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FBI interviewing Arab and Muslim Americans as "October Plan" swings into effect

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Stepped-up FBI efforts to "prevent terrorist attacks" during the November elections -- including reports of pointed political questioning -- may intimidate Arab and Muslim Americans on the eve of a close presidential race.
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WASHINGTON (AP) - A Democratic senator said Tuesday he is closing his Washington office because of a top-secret intelligence report that made him fear for his staff's safety.

Sen. Mark Dayton, D-Minn., said his office in the Russell Senate Office Building across the street from the Capitol will be closed while Congress is in recess through Election Day, with his staff working out of his Minnesota office and in Senate space off Capitol Hill.

``I take this step out of extreme, but necessary, precaution to protect the lives and safety of my Senate staff and my Minnesota constituents, who might otherwise be visiting my Senate office in the next three weeks,'' he said.

Dayton said he could not give details of the intelligence report, which he said Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., presented to senators at a briefing two weeks ago.

Frist spokesman Bob Stevenson said he was unaware of any other senators who were closing their offices.

Brian Roehrkasse, a Homeland Security Department spokesman, said the department had no intelligence indicating al-Qaida intends to target any specific U.S. locations.

Added Capitol police spokesman Michael Lauer: ``There's been no specific threats against the Capitol complex. We continue to be on guard now, all the way up to the election and all the way through the inauguration.''

Nonetheless, Dayton said he would advise people from his home state to avoid Capitol Hill until after the Nov. 2 election.

``I would not bring my two sons to the Capitol between now and the election,'' he added.

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