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On the ballot in 48 states, in the debates? Nope, in the paddy wagon - Bush is scared!

by Mad Studios
Libertarian Michael Badnarik Arrested
Outside The 2ND Presidential Debates.
.MP3 Format (27 minutes)
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Divided - Yet United

Weak - Yet Strong

Of all the communities available to us, there is not one I would want to devote myself to except for the society of the true seekers who are determined to see Badnarik elected in 2004. Even if we are few in number in this nation of millions this moment I know which group I want history to count me in.

It is unworthy of a great nation to stand idly by while small countries of a certain culture are being systematically destroyed with a cynical contempt for justice.

Organized power can only be opposed by organized power. The internet provides the mechanism and the channel that those in power can only seek to control.

They control what is posted here on this blog. It's true. Whether the direct ugly hand of censoring by deleting is involved or the mere warping of the message by the Republicrat trolls, the political strategists back at the Bush and Kerry headquarters are reading this and laughing, thinking we are powerless to oppose them. Still, the truth keeps leaking out and the difference between what is reality and what is a politician's fantasy is clearer every day.

And therein lies our advantage, it is their Achilles' heel. Our enemies oppose Liberty. They said so during the debate last night. To hear them both talk about the Patriot Act, which they both voted for and want more of, and see them both take a side, different yet the same, was like watching a scene from Dr. Strangelove or reading the back cover of Orwell's 1984.

Politics is not a parlor game in which the players obediently stick to the rules. Rules and obligations go by the board one must expect that those with absolute power will do what is absolutely necessary to attain their goals.

You may have noticed the infamous Badnarik archives I had been keeping at:

went away. You'd find the same with my domain. The FBI is snatching IndyMedia servers. A New York Times reporter is to be jailed because she won't reveal her source, inside the white house, which the $80+ billion funded annually intelligence agencies, soon to be under total control of Porter Goss, says they can't trace. Apparently Ptech and certain Defense Department officials are the only ones allowed to track and trace the White House and the Justice's conference rooms at the Pentagon. It sure is getting dark around here. Hey, don't take my word for it, ask Martha Stewart. Let's just hope we can keep the fires of Liberty burning all the way to election day at:

In one's youth every person and every event appear to be unique. With age, one becomes much more aware that similar events recur. Later on, one is less often delighted or surprised, but also less disappointed.

There are times when the vibe of the world is good for ethical reasons, sometimes men trust one another and create good, at other times it is not so. You don't need to be a weather man to see which way the wind is blowing.

It is an irony if fate that I, Mad Studios, have been the recipient of excessive admiration and repudiation from my fellow patriots, through no fault and through no merit of my own. My love for Liberty and Justice and the striving to contribute toward the improvement of our political structures are quite independent from my scientific and personal business interests. I have devoted my time freely, and without regret. I only wish I had more Badnarik video and audio to work with. The video will probably appear later, the audio and the pictures should appear first. The Badnarik campaign must do a better job with technology, and I have offered my services before. At this point, I invite Badnarik himself to the Mad Studios to sit in front of the camera and our blue wall. I guarantee it will get broadcast worldwide via the internet so when Badnarik wakes up groggy in the morning, tired from his night in jail, and turns on the radio/tv and reads the newspapers only to hear his adventure reduced to the sidelines and his name reduced to phrases like 'another third party candidate' and 'Two third-party presidential candidates' while even seeing/hearing stories that mention Cobb and even Nader and don't even name Badnarik let him know that there is at least one place he can come to and get his words out.

Neil Boortz will ignore Badnarik's arrest the same way he ignores the fact that now it is even more obvious the true nature of Saddam's WMD reality, not a threat. Thanks to those that think like Bush and Boortz, the Soviet Union is once again the evil empire. The comical elections in Afghanistan will be celebrated by Bush as a triumph for Liberty and Democracy. Meanwhile, women there will still be treated as property and the heroin will continue to be the number one export.

Has anyone seen the dozen or so hours of Badnarik video available at:

For there can be no other way. "What is life? A madness. What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a story, and the greatest good is little enough, for all life is a dream..." It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves. A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds. We must discover new frontiers... People have been standing for centuries before a worm-eaten door, making pinholes in it with increasing ease. The time has come to kick it down, for it is only on the other side that everything begins.

A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it. With faith, all things are possible and the world around you is the proof.

Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.

The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad.

At times like these, with America's third largest political party's candidate riding around in the back of a paddy wagon being taken away to an undisclosed location, on the night when he should be addressing the American people in our time honored tradition of a national debate, it can only be called a tragedy. If the Patriot Act wasn't a feather in Osama's cap, he's got one now.

What kind of message does this send to the terrorists, Mr. Bush?

You say you support Freedom and Democracy yet your rule is one of military might and police with unlimited powers. Oppose us, people like Betty Hall and Michael Badnarik, and we'll have our stormtroopers outfitted with riot gear take you down to the local lock-up until the supreme leader leaves town? Is this what 'Land of the Free' means? Is this 'government by consent of the people' is all about?

The shock of our brothers and sisters coming home in flag draped coffins has made us realize that we are like shipwrecked people trying to keep their balance on a a miserable plank in the open sea. Having forgotten where we came from and not knowing where we are being swept away to. A future filled with 4 more years of Bush is a nightmare, and Kerry only a different one, perhaps even worse. What is a patriotic American who has to wake up to reality everyday supposed to do?

What was once a jewel of democracy, held by the beyond reproach League of Women Voters has been hijacked by the duopoly that seeks to wreck America and it is up to us to speak out against it.Only a few years ago, America was a free enough country to include the likes of Ross Perot, and we had better debates because of it, and it was nothing like the staged spectacle dual press conference we had last night. Im ashamed of what the world is seeing of America right now.

George Bush’s brutality breeds brutality, making America and the world a more dangerous, more violent place.

We are hostages of political parties that claim to be separate, yet none respects the plight of the average working American. As workers we are all held hostage by a corrupt corporate process which systematically weakened our resolve to enjoy our work and be proud of our work. Hostages that want to fly have to clear a no-fly list. Hostages that cannot freely congregate in the streets and are chased by stormtroopers into barricaded, razor wire lined 'Free Speech Zones'. Hostages that cannot wear a tee shirt or bumper sticker against the leading Hostage Taker called our President without fear of serious reprisal. Tens of thousands of people around the world have been rounded up and taken away to secret cells, held without any means of communication, and denied any due process in any court anywhere. Thousands of innocent civilians and thousands of US troops have been killed or wounded in a senseless war, and it is up to us to change things.

The question, now-the ultimate question, on which all life hinges-is how we can once more reframe the terms of this conflict. It is not a question merely of peace versus war: the decade of 'peace' that led up to the September 11 attacks was sufficiently bloody to persuade a generation of suicide bombers that it was worth dying to get revenge on the West, and a new peace under the current conditions would be even more treacherous. Nor can we cast this as a conflict between ideologies: we cannot afford to be armchair quarterbacks any longer, backing our favored teams or themes against others while bullets and bombs rain randomly into the stands. The question is-always is, no matter who is dying or killing, no matter what is said on television-what we can do ourselves, what we make of our lives, how each of us interacts with global events in our daily decisions. Our opponents are those who would hinder our efforts and obscure this question for their own ends, who would rather rule over a world of passive spectators wracked by terror and war than take a place among equals acting to correct the injustices that provide justifications for politicians and terrorists alike.

Everyone knows, if it were up to us there would be no more wars, no more exploitation, no more terrorism.

It is up to us. Vote like it matters on November 2ND, vote for Badnarik, and let us suprise the world and score one for Freedom.

----------------------------------------------------------------------- If you only get 10% of this important video, it will have been worth it. Before the dark ugly hand of censorship tries to make it unavailable, download and do your patriotic duty and pass it along or upload it somewhere yourself.

In one's youth every person and every event appear to be unique. With age, one becomes much more aware that similar events recur. Later on, one is less often delighted or surprised, but also less disappointed.

There are times when the vibe of the world is good for ethical reasons, sometimes men trust one another and create good, at other times it is not so. You don't need to be a weather man to see which way the wind is blowing.

Throughout history, it has been the inaction of those who could have acted; the indifference of those who should have known better; the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered most; that has made it possible for evil to triumph.

The only difference between me and a madman is that I'm not mad.

At times like these, with America's third largest political party's candidate riding around in the back of a paddy wagon being taken away to an undisclosed location, on the night when he should be addressing the American people in our time honored tradition of a national debate, it can only be called a tragedy. If the Patriot Act wasn't a feather in Osama's cap, he's got one now.

What kind of message does this send to the terrorists, Mr. Bush?

You say you support Freedom and Democracy yet your rule is one of military might and police with unlimited powers. Oppose us, people like Betty Hall and Michael Badnarik, and we'll have our stormtroopers outfitted with riot gear take you down to the local lock-up until the supreme leader leaves town? Is this what 'Land of the Free' means? Is this 'government by consent of the people' is all about?

The shock of our brothers and sisters coming home in flag draped coffins has made us realize that we are like shipwrecked people trying to keep their balance on a a miserable plank in the open sea. Having forgotten where we came from and not knowing where we are being swept away to. A future filled with 4 more years of Bush is a nightmare, and Kerry only a different one, perhaps even worse. What is a patriotic American who has to wake up to reality everyday supposed to do?

What was once a jewel of democracy, held by the beyond reproach League of Women Voters has been hijacked by the duopoly that seeks to wreck America and it is up to us to speak out against it.Only a few years ago, America was a free enough country to include the likes of Ross Perot, and we had better debates because of it, and it was nothing like the staged spectacle dual press conference we had last night. Im ashamed of what the world is seeing of America right now.

George Bush’s brutality breeds brutality, making America and the world a more dangerous, more violent place.

We are hostages of political parties that claim to be separate, yet none respects the plight of the average working American. As workers we are all held hostage by a corrupt corporate process which systematically weakened our resolve to enjoy our work and be proud of our work. Hostages that want to fly have to clear a no-fly list. Hostages that cannot freely congregate in the streets and are chased by stormtroopers into barricaded, razor wire lined 'Free Speech Zones'. Hostages that cannot wear a tee shirt or bumper sticker against the leading Hostage Taker called our President without fear of serious reprisal. Tens of thousands of people around the world have been rounded up and taken away to secret cells, held without any means of communication, and denied any due process in any court anywhere. Thousands of innocent civilians and thousands of US troops have been killed or wounded in a senseless war, and it is up to us to change things.

The question, now-the ultimate question, on which all life hinges-is how we can once more reframe the terms of this conflict. It is not a question merely of peace versus war: the decade of 'peace' that led up to the September 11 attacks was sufficiently bloody to persuade a generation of suicide bombers that it was worth dying to get revenge on the West, and a new peace under the current conditions would be even more treacherous. Nor can we cast this as a conflict between ideologies: we cannot afford to be armchair quarterbacks any longer, backing our favored teams or themes against others while bullets and bombs rain randomly into the stands. The question is-always is, no matter who is dying or killing, no matter what is said on television-what we can do ourselves, what we make of our lives, how each of us interacts with global events in our daily decisions. Our opponents are those who would hinder our efforts and obscure this question for their own ends, who would rather rule over a world of passive spectators wracked by terror and war than take a place among equals acting to correct the injustices that provide justifications for politicians and terrorists alike.

Everyone knows, if it were up to us there would be no more wars, no more exploitation, no more terrorism.

Let Badnarik Debate! Let Badnarik Debate! Let Badnarik Debate!

And the video that started,
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