on the Environment Nancy Pelosi’s son
Jared Blumenfeld (Director, San Francisco Department of the Environment) sits on TIDA board (Treasure Island Development Authority. a
Lennar Project

Angelo King the head of the PAC sits on San Francisco Department of the Environment Commission

Angelo P. King is generally recognized as an emerging leader in the Southeast communities. An entrepreneur and administrator, he has owned businesses and currently directs a workforce development program, Southeast Neighborhood Jobs Initiative Roundtable. In this capacity, he has bridged meaningful relationships with UCSF that has led to employment, contracting, and other crucial partnering opportunities. Most notably, he worked to help organize AIMCO tenant Associations to stop illegal evictions and improve the habitability of the dwellings. This process led to the Lawsuit filed by the City and County of San Francisco against AIMCO to improve and repair units deemed in poor condition. Mr. King is committed to serving the community.
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